I didn't mention it in my previous email/update but I changed the channel from monthly to Office2021 Perpetual Enterprise and that seemed to do it. Yep. I am sure MS is messing with this in an effort to reduce unlicensed workarounds. Just going to take it as it comes. When this is no longer a viable method, I'm sure another will be figured out. Cheers.....
I was aware of the channel thing for quite sometime, but what does not make sense is that the data is inconsistent. Probably the list of licenses given by the different tools at the Retail2VL conversion time. You can try switching channels back to current and see if produces a banner again, if it does convert it back, also check if it looses activation?
Status is saying Microsoft Office Mondo 2016 - activation required and that I have to contact my corporate network for further assistance, but other than that, it works fine so far, so is there something that won't be working later on or is it just that message and that's it? I mean, I bought a computer with C2R office preinstalled ready to be purchased, then I used the C2R to VL conversion CMD file and it did everything automatically. Haven't used the KMS as of yet.
Activating Office would remove the "need for activation message". The Office installation may be activated but still showing "non-genuine" banner! The "non-genuine" banner is the issue gathering a lot of attention at present, where two specific points are currently under the microscope: 1- The need for a KMS server definition on Windows hosting Office (set a /SKMS IP and/or /SETHST:IP). 2- The Office Update Channel (Which ones produce the warning message and the ones that don't).
Someone knows if the genuine message and yellow banner also appears when activated with the Microsoft Toolkit ? Or does it just appear when activated with KMS VL AIO ALL script?
Just a quick update on this.... This morning when I started the Word app the flash screen showed "Office LTSC". Checked all the other apps and pretty much the same thing except for Visio Pro and Project Pro. Those splash screens only show the app name. Activation (under Account) shows Professional 2021 Preview (no LTSC) and Version is 2105. Then, again, Project and Visio were always a kind of step-child to Office. Apps all still seem to work fine so no real issue.. Also seems as if the apps start much, much faster. Nice to see that. Cheers....
That's the correct behavior for this Office suite. By the way, can you change the channel to Current and see if all is still working fine? you can always go back.
Will do so when I get a moment...and feel brave enough to try it 8^O I'll post back the results after I do. Cheers....
I've tried that, the banner appears instantly (after reactivation too), switched back to Perpetual2021 VL and the banner disappeared.
I can reproduce the banner on that build, by the way, make sure any grace key is not installed. If any grace key with the active period is found then banner wouldn't appear. You can use check activation status scripts from KMS_VL_ALL to check that. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...osoft-office-2019.75232/page-154#post-1605169
Thank you Windows_Addict, I don't know why the banner is NOT appearing on the systems I have converted from 2019 to 2021, they are all "Current" channel. No grace keys or any 2021 related keys. But I use a KMS on an external device (on the local network); if it has any significance!!.
Try to change channel using https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/tool-office-tool-plus-v8-2-official-thread.82730/
Thanks, but I am not sure I understand the objective, since the "Current" channel is supposed to give trouble? However, here are the results: Using OfficeRTool Changed Channel to business monthly --> Office 2019 16.0.13929.20408 All is fine Changed Channel to Current monthly --> Office 2021 16.0.14026.20270 All is fine Using Office Tool Plus It requested firewall access to my private network, which I declined. Changed Channel to business monthly --> Office 2019 16.0.13929.20408 All is fine Changed Channel to Current monthly --> Office 2021 16.0.14026.20270 All is fine
Office UWP is now getting activated as "Office Mondo 2016", which does not really matter. What does matter, is that Office UWP is now throwing a warning claiming that it is not genuine at each launch of one of it's apps, though at least for now, it allows full access without any time restrictions. Update: Now it thinks it is Office 365, while showing in the Account pane that it is Office 2016 Mondo, and the store recognizes it as Office 2016.