At a certain point you have to realize that some people will never understand this and their war mongering mentality will always take over! The human gene pool needs some bleach !
Maybe they don't know what it's like to watch a friend die from violence. Once you know that, you think twice about using violence as a "tool of enlightenment". They didn't choose to fight some foe; they were just hanging out on a street corner when some animal decided to spray the crowd with a tech 9. The worst part is that a 5 year old child ends up forfeiting their life because of some gang code or some street war. This s**t happens in Brooklyn all the time. It happens so much that the newspapers only publish the worst stories. So when others talk about civil war, I know they don't have a clue of the costs involved. They've never held a persons hand as their life slipped away. :MJ
Blah, blah, blah. Standard issue, emotional, theoretical, leftist clap-trap. Sounds great until someone is pointing the gun at YOU. That's not "enlightened thinking", that's delusional thinking that will fail the minute someone willing to use violence shows you how meaningless it all is. Sounds great from the safety behind the keyboard; not such a good thing when dealing with the mexican mafia shot-caller that lives right across the street. He makes meth, btw, and uses weak, feeble, flaccid, sophomoric, immature, cowardly "philosophies" like these high-sounding notions to his economic advantage. Maybe if someone had done something about the gang that shot the 5 yo, that 5 yo would be alive today. So much weakness, so much cowardice, so much sheep-like bleating assuming the tone of moral authority in order to hide the feeble truth of it. Pacifists are far more dangerous than any predator. They create sheep, and then hand them over to slaughter, what with their delusional notions of moral and spiritual superiority. None of you delusional, weak and cowardly theoreticians addressed any of my real life examples where the willingness and ability of someone to commit violence keeps good people alive and makes bad people dead. That makes you dishonest lying liars, as well as delusional cowards. European culture, oral history, etc... i.e. "fairy tales" are full of examples of dishonest cowards and the consequences of tolerating their existence. These stories where a (metaphoric) "virgin" is to be sacrificed to a (dragon/ogre/king/etc...) all of these stories are part of the oral tradition intended to remind future generations, into perpetuity the price we all pay for tolerating the existence of parasitic cowards. All of these notions, false philosophies and fabricated moralities are completely dependent upon the idea that someone else is willing to die so that you can remain alive, oblivious and stupid. (There's a difference between "oblivious" and "stupid". The first is being unaware of things that one really SHOULD be aware of, and the other is deliberately choosing, and putting effort into being oblivious, i.e. "deliberately stupid".
Boo hoo. Cool story, Bro. Let's see a link to the news story. I suspect the whole thing is fabricated, a falsified manipulation intended to distract a logical, reasoned and WINNING argument with irrational emotionalism, and then you double-dog dare anyone to challenge you on it. And I do. Somewhere, there is a small child, an African child, dying. Dying of cancer, and of hunger both. On the plains of the Watanbi, little Matembo was forcibly abducted from his loving parents and sold into slavery, in exchange for just $5.00 worth of heroin. And now that Matembo, slowly wasting away from starvation can no longer carry the 300 gallons of water to and from his isolated village, uphill both ways, in the snow, and barefoot, his cruel owners are allowing him to die, with nothing to wear but a burlap sack. Look at poor, starving Matembo. Don't you feel sorry for him, with your face packed with Ho-ho's and Twinkies? Listen to the plaintive whining as he gasps his final breaths, loot at his ribs showing through his skin and GIVE, yes GIVE so that Matembo, and all the other starving African children/dogs/kittens/<fill in the thing you are supposed to feel sorry for here> can live, and breathe and be free from the strident and rapacious might of the <fill in the blank with the bad thing here>. Can you hear that little 5 year-olds last breath? Can you feel her life-blood flowing into the dirty gutter of inhumanity? Aren't you sorry that you used to believe all those things, and haven't you now changed your mind, or at least been beaten into emotional submission to a pathological liar and manipulator that will use any means available to win an argument, except the one that is most important, which she hasn't got, which is INTELLIGENCE? Please help save starving little Matembo now, and call. Starving children are waiting for your call, and your Visa number. Please call. Now. Before it's too late, and another child dies.
Only an idiot would say what you just said without even taking a moment to google the facts. Do you think I'd post something here if it wasn't true? And you think I'd do it for the sake of a loony like you?!? Dude...You're full of yourself to the point of delusion. Get your meds checked. It's actually Kosciuszko street. And I lived there for a year. With some of the most wonderful people that have ever lived. What a crock of s**t. In the end, you'll walk away from this place being looked on as just another whining whack job. The fact that you'd actually post something like this only proves this to be true. If that's the prize to which you were referring, then dig in and enjoy. :MJ
It appears like blah blah to you because you are lacking of social intelligence. There is no instance in your mind who could have the possibility to evaluate what I have least your ego is killing it. It is even worse. You do not only post that you support to encounter violence with violence, you exert psychological violence to people who are peacefully and calm discussing here. Your attempt to illustrate the difference of oblivious and stupid while not being aware of what you are posting appears to me like a bad joke. Your motivation to post has an uncomfortable emotion of an actually unreasonable hate. I suggest to have a look at yourself before you are hostile to people you do not even know. As admin, too I have to say your way you post is close to violate a rule being offensive. I do not expect that you have the same opinions but I expect that you respect them also the people posting here. I have to say if you want a stage where people applaud to what you say then I guess you will have no luck here.
