Not sure what happened, did you check the hash?. No downloader? You can audit the code, there isn't anything suspicious at all .
If downloaded here from MDL, then there is NO virus, period! Comparing checksums against listed ones in OP for a match is good practice. Especially, if tool is retrieved from other sources. I don't argue against you and your overagressive BitDefender, both declaring that O2016RTool is/contains a virus. Simply said: This is a false positive. Here is a post from a BitDefender user who successfully uses O2016RTool after having similiar problems and configuring BitDefender properly.
I'm too lazy to check this thread, but I presume this is a known problem? Set Channel-ID (1,2,3,4,5,M) or X >4 --> Checking channel: Semi_Annual_Channel Last known good Build: 16.0.8201.2213 No newer Build available '"o16build=16.0.8201.2213' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Slipped through my tests. Thank you for reporting. If you want to correct by yourself. Edit O2016RTool.cmd line 267: Must be changed to / add missing ' " ' at the end and missing 'set' at the beginning: Code: old: "o16build=%o16latestbuild% new: set "o16build=%o16latestbuild%" Expect a new O2016RTool version real soon. UPDATE: due to real life xmas reasons, new version is delayed for 2-3 hours, sorry.
A new O2016RTool version (2017/December/23) was released today CHANGE: Fixed error reported by user jaqrjd7w9xgiyw0vxkwd: --> Checking channel: Semi_Annual_Channel Last known good Build: 16.0.xxxx.yyyy No newer Build available '"o16build=16.0.xxxx.yyyy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. No other changes were made. Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
YES. O2016RTool uses "wget". This one checks already existing files and skips loading them anew. Only incomplete or missing parts are downloaded on a second run if the same distribution channel and build-number is used. If you want to have a break, just close O2016RTool window. Of course you need to enter correct download location, distribution channel and build a second time if you start again later: That's not very comfortable, but it works.
It's working fine. You can also get direct links here.
A little off topic question; What's the chance of getting caught by Microsoft when using these tricks to use their software/softwares without purchase? How serious is Microsoft in identifying and taking legal action against free users?
If MS wants to catch such KMS activated licenses they (easily?) can do it. A change in KMS protocol here, a new product update there and lights went off. But please resist in starting a philosophic "what may happen in the future?" discussion here. We don't know what will happen. We only can react when changes occur. Reverse engineering of KMS protocol must start anew. First place to look for new infos will be MDL KMS-section then.
I'm sorry for this question, probably asked many many times, but I'm still confused. What is the difference between installing with this tools as Office 2016 ProPlus and Office 365 ProPlus? I've heard that Office 2016 won't get features by updates, just security and fixes, if that's true, then Office 2016 is same as MSI in case of features? Then what is the difference of update channels for Office 2016?