If God is Omniscient then Human is not free.

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Apr 9, 2013.


Free will doesn't exist If God is omniscient.

  1. If yes, why?

    37 vote(s)
  2. If no, then how?

    45 vote(s)
  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #701 timesurfer, Oct 19, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2013
    What will elude you your whole life is that true happiness is a natural state and independent of any pursuing via anything...lol And you only blame God's nature so you can feel superior to the cosmos instead of being one with it ;)

    e.g. The "Devil" feels superior to God but really isn't ;) ;)

    But I guess that's what partial/temporary philosophy delivers to it's worshipers...lol

    More ego disguised as another guestimation based science/religion/philosophy scam meant to distract the masses from turning their eye's inward and knowing for themselves

    How is worshiping incomplete science without a whole system comprehensive analysis of the cosmos sense ...lol

    Except that of which is self-existing!

    It's always those who live in a mental state of feeling incomplete that will create incomplete religions, govt's and sciences to get people "hooked on", addicted and DEPENDENT as an FAILED attempt to feel complete and play slave master over the masses they've made DEPENDENT

    I mean you guys have been beating up on Yen and others here in a "God" thread for how long and it's so obvious this thread isn't about enlightenment or striving towards that aim. Just pulling people out to make them sound crazy and to feed off their openness and ability to be vulnerable. This is sick and truly nasty and wicked

    Yen and I may be on different paths but at least we can acknowledge eventually all paths lead to the great path and there is existence beyond ideas and ego...
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What will elude you your entire set of existences via reincarnation is being high while trying to think clearly...:rolleyes::bye1:
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  3. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #703 timesurfer, Oct 19, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2013
    lol..."entire set of existences via reincarnation" :eek:...lol...OMG you are so high dude :worthy:...lol

    Also sorry you are lost in-between lifetimes, I hear that can be quite traumatic...lol

    But how can you think clearly without any comprehensive knowledge?

    Perhaps it is the partial, bogus philosophies that keep you thinking a high state of consciousness is dependent of anything!

    It doesn't matter how one experiences "High consciousness" it's just you are jealous and envy of what others have you can't attain cause your "methods" are limited, partial, artificial and temporary in nature

    Your "philosophy" creates more problems than it solves :p...lol

    Clearly all your posts are a vivid reflection that you live in a state of feeling incomplete which leaves you ultimately feeling needy and insecure

    So you attack others when they need nature as to not deal with how you feel incomplete and needy!

    Like trying to feel like a child again by robbing a child of their childhood

    To externalize what you fear and what haunts you onto another is wicked/nasty
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Every contemporary philosophy, if it's any good, creates more problems - the nature of Humanity...

    Or do you want machines, sorting out everything for good, so there's no more need to make any effort in any direction?

    Stalin and Hitler are for you, then... Safety, security, stability, answers to every question are already there, no need for any effort - just go to work!:worthy:
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  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I totally agree with you here. I didn't want to make clear (again) what I think about it. It is beyond logical and discursive thinking mind that there is 'something' which is not tied to duality. Something which has no cause, something that is not born and hence cannot die.

    The 'self' which is self-existing, pure being, the 'one life' is eternal and absolute (independent) This 'self' never can be 'matter' of any study. It is the 'student' itself.

    I referred at my reply to something, to objects / appearances. Most are identified with an object / objects and confuse them with the real subject. Objects are dependent on each others.

    I know that I am going with such a post into an direction most are denying. It is no problem. :)
    For all those I suggest to consider, that there is seemingly a future and a past. But anything ever happens only now. When you want to have success, you can only have it now, and not tomorrow. When you want to change things you can do it only now, not tomorrow.

    This and the fact that the mind must objectify to work are the reasons for my arguments. The 'one' who objectifies is always beyond the mind.

    It is nice to see that there are other people thinking the same way, but my post is not made to convince. The 'truth' is untouchable and 'will' unveil to 'all'. And all I've posted are a bunch of thoughts which appear as own objects.
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  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Where is a ghost smiley when you need one? :D
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  7. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Isn't an eternal self relative to the system that it exists within ? :eek:
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  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I do not want to convince, just to outline what I mean. :)

    No. What is actually the eternal self? It is not the idea of it. It is that what asks the question, now. It is not the idea, which is always past, you can only ask this question, now. Your-self is asking it. You create an idea of it and then you ask questions about your created idea (that it could be relative to something) of the eternal self = object.

    I cannot 'prove' it, nobody can, since the prove cannot be proven. It's like the attempt to prove (one's) being.
    The 'prove' is your own being and you exist only now. The now has no time and hence cannot change, being has no time and cannot change. It cannot be relative to something. Anything that changes are thoughts (of what you are).

    There are two possibilities. Either those who are 'thinking' the same way have found a way to 'access the self' = got rid of an illusionary idea of oneself.
    This has different terms, enlightenment, awakening, salvation.
    Or they are lost in an insanity. But how could be another 'result' as insanity for the mind which tries to understand (objectify) the real subject? It can only end in a 'disaster', lol.

