If God is Omniscient then Human is not free.

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Apr 9, 2013.


Free will doesn't exist If God is omniscient.

  1. If yes, why?

    37 vote(s)
  2. If no, then how?

    45 vote(s)
  1. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #481 R29k, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    If you can read you would see how the Devil entered, however you can't have God without his alter ego the Devil.
    Apparently God wears black and white T-Shirts and overdoses on ganja :laie:
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Wow that many replies :). I have picked your reply to answer.
    This here is different since I can think about a friend's statement and are not involved into the creating process of the idea. :D
    I didn't get you here, you have to assist me. :D
    Let me post my idea of the statement and please post what you think about and where it is not reasonable in your opinion.

    "God gave humans the free will to err an infinite time in infinite ways. Only one who has these powers can wear the attributes of omnipotence and omniscience."

    The domain to what is referred to is infinite time and ways. There is no predetermined event (this or that). Infinite time= always. Infinite ways= all ways, no special (no determined).
    When one(A) knows that any event out of this domain is wrong, then one knows everything, otherwise the one(A) does not know the answer, the 'truth'. To know the wrong, one(A) knows the not-wrong, every time.
    This is synonym to omniscience.
    Free will is remained anyway, because the domain is infinite. (No predetermination of the one or the other way).
    An event is chosen out of infinite possible events = free will
    No matter which event is chosen the one(A) knows it is not right = omniscience.

    2 things seem to me important: infinity can mean in the time with no end of time or timelessness.
    Omniscience can mean to know any result in time, or that any event in time loses its truth, because it is seemingly changing in time, but truth cannot change. Or in other words: The truth resides in every moment, the error in the row of time.

    When one throws a coin then it doesn't mean 'god' knows beforehand if it is head or tail. If you split this event into timeless moments, then in each moment 'both' truths reside in. Only then when relating to one of them it becomes determined as idea and one 'part' of the truth is gone away. It becomes the OWN Truth of one(B). Whereas one(A) who IS the infinite domain knows 'all'. One(B) can only chose when having a finite idea of identity to which one(B) relates.

    An individual (one(B)) always errs, because due to relating to a own point of view = idea of identity.
    Or in other words: To determine a 'result' in time one must have a place of identity to where the one relates to.

    And finally it 'becomes' very weird for the linear thinking mind: When to determine is the cause of error, 'I' chose 'I' relate to my finite identity which is wrong, then the truth must be: There is in reality no difference of head or tail. This is known by god all the time means ever now.
    Or in other words: God has no point of view, no location of identity and hence CAN 'conceive' the truth of 'all'.
    Or you can say: God has a infinite point of view and ever 'sees' the coin from any side.
    Or: An individual's location (finite) restricts the sight on the matter (coin) and creates a own truth which is relatively right. IF the individual's idea of identity would be someone located at the other side then bottom would be top.
    Mind: This is BS to have another idea of identity than THIS! Then I ask you where are you? Show me your place of identity. This mistake is not made by god, because he is omniscient. :biggrin:

    The essence: (Again). Without the experience of the present which has no time (or all time) one finds no answer for 'god' and no answer for the topic.

    And finally some words to [drugs].
    There are plants, substances which exist which have the ability to condition the mind away from linear thinking.
    Hence somebody wrote 'out of the bong'. The attribute of 'not-normal' can be easily assigned to the consume of it, because the majority (minds) are not influenced by these substances. Nothing to disagree.
    But by assigning the idea of not-real to it is not conclusive. It is as real as 'normal' perception, better said it is as illusionary. As long as one relates to a wrong identity we have to speak of illusionary perception.

    The mind can be conditioned the same way (out of linear thinking), by changing the focus of awareness. The major difference is the mind does not lose a part of consciousness, the mind gains awareness and becomes fully awake.

    [drugs] let one have insights of this timeless present, but the timeless present has STILL a relation to an object, to the [drug] itself. Hence this is no real condition of no object relation which is the nature of 'god'.

    Again, no answer from me that is 'right to others'. It can point to 'truth', though.

    I researched on hallucinogenics, I practice meditation. These are my experiences and my idea of the 'topic', thoughts to my friend's idea and to some things that had been mentioned additionally. :)
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  3. parapher

    parapher MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    #483 parapher, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    I'm not sure we need to distinguish here, since if one could partake of omniscience we might be God-like. Since we are using the Western moniker of 'God' and using Roman alphabet and and I've seen plenty of Western religious terminology then I might quote the Bible that says, "Ye are made in the image of God"->"I am one with the Father"->"He will do even greater things than these." And to be sure, I was pointing out the limitation of the rational mind and its sequential understanding of time -- not that humans could not transcend this rational mind to know things directly through honed intuition and realization.

