If you mean thread "Microsoft Office 2016 Volume License ISO (Original from VLSC)" then there you get Volume-ISO's. Whereas the link in my post gives Click2Run-Retail-ISO. Click2Run build development -from 'features' point of view- is way ahead. Volume ISO build is 16.0.4639.1000 and Click2Run is 16.0.10325.20118. Other thread "(Retail) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 | MSDN" is Click2Run Retail too and should give nearly the same ISO if identical build-# is used.
Is the IMG you got newer than what is in (Retail) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 | MSDN? I've been using the Microsoft Office 2016 License ISO (Original from VLSC) thread ISOs and updating through the WUD. I thought the only way to get/create an up-to-date ISO was to use SVF, ESD or UUP files. I din't know (Retail) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 | MSDN were the latest ISOs. I wondered why people didn't stick with the VLSC ISOs instead of converting the retail ISOs to Volume before activating. So, if I want the latest, should I get them from (Retail) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 | MSDN or is there another/better way? Thank you
A image ISO/IMG never contains the very newest build. In most cases it's a older, timely snapshot. If you want the most uptodate Office version with all the brandnew features, then forget Volume VLSC builds. You must use Click2Run and here you need product "Office 365 ProfessionalPlus" (or Office 2019 Preview) installed from offline setup- package downloaded from MS internal use only development distribution channel "Dogfood_DevMain". This gives the maximum feature set. You should be aware that this code is nearly "Alpha"-software direct from the MS developers. So don't expect rocksolid stable functioning. But you have the newest code to play with. If you are the "non-risky" type, then use Monthly / Retail channel (together with Office 365 ProPlus). You can use OfficeRTool for download, install, conversion and KMS activation. This will always give you the latest build in the selected particular distribution channel. To select a "internal use only channel", choose "M" in download dialogue to switch to second download page. This will show all nonpublic distribution channels. Further ongoing is described in file "readme.pdf" included in OfficeRTool.7z-archive.
Teaser: Next OfficeRTool will generate OnlineWeb-Install-Links for Office 2019, Project 2019 and Visio 2019 as posted by Venioni and Enthousiast in Office 2019 discussion thread.
A new OfficeRTool version (2018/August/26) was released today Function "(I) INSTALL OFFICE SUITES OR SINGLE APPS" -Change- Updated OfficeDeploymentTool "setup.exe" to version 10810.33603 (dated 10.08.2018) Function "(O) CREATE OFFICE ONLINE WEB-INSTALLER LINK" -Enhancement- Added possibility to create url's and download online-web-setup.exe for - Office 2019 ProPlus - Visio Pro 2019 and - Project Pro 2019 No other changes were made. Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
Hello, I already have office 365 student on my computer, but it is not contain visio. How can I install and activate visio as a separate product without losing my student subscription?
Why the UI change to old UI when relaunch the office 2019 app? Only first launch show new UI. Second launch the app return to old UI. It happen on both C2R and UWP version 16.0.10823.20000. Is it a bug? How to keep the new UI? Old UI New UI
Yes, no RTM available yet. Only (vague) date known: Office 2019 should be available in late fall this year.
@alanfox2000, This is not an error to get this interface must have a valid subscription Office 365 and (change the channel of receiving updating by editing of a branch of the register key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration for example on The Dogfood:: DevMain) - perhaps now change of the channel of receiving updates won't even be required, leave by default where all newest opportunities including experimental will reveal.
I forgot to reply batch files compiled as x86 exe will have trouble detecting architecture on x64, because of the WOW64 File System Redirector you can add this to the top of cmd file to fix that (after @ echo off) Code: if exist "%Windir%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (set "SysPath=%Windir%\Sysnative") else (set "SysPath=%Windir%\System32") set "Path=%SysPath%;%Windir%;%SysPath%\Wbem" and change architecture line to: Code: set arch=x64 if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 (if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" set arch=x86)
I have issues with activation where C2R script outputs "no instances available- activation failed" it was fresh install without previous versions installed ever.. edit:fixed with converting to VL