Here's what I don't like about Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by JBenal, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
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  2. JBenal

    JBenal MDL Addicted

    Nov 2, 2009
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  3. JeanYuhs

    JeanYuhs MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    I'd list everything I don't like about Windows 10 but honestly it's much easier to state it this way:

    I can't find one damned thing to like about Windows 10 - not even the fact that it's "free."

    Pretty simple.
  4. JBenal

    JBenal MDL Addicted

    Nov 2, 2009
    Really? Where is it? I just installed 10176 and I don't see it anywhere. It's part of Control Panel in Windows 8.1. It's not in Control Panel in Windows 10. Type Windows Update in search and you only get the Modern app. Appreciate you telling me how to fire this up. I prefer this view of Windows Update.
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  5. shawnmos

    shawnmos MDL Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    What is so bad about the new windows update?
  6. hceeler

    hceeler MDL Member

    Aug 21, 2008
    yes the desktop version of the update service was disabled on build 9926 i think, and back then there was a registry workaround...but few builds later MS removed it's coed completely, so, yes we only have the new modern UI update now.
  7. alien2xx

    alien2xx MDL Senior Member

    Aug 5, 2009
    #27 alien2xx, Jul 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Sure, here are some easy points...

    Remove OneDrive from Explorer and tray:
    Step 1:
    Go to Task Manager > Startup tab and Disable 'OneDrive'

    Create a .reg file and run it with this:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    Need Reboot...

    Remove Homegroup:
    Create a .reg file and run it with this:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="Other Users"
    Need Reboot...

    Remove Quick Access from Explorer:
    Step 1.
    Open File Explorer open to the This PC view
    Click the File menu, and select “Change folder and search options.”
    Click the “Open File Explorer to” box at the top of the window and select “This PC” instead of “Quick access.”

    Step 2.
    Open regedit and take ownership of this folder:

    Create a .reg file with the following (or do it manually):
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Need Reboot...

    Remove/kill Cortana: (under Task Manage you will see 'Cortana' process running before you start)...
    Under Start Menu /settings for cortana turn it off first...
    Go to: C:\Windows\SystemApps
    You will see a folder called as follows, find the file "SearchUI.exe" there - delete or rename it (e.g. rename it to: SearchUI.exe.old) - your choice, if you rename it you can always bring it back:
    Need to take ownership of file first.

    Check under Task Manager - Cortana will be gone. Icon from Start menu wont work anymore if you click on it. The process wont be running when you rename the file (SearchUI.exe).

    Do all the steps and Reboot once at end of it for all to take effect.. or just reboot your PC after one change was done....

    I think you can gather the rest, remove apps, etc. does this help?

    Attached Files:

  8. FatalIll

    FatalIll MDL Novice

    Apr 6, 2015
    Very helpful and informative, thank you!
  9. SkOrPn

    SkOrPn MDL Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Here's what I don't like about Windows 10, or any new Windows version for that matter.

    #1. It brings out all the crybabies, self centered,
    egotistical, entitled to everything selfish people who feel the need to complain instead of just using another OS.
    #2. I wish Microsoft would have just taken the windows 7 base and started building a much updated desktop OS so the world wouldn't have to witness just how much people complain.
    #3. Refer back to number 1.

    Here's what I like about Windows 10.

    #1. Everything I don't like about it I can fix or patch myself without any fuss or complaining what so ever.
    #2. It's newer, it's faster and it's free this time.
    #3. Windows 10 was shaped by the users of the world. Many of the features were implemented because people voted for them. I can't stress enough just how important it is that Microsoft is listening to the majority of its user base.

    Here's what I REALLY like about Windows 10.

    #1. It's like getting a free hardware upgrade because my Machine has never been this fast before.
    #2. DirectX 12, a more than 100 percent improvement in API performance. This is the single largest performance improvement in the entire history of DirectX.
    #3. Did I mention its faster, free and you have the right to customize it to your hearts content? Well you can...
  10. zetazeta2

    zetazeta2 MDL Novice

    Jun 27, 2015
    This is why we can't have nice things. These people are ready to whine, cry and complain just about anything.
  11. Rickkins

    Rickkins MDL Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    The worst thing about win10, is the freakin pathetic fanbois who swoon like little school girls over everything microsoft does, regardless of how turdish it really is....

    Just my 2 cents...
  12. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    haha you said turdish
  13. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Actually nothing. Anything new in windows 10 has been already realized by competitors in a far better way and there are more apps.
    So an 'up-to-date' user has got additionally a phone and / or tab as Android version or from Apple.

    For desktop user most new features are actually useless, even distracting. Besides of that w10 works the way that you need to give more away from your privacy since it 'offers' online services such as cloud storage, onilne accounts, cortana...

    If you want pure desktop use, if one is skilled enough I suggest to go for a Linux distro on desktop or to stick with w7, anything else you have got / is available already from the competitors.
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  14. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    This is just a little exercise I prepared for my own pleasure. It's a mix of true propositions and fallacies. Which are the true propositions? Which are the fallacies? Which ones can be true propositions or fallacies depending of the circumstances? Is the conclusion correct? As I said, it's just an exercise. Some of you may enjoy it, so it's here.

