lol..."without any desire to receive back" = without conditions lol..."This is whether or not you receive back" = unconditional What is nonsense is regurgitating what you read in some off the wall metaphysical book but never telling of your actual higher consciousness experience or feelings of higher knowing, etc... I've actually never heard you say or mention a personal experience or growth you've been threw as a human being? Just you saying this or that sounding like your an expert and telling everyone here your God Any personal enlightening experiences or actual embodied information you posses from your life or just "copy/paste" from what you've heard and or read? Would be nice to get to know the real R29k not just what he's accumilated from here or there to relay to us MDL'rs If this has offended you my LORD then please don't bring your wrath upon me or those with like indigenous minds Have mercy p.s. The cyclical/ritualistic indigenous teachings to me are still paramount to discovering the hidden treasures of the cosmos and to remembering and embodying the cosmic library of which all time resides I'm ready for you R2 Your turn p.s.s. This thread is probably best suited for those using their heart as it's titled the diff between those using their heart and those who wish to simply win or translated (satisfy their ego's need to win) Enlightenment is not a competition but the benefit might be knowing one's self which in a unified perspective includes knowing creation and it's origins or creator (Great Spirit) It's a spiritual journey not something you can read out of a book
You are wrong and you know it, just making a hissy fit and reciting nonsense cause you don't know how to reply
Same definition and to wrong is not the problem but to need to win at all costs and avoid any real questions, just stated, shows you have no actual knowledge just what you can copy/paste and that is ok but not enlightening in the least just regurgitation Again Code: lol..."without any desire to receive back" = without conditions lol..."This is whether or not you receive back" = unconditional Hissy At least I'm not fake or an charletin/impostor of higher knowledge Maybe interpersonal relations are not your strong point just playing dictator or OMFG And I belive you've brought us back on topic Code: Hard to tell the difference between good heart people and those who just want to win R2 thanks
First of all this thread is awesome +1 It´s nice to here other peoples opinions . I think there is no right or wrong,at any body´s post here. This whole conversation is based on what you have experienced in your life,is it LOVE,HATE from others etc... Me for example,i am a good hearted person,i like to help others without awaiting anything back.But many of those so called friends that i have helped,they didn´t help me when i had bad times in my life. But as i get older and older i´m 22 now,it´s harder for me to believe/see the good in people. Many people want to be your friends because of there own interests,is it because you have a lot of money,your famous etc... I can say 100% that i never had a real friend in my life that didn´t want something from me back for his/her help. So all in all i only got love from my brother and my parents,that LOVE is true and without conditions. Again this is only what i have experienced in my life,is it right or wrong?You can´t say because maybe you experienced the opposite of what i did. Will come back to this today have to go to work now To be continued
I took a break to reply here, but now I want to. God's existence doesn't need to be proven, same is with Brahman (Hindu). It cannot because it is the only thing that is real. For an atheist there is no god, so he's right when saying god does not exist. For one who is 'advanced' the one admits there IS a higher power and names it god, so he's right when saying god exists. But the one still creates an image, thought, an idea of what god is / means to him. For the 'enlightened' one there are neither god nor humans. There is only being, the Self, the source. It's that what's looking out of your eyes, so he's right when saying god does not exist or god is the only thing that is real. Both is right. You try to find an answer by using scientific models. (I am an scientist, it's my profession). Believe me, those are not suitable to give you answers to your questions. You are completely right with the mind. Everything that can be perceived is a creation of the mind. It are actually thoughts. Also the ego and your body are creations of the mind, thoughts. There is no 'outside'. Everything is inside of the mind. The thoughts themselves are the mind. The I-thought is the basic thought. Before any further thoughts arise the I-thought arises first. Find the source of that I-thought and the mind disappears. The only thing that will be left is the 'Self'. Here a model I had posted: "If mind creates body what creates mind? I find it very confusing. Please correct me if I'm wrong." Find the place where the question arises, find the one, if found the question will disappear. Ask yourself: Who is it that wants to find an answer to this question? The answer will be ever I! Then ask who am I? The answer will be ever I am......and then it follows the idea / identification / restriction of something. This something is also, yes what is it? It are thoughts also, you cannot 'explain = think about= to have thoughts to explain thoughts, or other words, the mind cannot explain itself, because EVERYTHING is inside of the mind and its attribute is at all the same, to be thoughts. To explain the mind, there must be something outside of it, but nothing can be outside of the mind. So your particular question is not the issue, the issue is to ask is not the right measure. When both ends the questioning and the aswering then you have 'found' the self. It's like the sea. When wavy you cannot see through it to the ground (questioning and the aswering game). When quiet the sea calms and the sight to the source is obvious. You see I cannot argue using scientific terms. Basically nobody can argue about this. It should be a hint only. The question answer thingy does not work here, it works well at science, though. Since my post is supposed to be an answer to your question you know it actually cannot work, lol. So best would be not to reply. Since we are familiar with the q and a game we think it is suitable to explain all, but it is not! The work you have to do by yourself. Everybody has to. But you never will find an answer by questioning. The idea to ask itself is the issue. I want to add that these 'thoughts' play also a major role to a great Indian 'person' Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. His books inspire me much (personally).