    I guess one way of looking at this (as a human problem) is to ask what about that idea really bothers people so much? Would you rather have the illusion of choice, or what you rather know how things really are (whether that be free or determined)? I think many people who voice indignation against an omnipotent and omniscient God are perhaps more interested in touting their own 'independence' or 'freedom' than to ask themselves if they are really free, or whether they are a complex of personal habits studded by family and genetic dispositions, or someone that can really look at things with open eyes and wonder. If you felt the stars vibrating in your universal body, would you find that limiting?

    I think the main problem with any belief system is taking it as 'truth' when it clearly is only a model. You'll find that many people who really delve into something integrally and with heart and soul (be it music, science, etc.) will often develop a degree of wisdom and insight into life, almost regardless of what it is they focus so intently on. That's because it's not about the stale 'wrong' and 'right' ideas, the 'factual' and 'uninformed'. It is much rather about the intensity and depth of your consciousness and its integrity, what will stick and find its way in there and how it actualizes the consciousness with the forms at hand. And that goes as much for people who are religious as for science thinkers, because no adherence to particular forms could win a greater purchase on reality. It is rather in the realization ofthe relationship between forms that meaning and value is known.

    But perhaps this points to the ideas we have about 'time' again. If you (or God) is omniscient, you would not be stuck in any one particular time or space. In fact, it should be considered that omniscience would be akin to time- and spacelessness. Think about the nature of light. As you know, according to relativity, the speed of light is the absolute. Upon it, all else in the relativistic universe depends. Yet, most human beings think about light and its speed in rather mundane ways. We might imagine speeding up to the speed of light, than traveling at the speed of light for a while, and then slowing down and 'stepping out' of lightspeed. But you know what, that is not the way it works. When you are light speed (as a photon, say) you are not moving. Everything that is not at light speed may regard you as moving, but you are not 'moving'. In fact, you are residing purely in no-time. The 'moment' the light leaves the star, and the 'moment' the light reaches our Earth, to the light itself it is not a span of time. Instead, it is the same, one, instance. There is no time :) Traveling through the universe, yet it is only one instance. Can you imagine that? Residing in a non-time/eternal instance. It is right there in scientific discovery, yet how many people truly think about it an apply it to their minds? In philosophy, something on which everything depends (as light speed is to relativity) should be considered the absolute verity. Light, in the relativistic universe, is the absolute. How apt, that it is also the very thing that sustains all life on this planet directly. Plants live directly off the light emitted by the sun, and the animals live off various forms of 'stored' light.
  4. parapher

    parapher MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    #484 parapher, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    Very nice, indeed :)

    Perhaps another way of addressing the God/fate question is to say: the idea is to realize your true nature as God (or realizing the essence of the universe in you), by means of which you will determine your own fate as God :)

    Say that 'God' is the essence of the universe (space-time, matter, etc.). A state or being with an unmanifest and manifest state. The unmanifest state we may call 'God', and the manifest state we call 'universe'. The unmanifest state, therefore, wouldn't be 'outside' of the manifest state but it would naturally 'inform' it. Hence the Vedic adage: 1) Brahma alone is real 2) the universe is unreal 3) Brahma is the universe.
  5. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    #485 TCM, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    Your theory is truly astounding. You surely must have it peer-reviewed and backed-up by experiement, where can I read about it?

    Also, there is nothing "apt" about light. Radio waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum as well, yet they don't support life. Light is only "special" to you because it matches the wavelength of radiation that your eyes can sense. Different species can sense different forms of light. You can't draw special conclusions from something because the result of that something is your existence. That's called the anthropic principle, assuming things must be special because they lead to our existence.


    Or paraphrasing D. Adams from that article: the living puddle finds its surroundings fitting him perfectly, when in fact _it_ is fitting _them_ perfectly.

    The Universe has not been "designed" around us or to support us. Our mere existence requires those properties we observe, because otherwise we wouldn't exist.
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This is only true when one relates to a own, separate idea of identity. "That's called the anthropic principle, assuming things must be special because they lead to our separate idea of existence."

    The entire approach is wrong, though. Because to separate an identity one must be able to determine the barrier. In other words: Where does your existence start and where does it end, relative to the space in where it exists.
    Existence is not relative, it is absolute. It is being. The idea of existence is relative, though. It is expressed as 'My life' and hence an object not the subject that IS life. It is related to the one who can have it.