Yen sir, do you think chosen beliefs are stronger than feral instinct? The humans are barely out of the jungle. Our feral instincts have yet to evolve or fade into oblivion. Therefore, society creates outlets for these instincts in order to keep them under control, by design or it's ironic to see/say that a million moralists pronounce and proclaim goodness as if it is/was an absolute power on the earth and all the while the same people find great pleasure on a violent movie fight or tend to attempt the acquired knowledge from those violent movies at real time.
@sid_16: You are right when you say that humans are violent by nature. And it makes sense that humans need some kind of vent to release that primal rage. But, at the end of the day, We don't go around acting out that rage on others. We suppress that urge for the sake of the rest of society. With that said, I for one would like to hear your thoughts on the Snowden fiasco. :MJ
To have developed social competence is no belief. It is a product of evolution of consciousness where the goal is self-awareness. To recognize oneself as a feeling human being, the ability to project other’s thought, to emphasize with somebody, compassion, forgiveness. ‘Old’ patterns can of course be reactivated, but humans have the ability to become aware, because we can focus from elsewhere as an observer of the own actions…and one can say: Stop! What I am doing now is not good, it creates suffer. And where are we ‘today’? We are identified with a body, we perceive us as an individual being. Most animals have not the ability to recognize themselves as an individual… This means every human would still sooner or later become violent at the latest when the idea of oneself (body) is in danger defending it. Others who are more unaware become already violent when loss of other things seem to happen or to get things which seem to make one's life more valuable. Where feral instinct ends and pure selfishness starts does it really matter? Generally said: The readiness to use violence is dependent on the strength of identification. …….in other words since the identification is based on impermanent values one can say… The readiness to use violence is also dependent on own unhappiness. To watch violent movies does retard the issue, if it affects real life is also dependent on the identification with- for instance- a role of an actor there... Not to get fully off topic. Here the NSA needs to learn as well. These seem to me important to the chronological way out of the jungle: -The ability to recognize oneself as individual -The ability to observe ‘oneself’ (to change focus from being unawarely involved as blind actor to the uninvolved observer) means ability of self-reflection. A perfect example: Snowden -To resolve the paradox of who observes whom when self-reflecting.
Yen sir,what distinguishes human from the other animals is our mental faculties, our rationally thinking minds. Actually, I'd say most animals have more willpower than humans 'cos humans have become weak, due to- too much safety and leisure that can lead to atrophy of the will power.
No individual or state put themselves in a position to be taken advantage of by anybody for any reason. To be completely transparent with no privacy, no secrets to be kept ....This is so common sense it isn't worth talking about. Governments are in the business of guarding secrets and discovering the secrets of others. It isn't about an affront to morality, it is about securing the interests of the citizens of that government. What is moral and what is political expediency may or may not coincide, but political expediency always wins the argument. Sure, we have high-minded ideals..........The Problem of Dirty Hands
Well of course you do. You have no choice, really, but to categorize my speech as socially "offensive" and denigrate the level of my social skills and other socialist nonsense that replaces muddy, illogical and state-mandated fantasy with hard truths and an accurate description of reality. My words, my ideas, my thoughts are either correct (and offensive) or they are wrong and arguable. There's no argument's here in response, only feeble bleatings and platitudes and irrelevant links to stories intellectually substandard people are too lazy to put effort into connecting to the topic of the discussion. And it's no accident that, with an infinity of words, subjects, topics, ideas, notions, theories, arguments, etc... that you could have posted, you chose (from that infinite field of options) to talk about your status/title as Administrator (with the implicit threat of speech censorship and social ostracization that goes with it), as well as collective attacks on my character and attempts to marginalize and demonize my speech from the utterance of profound truth to a lower level that the collective can process, i.e. "offensive" speech. Totalitarian systems must use the coercive threat of speech censorship and social oppression in order to sustain a flawed system of governance, otherwise a free people allowed to let their words and ideas "sink or swim" on their own merits would undermine the foundation and legitimacy of that totalitarian system and replace it with one that does not artificially dumb-down the minds of it's most exemplary intellects in order to afford it's most deficient members an undeserved social position of equality and respect. In short, we really AREN'T all "equal", and inferior people will use whatever means of social coercion in order to hide their deficiencies from public awareness. The fact that the State mandates that we are, does not make it so. Hiding the evidence does not change the truth of it. Destroying the author of a work, or the originator of an idea only tends to indicate that there is some terrible and threatening truth that would spell the end of someone's social power and position, should that truth come to life. Most totalitarian systems are a barter arrangement between inferiors, where each agrees to forgive or ignore their peer's inferiorities, while simultaneously and collectively trying to coerce their superior's talents to their own benefit. Socialized Medicine is one glaring example of this.