Me again peeps Now about god I personally don´t beleave what they talk about GOD and JESUS etc.... I think it´s just a marketing story for the church to take people out there money and not more. Think about this now: The Chinese coulture is much older then mine (christian),how can it be then that we christians say JESUS is the son of GOD etc....Whats there coulture then? Whats with the people before JESUS was born,what are they then? If the church is a holy place,how can they then support the Bishops that are pedofiles,rape woman/girls?They still all in there places and work for the church......There are so many stories that they have never talked/showed it in public It can´t be that there are 10 GODS in this world,i beleave that there is a higher power but i do not beleave in the GOD how they/church present him. Every person has the right to beleave in what he wants,i don´t judged anybody for that. Example: No offence for anybody now Look at this now,church says pray everyday to have a better life,health etc.... The whole South Americans pray day and night and what do they have?NOTHING,many of them don´t have a piece of bread to eat everyday,so for what should i go to the church and pray? I think it´s just a illusion not more,people turned into robots that are controlled by some people. AGAIN no offence for anyone it´s just my opinion Sorry for my not so good English,i know there are many mistakes but i think it´s understandable
@Yen +1 Evolving Yen is he he Putting the dark side in perspective you are hmm Hard to see the dark side still is yes...
@half Man Half Biscuit I understand you very well. I thought the same till I was about 20 years old. There was no joy in being Christian. Those 'Christians' simply could not give me something valuable. But there was something inside of me that screamed for an answer. Already when I was a young child I noticed my entire life is made to get this answer. Later my study of Chemistry (to explain the world of stuffs and its transformation), the like of mystic stuff, culture, travel....the persons I have met and will....) You have a claim to these 'things' (God, lol.., Jesus, Christians, church, Bishops......) and you judge about them because you have an expectation..... In fact they are not here to bring your salvation. 'They' are your thoughts. @TS @Yen +1 @Self +1 or @love +1 It is, but Vasanas (predispositions) can be obliterated. (see star wars series, lol) Realising the Real... There is one indicator for the calm sea. Everybody knows it then, it's the most typical that can ever be and at the same time you might cry how simple it is Our mind is naughty, it thinks it's able to explain itself, god, Jesus.....but is like the attempt to recognize a black square on a black ground. Furthermore the mind itself distracts. To think about distracts. The mind is the cause if not knowing the self. The more you think the further you will be. As long as there are vasanas the dark side is..... it's tricky!'s tricky? Who says that? It's me, Yen! Who is Yen? I am..... Yen stop thinking, rely on the source!.........
lol...Let's explore the "word" or thought of resonance. If we got to use words still it's a pretty good one "Think/Feel" What can't be resonated with? Is resonance our ultimate achievement? Is resonance the path to "Being" since we can be so many things in this infinite universe? Resonance = The New Frontier Otherwise Yen Dude +1 Infinite Self Sorry to communicate to your false self. I'll work on that Predisposition
There was a strong attempt to convert the native populations of this country and it is true that attempt has left a melding of our traditional beliefs with christianity. I think a good representation of that attempt can be seen in the following films: 1) The Mission 2) Black Robe The question for me after I was able to read was the "Holy Bible" the true word of God or a piece of literature? The first lobbyist for Christianity was emperor Constantine he put up the cash for the first 50 copies of the bible to be printed. My question is, given that Constantine was not a christian himself, how much influence did he have on the final content? Why were some things included and others not. Who was this divine editor? I think at the very least one has to ask the questions.
