How to Use New Phoenix Bios Mod Tool to Modify Phoenix/Dell/Insyde/EFI Bios Files

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Busykid508, Nov 30, 2009.

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  1. imatrix

    imatrix MDL Guru

    Jul 29, 2009
  2. str8

    str8 MDL Expert

    Jul 3, 2009
    I tried to look for marker 2.0 but couldn't locate it. It should exist somewhere cause the user's RW report shows it. IDK, I'm puzzled. Could it be coded differently?

    EDIT: have a thought. This might be happening cause bios file doesn't contain any marker 2.0 as it's not supposed to be flashed on regular basis - only if certain things match then the marker 2.0 programmed already in bios gets flashed by that built-in utility with new 2.1. So maybe there is some other DOS flasher that's capable of updating the bios including the marker area.
  3. sofatiger51

    sofatiger51 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2010

    I had successfully downloaded BIOS Mod folder for Acer Aspire9410/ Travel Mate 5610 from MDL Phoenix BIOS mod section. I will like to flash the BIOS by DOS. Please advise which of the following command that I should use:

    (1) PH161700.EXE BIOS.ROM /O /Force /X /C /S
    (2) ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S <NAME OF BIOS FILE

    In a DOS through USB drive, all I need is put BIOS MOD file BIOS.WPH and flashing utility (phlash6) in USB? Your confirmation and help would be highly appreciated.
  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    You have to create a bootable DOS device, then copy MA2-124.WPH, dated 22/09/2009 (your modified bios) and the Phlash16.exe onto it.
    Boot with it into DOS.
    And execute:
    phlash16 /x /s /mode=3 MA2-124.wph
    The switch mode=3 updates the bios and DMI.

    Only the modified MA2-124.wph. Number '3' belongs to the switch 'mode=3' and doesn't mean 3 files.
    Alternatively you may use (is basically the same command and will flash exactly it the same way):
    phlash16 MA2-124.wph /x /s /mode=3

    At the originals folder there is the same file MA2-124.wph dated 15/11/2007. This is the original unmodified bios.
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  6. sofatiger51

    sofatiger51 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    Hi Yen,

    Thank you very much for your DOS command instruction. One last bother, is it recommendable that I flash unmodified BIOS first and then flash BIO MOD after that when everything is fine?
    After BIOS flashing, I should load default? Kindly advise.
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I recommend that yes.To flash the original before (only if it's not running already), then load defaults save and exit bios setup. Test it, then restore bios settings (if you had others before). Test again.
    Then when everything is fine, flash the mod the same procedure....
    I may add that Phoenix bioses are the hardest to recover. It depends on the machine you have got. Some are easy, some not.....
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  8. sofatiger51

    sofatiger51 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    Thanks for your warning and also thank you very much for all your help.

    Have a nice weekend!
  9. QcMarque

    QcMarque MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2009
    Been loving the bios mod tools and instructions found on here (AMI and AWARD), but I'm having issues with my Dell - it's an Inspiron 1545 and whenever I go to open the bios update tool I get an "End of Block reached early" and "Error 53 - Could not find file 'D:\DUMP\01_1.ROM'."
  10. mox

    mox MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2008
    phoenixtool134 - give error extracting rom from while modding SLIC 14cn97ww Lenovo 10
    phoenixtool100 do it without errors
  11. igor7

    igor7 MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2009
    Lenovo IdeaPad U350 BIOS upgrade.

    Hi, all!!!
    I want to upgrade Lenovo IdeaPad U350 computer to Windows 7 64 bit (it comes with Vista 64 bit home). In manufacture web site there is no BIOS for upgrade...
    In first post of this thread has clearly understood NUMBER 1 RULE:
    In additional on manufacture web site written:
    So my question is if it possible some how to flush original BIOS (I cat make back up using WinPhlash.exe)?
  12. Setternixe

    Setternixe MDL Novice

    Nov 13, 2009
    Bios Mod Dell Latitude E5500

    Motherboard Model : Dell Latitude E5500
    Bios Revision : A15
    Bios Type : Phoenix
    Bios(Wunsch) SLIC: Dell 2.1

    I did some modds for other manufacture. Now I want to make my first modd with a Dell Bios for Latitude E5500. I´ve downloaded the latest Bios A15 as exe-file. I can´t extract it. But if I load the exe-file in the Tool, it will be extracted in a dump folder and massege1 appears. What have I to do with the Info from Message1? I choose for slic the M09.slic, because I thought the marker is M09. After installing slic and cert(2.1) message2 appears. Is this an error warning? With method dynamic I get message3. But there is no slic table in Bios. With method svv2 the tool send the massege, Dell Laptop Bios needs RW Report. When I load the rw report, during modding message4 and message5 appears.
    Can somebody explain the way to modd the bios?
    Thanks for help!