    "The 'moment' the light leaves the star, and the 'moment' the light reaches our Earth, to the light itself it is not a span of time. Instead, it is the same, one, instance. There is no time :)"

    This must be true when there is no place of identity. Or: When there is no difference of 'I' and the star, when there is only 'one' instance.
    So the conflict is quite easy to understand. TCM assumes a separate identity and parapher does not.
    Also science assumes a separate identity as an observer who observes 'the not-observer'.
    By watching the history of science, one knows, that the pure determinism of Newton has been disproved by Heisenberg, Schrödinger and Einstein. The conclusion is: There is no real barrier of subject and object. ;)

    And finally. "Our mere existence requires those properties we observe, because otherwise we wouldn't exist." I ask you do you exist when you are in deep sleep where no 'properties' are observed? Can you then survive deep sleep at all?
    The quote above also relates to an object of existence (idea) and is not 'mere' existence = being itself.
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  7. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    When I read this stuff, I wish we were still swinging from tree to tree and that would be the end of it. The arrogance to lift oneself above time and space and whatnot is truly astounding and one of the results of our unfortunate gift of complex thinking.

    Enjoy the weather.
  8. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    We are here to debate not to 'have right'. 'Truth' is never affected by our debate. BTW: I am enjoying the weather outside at the balcony, thanks. :)
    Actually arrogance can be also to assume a separate identity. Especially when one cannot determine it. Your body will consist of completely different molecules in a few years. Anyway you'll say it's me.

    Enjoy the weather, too. Will be off to a party. :)
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  9. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #489 redroad, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    You said (TCM) "When I read this stuff, I wish we were still swinging from tree to tree and that would be the end of it. The arrogance to lift oneself above time and space and whatnot is truly astounding and one of the results of our unfortunate gift of complex thinking."


    If we are tethered to/confined to a thought system which does not allow for our true nature to emerge it is the complex thinking of the ego that preserves this misperception .. The ego's tiresome tedious adherence to complex thoughts that promote separation thus carving out a place in time and space for the ego to promote it's self defined space from which it delivers the harshest of terms which are but a death wish in reality .. The choice of correct perception has been ours (humanity) for thousands of years yet it holds little interest for most because their ego's will do everything in their illusion of power to hide the true nature of who we are .. We are at a moment (Now) in global history where this awareness of one's true nature will no longer live in obscurity .. Whether this has been the plan of God or simply a seedling busting through the soil in Spring you decide after all it is your perception, right?

  10. parapher

    parapher MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    #490 parapher, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    @TCM: I would answer your every query (if indeed they were such) if you could manage to keep from snarking your way around human beings in this thread like a common bottom feeder. You accuse people of arrogance when they explore things like consciousness and time, yet you say it is your wish we were all still swinging from trees like primitive primates. If anything, what I've seen you do in this thread is far worse than I've seen people do who ascribe a more central role to consciousness, and indeed kind of like one of those primate bullies. As for radio waves, as you might know, their energy level is extremely poor. It is said that all radio wave radiation detected by all telescopes in the world is less than the energy released by one single snow flake touching the ground. Furthermore, my point about light wasn't about how 'unique' it was, but that the very life-sustaining phenomenon for life on Earth also acts as the universal absolute. May that is not 'apt' to you but it is certainly apt to me :D

    Your points about anthropic principle exemplify very well how you think, but what you forget is that the universe is happening as you. To think otherwise, is -- actually -- arrogant to the extreme. Funny how you accuse me of anthropic thinking, while that is exactly what you are doing, and much more so than I am :) My 'apt' comment was not a scientific statement as much as it was a poetic one, you know, like a celebratory thing. Perhaps feelings like that are wasted on you, I don't know. I do know one thing, if Einstein, say, would have been a cynic that was hemmed in by the obvious and the established, we'd all be the worse for it. This thread is not about how well you can march in line with established science (and even true science is not honored by your attitude, as my comment about Einstein would suggest to you) but rather we are discussing what the nature of God could be, how free will plays into that, and every possible topic that connects to these ideas. In other words, I don't understand why you are trolling this thread since obviously you have nothing to contribute here except things every thinking person here already knows or has considered. It's not about what we already know or have considered, it's about exploring what we as yet don't and perhaps have not.
  11. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    #491 sid_16, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    Yen sir, I didn't feel it necessary to quote your entire post because I post a simple and thought provoking question to which you people made it so complex with your so called spiritual/mystic babbling that it's unnecessary and time consuming for others to refute one by one/ again and again.You all would rather be more persuasive, if you would've posted some valid argument instead of these mystic babbling. Sorry to sound rude here.:D If you all (the debaters) want this discussion to run in right direction then please post something relevant to the question posted in the very 1st post otherwise please close this thread.