Good question. Every time I was reading the scriptures of our world primarily the Quran I experienced more than the words could give. To truly read a scripture you got let go the meaning and tune into the essence of the great spirit in those books. Then again what would have the great spirit in it more than nature? Pretty sure nature is the book with God in it and it doesn't come with a price it's free like knowing God should be hence no fee or sacrifice is needed. I think if we're going to speak positive of such scriptures though I remember falling into the Quran as I read it. I was in a new place. A holy place. The eye of the hurricane. I remember trying to share my enthusiasm about it to those who couldn't have it and then this experience disappeared so to speak. I should have kept it to myself I also like the Quran cause it says to not worship Idol's or use intercessors to attain God It's a very alive book at least the version I read by Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testiment) This also goes back to my prior statement. Original Intention! Who's intention in this universe? God? Still seems hard to truly understand spritual teachings of our great avatars on earth with the linear mind. Nothing can ever center with a linear mind frame. Like a huge distraction thinking we come from a fictitious
the difference between good heart people and those who just want to win. 1.winning gives you a good feeling and makes you happy! 2. some times winning is watching another a persion win (grandson while playing cards with you) 3 a son playing ball with you on the same team(the smile on his face says you won) 4 winning when its so important just to win again and again doesnt make you happy 5 people with a good heart always win because they dont have to be first
@zen45. I like your post. Short and pure. This and the below are quotes from a book I love. It consists of dialogues only. No special ideology, simply questioning and answer. What is important to me is that I can choose my favorite scriptures. Everybody can. Some religions seem to 'forbid' that. But the only one that might forbid it is yourself only. Different scriptures are made for different cultures / characters. I can 'recommend' to every scientifically orientated mind who likes to research to read scriptures that come from Buddhism, Hinduism. The latter has a great variety to offer. Through Buddhism / Hinduism I found a way 'back' to my original religion. I have been christened being Christian. I am very grateful that I have the possibility to travel and to speak to different persons of different religions. To complain about missionaries, which seem to have destroyed native believe, natural religion makes no sense. (In the aspect of the own spiritual progress, so it's nothing but a waste of time.) Most of us (as I have posted) have a claim to the religions / persons which they practise. Besides of that that the aswer of this question is not important. (What advantage should one get if knowing the answer)? Would one know the Self better then? Lets say one who is fully aware of the Self writes a part of the bible. Who actually is writing it? It can be no other but the 'Self' which is not different from god. When observed from somebody who still confuses the Self with the body, then the part is written by an individual. In fact there is no bible. There is only the Self.
Thank you for sharing the examples of the universal truth. For clarification and to avoid being misunderstood I write the following: When i wrote This was in response to my 22 year old friend Half man Half biscuit. I was trying to see the world through his eyes as I once was. I am sorry that I did not make that clearer. To assume that another reading would naturally get that is a mistake on my part. @ Yen For my benefit I would ask for further clarification so I don't misunderstand the following statement. To the following statement: IMHO The asking of the questions serves as marking the path for future reference. From your examples from the scientific community i.e. CSI (eliminating suspects) or a scientific experiment that points in the direction one should look as a result of failed previous experiments. If I understand your point correctly, the unveiling of the "Self" leads to the conclusion that all previous attempts in understanding "self' and not "Self" were futile. You know I am with you there. A few examples of important questions IMHO; If you took the time or have seen the movies I referenced, the question on a basic level was,from a native perspective, how can I trust this God that you bring if my people are dropping like flies (smallpox was brought to a native population with no natural immunity)? Is my lack of belief the cause of these deaths? The conclusion that was reached by some including myself that the purity of intention of the missionary was different than the authorities of that religion and if one looked they could see the "Self" by the presence of truth. That is where The Native American Church, the longhouse religion and many others were born. A fusion of religions allowing for the word "God" and "Creator" to have the same meaning and to allow the male and female roles in the household to remain equal not patriarchal. example It is the women's council who elects our chief. When I look at someones statements I try to put myself in their shoes and award them the respect that I would want to be given for example @yen I would not conclude if I look at the bottom line of your signature page that you are trying to oppress Apache indians i.e. Apache. Resistance is futile! Yen. I still am here(mindful) yen as I posted earlier to you. If we did not try to imagine the path of the Budha how would we understand our own?
Yen is in the zone lol...Trust only the part of you that is God Screw any god's outside of you You are he who sent you We ascend/demanifest and descend/manifest from our own higher being at all "times" God outside of us is a scam
@ timesurfer Are you high? I was speaking from the perspective of someone who might have been there in the 16 and 1700's giving some historical background of someone who might have questions and or doubts given that it may have been the first time they saw a european or the plague that struck many tribes. What questions arose in the minds of my ancesstors. Where I am now was posted in the paragraph I posted right after the one you quoted
You are speaking to me as if I would loose consciousness or something negative! How bout we respect the spirit we're talking too and not project that conciousness come's and goes for all of us Not all of us loose ourselves while enjoying nature These ancestors would say do not worship anything outside one's self
No I am speaking to the trickster and for my people he is a sacred part of our lives. Some of the most heart felt laughter I have experienced in my life is when I have viewed my "self" from "Self" and second most laughter is when someone elses "self" is judging my "self".