    [1] "A" and "B" are "Windows™" operational systems.

    [2] "A" is better than "B".

    [3] "A" will entirely replace "B" in a few years.

    [4] You're entitled to suppose you'll be still alive in a few years, even if you can't be sure about that.

    [5] You're NOT entitled to think that, for some reason or reasons, you prefer "B" to "A".

    [6] "A" is not the only OS in the world. You have choice. For instance, you can use "B".

    [7] However, in a few years, "B" will NOT be a choice anymore.

    [8] It's EASY to move from one operational system to another even if they are entirely different (like Windows™ and Linux).

    . [8.1] All the programs you use in a regular basis WILL be available OR will be easily replaced when you install a totally different new OS (like Linux).

    . [8.2] Even that expensive (and only-for-Windows™) French dictionary (that is NOT being published in paper anymore) WILL work.

    . [8.3] All your hardware will work too.

    [9] The learning of a totally different OS takes time and hard work.

    [10] You have the skills, and above all you have all the TIME you need to learn how a totally different OS works. See proposition [4].

    [11] If you do not want to move to a totally different OS, you still have the TIME you need to tweak system "A". You can even write new drivers for your hardware.

    [12] The only TIME that matters is the time you'll gain using the (faster) "A" OS. The time you'll lose being forced to do things you did not wanted or needed to do does not matter. Life's unfair, period. See proposition [5].

    [CONCLUSION] THEREFORE, if you're complaining about the replacement of "B", you are a self centered, egotistical and selfish crybaby.

    COROLLARY: You complain about the replacement of "B" because you complain about just everything (and that's why we don't have nice things).
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  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @rEApEAt: I truly understand your feelings about having a piece of hardware fail under a new OS. This is what kept Me from updating to Windows 8.1

    For Me, it's the M-Audio Delta 1010, SIIG firewire card, and every piece of software that uses them. The -last- thing I need is to have to hunt for drivers or chase down wierd timing related problems because of an OS upgrade.

    And it's not just Windows; The ratio of OSX problems to Windows problems with Cubase astounds me. :eek:

    7 seems to be my lucky number. Windows 7 with Cubase 7 seems to be a winning solution for Me.

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  16. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    They have been learning from Apple fanboys for years..they are catching up.
  17. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    Hi Michaela,

    Yes, and one of the many reasons I chose my motherboard (Intel DZ87KLT-75K) is because it has a Texas Instruments firewire port. I even have bought a SIIG NN-E20012-S2 firewire card as a spare part.

    I'm not a professional musician, but I intend to use the computer to make music (just for self-enjoyment) when I get older. By now, I'm enjoying my main hobby, which is to digitalize a few old LPs and manually remove eventual tics and pops. That's how I'm using my FA-66, and I'm happy with the results.

    The name of the thread is not "Why do you hate Windows 10". I don't hate Windows 10. However, being a desktop user, I have some good reasons to dislike it. You have good reasons too. Yen has also pointed some very good reasons.
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  18. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    The only reasons to use Win10:

    1 - Better scaling with higher resolutions
    2 - Better hardware performance

    Reasons not to use:

    A - Possible hardware problems like lack of drivers or bad drivers
    B - System too low-end to handle the extra registry edits and stuff (works better on SSD)
    C - Privacy concerns (We'll be keeping an eye on this)

    I couldn't care less about a start menu. I stopped caring about a couple months after Win8 came out.
    Once you get used to using links and keyboard shortcuts, the only thing the start menu does is slow you down.
  19. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Dat linux app gap tho.
  20. WaltC

    WaltC MDL Addicted

    Mar 8, 2014
    I don't see much about Win10 that is Metro. The start-screen is not the default, it's an option. You can use the start menu with no tiles at all and a single column width--which is the way I prefer it. Tablet mode is also optional--just like it should have been in Windows 8. All they are doing with settings and the control panel is moving things around a bit--reorganizing it in a way that I think is more intuitive. With Win 8 I was afraid they were trying to dumb things down and remove functionality from Windows, but now I'm not worried about that at all because all of the old functions are intact, as well as the older information the OS contained. Since it has now become apparent that Microsoft isn't trying to become another cell-phone company (thank goodness) there has been far less emphasis on any need to craft the computer OS to emulate the phone OS. I don't object to them changing things and adding things and streamlining things--they've done some neat things that I would never have thought about doing--so long as they don't try to turn Windows into another OS X--ugh!...:D People using Windows prefer power & flexibility & options--they'd never put up with how much of those things Apple takes away from its users in OS X. That's one reason, out of several, that OS X will never compete with Windows in the global marketplace. Amazingly, somehow, Ballmer simply lost sight of Windows marketplace and Microsoft's customer base--and out of those mistaken notions Windows 8 was born (and now has finally expired...!) Providing gratis upgrades to Win10 is Microsoft's way of saying "Mea Culpa!" about Win8.
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