    One last reply... Perfect knowledge of past, present and future actions implies Determinism, entailment, etc. As there is no freedom of action in a Determined World, there can be no free agents. Universalism or Block time portrays a world that is fixed. Just consider this argument bellow-
    1)Absolute knowledge of the Universe and all its events, past, present and future, allows no possibility of surprises or errors .
    2)God is in possession of absolute knowledge (Omniscience)
    3)God, being Omniscient, necessarily knows that sid_16 will choose to post (this) at time 7.12 pm (my local time).
    4).Given God's absolute knowledge of all past present and future events, 'Omniscience' there is no possibility of an alternative action being carried out by sid_16.
    5) Therefore there is no possibility that I will not post this reply at time 7.12 pm.
    6) Therefore sid_16 carries out this action of posting this reply at time 7.12 pm.
    that's all from me,
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  12. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Why the vitriol Sid ?

    You said "Mr Redroad, these are I think valid question while we are discussing the God existence."
    Which I think were in reference to your post here .. http://forums.mydigitallife.net/thr...ot-free/page15?p=752429&viewfull=1#post752429

    If we are discussing something as broad as God's existence as you have said then how can you be seemingly frustrated when the conversation/debate takes on a life of it's own :confused:

    I think it is time for you to ask yourself what your intention for posing such a thought provoking question to begin with .. I don't need the answer .. It is for your information only

    After all we are neighbors here .. There is no right or wrong in this discussion however there is a tenant/tone of respect which we have agreed to, right?
  13. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    If you (not you personally) disconnect from all the results that science has given us so far, you are not a scientific explorer, you're just a quack. Einstein explored by thinking up a theory that could better explain what science already had established. He didn't sit there and wander off about some grand spirituality and his place in the universe and whatever fictional nonsense could have entered his mind. He thought about the existing theories and came up with a new one that explained all that was established, deeply shook some other theories and most importantly, stood test to verification.

    To compare the egomaniac ramblings in this thread disguised as theories to Einstein's takes the cake for today. I don't know what more to say.
  14. parapher

    parapher MDL Senior Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    I was talking about the attitude of exploration and thinking outside the box. Not that I am a scientist and am equal to Einstein. I respect him greatly and have studied his theory a lot, and I know myself and my own mind sufficiently to not think I'm up to par with his mind ;)

    Look, if we cannot discuss certain topics or possibilities, perhaps you would be more comfortable in the era of the Inquisitors or the Gestapo. We don't need your mind-policing, nor your condescension. If your motives were indeed pure, than I would say 'don't worry'. But since they are clearly not and you are more interested in condescension as fortified by your understanding of science and rational thinking, I would say 'why bother?'

    If your ego becomes so much second nature to you that you take it as the basis of truth, I could see how you could typify anyone talking about transcendental matters as ego-maniacal, but then you might have to consider one day that you are actually the ego-maniac. Another feature of ego-maniacs is that they don't particularly care about others and talk to them condescendingly (or would you say that is the action of a selfless person?). Also, it is a feature of ego-maniacs to stick their big fat nose into matters they want no (conscious) part of, just for the purpose of shooting down 'idle dreams'. Don't fool yourself, your ego is getting something out of being here the way you are. No one requests you to be here, it is your action alone.

    In ending, I would say that we are not claiming to be on par with an Einstein or other genius of science. Nor are we claiming to be prophets. We are discussing a matter about God, predetermination, free will, etc. We are not talking about how unscientific something is :) If you consider the very topic to be ridiculous, then why take part in the discussion? This is what I don't understand. You are acting like a bully, not a person who cares about others and wants to discuss matters of life and universe. So what is your deal?

    As I've said several times before, there is no human mind that is 'right'. We are all employing symbolic thinking and have our own personal models. Just as the old saying, "a thousand monks, a thousand religions", so it is that "a thousand scientists, a thousand sciences" holds true. Yes, they will agree on certain principles, but the actual way they view and intuit the universe and their life in it is highly personal. As such you can't take such a caustic stance against the ideas of others. To do so, is in fact highly ego-maniacal and dictatorial. It's so baffling that you continually manifest the very things you accuse others of. I don't get it.
  15. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #495 redroad, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    I think It would be wise to have a more generous perception of each other

  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Given what you know about omniscience, don't you find the concept of a being that is omniscient a bit ridiculous at best ?
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  17. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
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  18. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #498 redroad, May 9, 2013
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
    have a look here Sid and TCM Bohmian Mechanics also Einstein's Philosophy of Science
  19. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    The 1st. article shows that, Bohmian mechanics proposes some irreducibly undetectable nobody-knows-what keeping everything in order, acceptance of in- determinism doesn't posit any fantasy elements. I think it's quite clear that Bohm's view is the one that can be characterized as quasi-religious.

    The fun part is, it is the indeterminists who have to add the fantasy of randomness. Or as opposed to the fantasy of nonlocality?
    Please check this link

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  20. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    That quote was spot on with my thoughts on God and Religion. :worthy:
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