Dude, its not like my first spin with Linux I tried that and Linux just suggested me to wipe the SSD and install Linux, it could not see W10... @John??
How to install latest Nvidia graphics driver from Nvidia homepage on Mint. Those provided by Mint's driver management are outdated. (My first command line work) -Make sure you have already an (old/recommended) Nvidia driver installed via Mint's driver management. No Nouveau default (makes things easier). -Download the latest driver from Nvidia site for Linux 64bit (*.run) to the default Downloads folder Browse to it with the file explorer and mark it executable. (right click/properties...) -Open terminal window type to blacklist default driver Code: echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf Exit terminal and reboot. From now on we will leave GUI (you won't see anything else)! Press CTRL+Alt+F1 Login with username and password. Code: sudo service mdm stop sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo sh ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-*-352.41.run Press yes all the time when asked. All Nvidia drivers from the Mint management have to be purged in order to install one manually. Be careful anything is case sensitive. Code: sudo reboot Of course replace the version number with the current one. You can now check again the driver management. Anything is greyed out except the last option: 'Continue to use manually installed driver'. Also you can check it with Code: inxi -G If you have to go back to the default driver for some reason comment out the last line (nouveau) at blacklist.conf by editing # in front of it. Code: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf If anything is working the default nouveau driver has to stay blacklisted. Code: sudo nvidia-uninstall Uninstalls the driver.
I thought it is the EVO 840 that has 1536KB....no reliable info about 850. The 850 uses 3D-V NAND, the 840 MLC actually TLC 3-bit/cell I did not manually set the offset to align at erase block size..... It's not clear to me why it should be aligned at it. Read and program are aligned at page sizes (8KiB), only erase at block size. To erase takes a long time and it is done in the background in 1536KB blocks. The probability to match exactly the 1536KB boundary (the erase block size) by files is as low as when aligned to the erase block size. No matter if aligned or not the controller has to do his garbage collect job either way. I cannot get why alignment at it would have an effect on wear and tear.... Most user are using the default and I guess the manufacturer are aware of that fact. Could you elaborate, please? "..two erase blocks will be subjected to an erase/rewrite cycle as opposed to just one if the filesystem is properly aligned. "
@Kofuji: TBH, I don't like anything Google. I switched away from Google as my home page, and am now using duckduckgo The "old" way works using Firefox. I'm happy with that.
I also have the 850 EVO and I'm interested in the question. AS SSD says that it is aligned at 1024K and thinks that it's ok. Chromium is not strictly google.
As I understand the situation, Chromium is the open source project that Google uses as the base for their Chrome browser. In other words, Google starts with Chromium, adds their magic sauce and tweaks things. The end result is Google Chrome. Thus, while they have the same base, they are not the same at all. Other browsers are created in the same manner. An example is SRWare Iron.
@Nimbus2000: That's my understanding too. I remember reading that someone had tried to get Netflix to work under Linux, but couldn't. So I thought I'd give it a try. That was the reason for posting what I posted. I'm working from a stock Linux Mint install. Firefox was already pre-installed. I like it and chose not to install any other browsers (at this time) For those who decide to stay with Firefox on Linux, they now have a way to get Netflix working, without having to maintain multiple browser installations.
As long as the offset divided by page size results to an integer there cannot be read/write performance issues. Standard offset 2048 sectors=1024 K To me it is a myth that one needs to align it to the erase block size as well, especially when the File Allocation Unit Size is bigger than it and if divided by EBS does not result to an integer 4096/1536 (reasoning at previous post, EVOs have GC besides of T.R.I.M.)..but people should correct me if I am wrong.
@who-ever-is-interested; So, it turns out that Linux Mint installer does not detect W10 as an OS, but similar attempts on same firmware with W8.1 works (me testing with autoinstaller. I wanna be sure things gonna work). Using ls /sys/firmware returns same thing when using UEFI or Legacy, and its not the right thing, can edit this post when I get to work tomorrow. Tha rig is a HP 645 G1, AMD CPU and 8GB RAM, 120 GB SSD Im not gonna mess around with the install yet, tho I have reserved 50GB for the Linux when I get further info what to do, what is safe and stuff.