    The dilemma of all religions, also science, actually of all individuals. Tensions are unavoidable. :biggrin:
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  10. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I was reading this which is why I asked http://www.amazon.com/Your-Eternal-Craig-Hogan-Ph-D/dp/0980211107
    Interesting quote from the book.
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    That's why psychologists/psychiatrists/psychotherapists (psychos generally) :D are very dangerous people... :D :D :D
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  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    If you mean confused, confusing or very confuzzled then I agree. :D
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I still have to meet a single sane one of those...:D:p:D
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  14. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    You live in a world of nearly pure deception.Every deceiver is himself deceived. The psychologists/psychiatrists/psychoanalysts are no exception.:p
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Stanislav Grof’s biography is very interesting also his works. In the late 90s I have studied some of his works.

    As you can see at his quote his ‘opinion’, experience changed drastically. He moved form a pure Freudian psychoanalyst to somebody who got de-objectified.

    He is describing exactly that what I mean, presence.
    (I asked somewhere else : When reading at MDL do you know / are you aware that you exist?)

    Actually it bypasses the categorizing mind which can be localized (objectified) as a region of the brain. At the same time brain regions which are stimulated when somebody perceives something new (has no causality to past learned patterns and terms) are stimulated also.
    In meditation you find similar brain activities, also in deep sleep state.

    Most people think that psychedelics disable filters and hence one hallucinates and perceives an abnormal world.
    But that is not true. Such substances force the one to perceive the world without to categorize (to separate it into own objects and assigned notions).
    The notion of time vanishes also, the now is perceived as it is, now!
    The source of consciousness is present being.
    It is the simplest thing and however the most that is misunderstood. (It can only be misunderstood.)
    During evolution mankind was that fascinated from the mind and its ability to categorize that we became possessed.
    To separate being from thinking brings us back to a natural balance.
    Direct perceiving unveils that being itself is ‘that’ that unites us all.
    The presence, felt as happiness of life, which is totally independent.

    I guess most people’s mind is nowadays able to detect inconsistencies in thinking. Only very unaware people which are mind-possessed and ego-convinced are not able to.
    Some are able to detect those inconsistencies but let them quickly move back to unawareness again.

    It are actually all people who think to have understood the real subject.
    I agree with you. Western psychology is only good to catalogue life contents. And to apply studied causes and effects to their relations (which are never without exception).

    The 'eternal self', the 'real subject' cannot be understood or explained, nobody can. One can only be (it).
    The mind doesn't 'like' that. It is outside of its abilities.

    That is the difference. The one who says to have understood it (dangerous, insanity, 'psycho').
    And the one who simply is (it). The 'two' possibilities I have written about. :)
    Grof is one of a few psychologists who is different (belongs to the ones who refers to the presence, to the latter), though.

    Most individual’s communication happens as follow (also Psychologist / Patient):

    Ego1 (illusionary idea of person1) addresses ego2 (illusionary idea of person2).

    Both are based on an idea of an object which suffers from impermanence, the attribute of all objects.

    To constantly be afraid of extinction (fear of death, the basic fear) by denying the presence of being, the ego needs to grow. It grows by accumulation of more objects which it uses to become identified with or by reducing the other ego, by putting the other ego into the wrong or by finding 'mistakes'.

    Since the ego is an idea, an object that is only a part of one's (past) thought, it needs TIME to grow.
    “I am lacking of something and in the future I’ll achieve it. I will complete myself in the future. I have no success yet, but I'll do something to have it tomorrow.”

    The ego forces one to be in the mind of logic discursive thinking.
    When focusing on the presence the ego dies. It cannot survive in the present, in the now which has no time.
    One only lives in the now, but the ego needs the time to exist!

    One who really communicates (a real psychologist) knows the illusionary attribute of the ego and addresses the intelligence beyond it. This can be only achieved when being present. When losing awareness the ego rises and takes possession of your-self again.
    When you have the ability to be observer of such an event you have gained some gap to your ego mind already.

    Please don't get me wrong. Both play their role, it's not about the one only or the other only. We have a massive imbalance, that's all.

    The presence and the logic mind. What needs to end are the false ideas.

    The eternal self is being and you are (this being). The mind that creates the illusionary self based on illusionary time (that it can exist at all) is the ego. The ego will constantly change in the time (because there is no achievable and satifying goal for it) and vanishes in the now. Identified with ego 'one' has to die. No chance. But that what survives is that what is having this idea, now.

    Some notes you might test yourself.
    Everything is only now, but we have a future and a past. What happen when one focuses on the present?
    If everything happens ever and only now and you think you die, then you die ever now.
    Locate yourself and you find nothing.
    Locate any object and you find nothing per se. The name is not the phenomenon.
    If the universe is infinite, how can there be a ‘part of it’ which is finite?
    Anything you see, is not the seer.
    Anything is relative, relative to an idea.
    Light travels with the speed of light, but itself it doesn’t age.
    And finally: One only lives in the now, but the ego needs the time to exist (needs the relation to other egos!)

    Those things made me to start......doubting about my ego identification.

    Later in life I've got:
    This ego-less presence is ‘god’. Hence it is written: The kingdom of heaven is within you.
    Or: To overcome the body (as representative of the world of objects) one needs to focus into it..needs to be aware of being.

    Be curious to 'test' your mind and its 'status'. That's all I recommend... nothing to convince, to discover only... :)
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  16. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #716 timesurfer, Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2013
    I had a feeling :om:

    And the teacher which is why false teachers pop up during the historical cycle to undermine everyone having their own "inherent answers" and also why false goverments arise to also undermine that the individual or independent self governs thyself!

    Give your(self) more credit, it is both teacher and student...

    I only hope that it is true neutrality you use to have that stance and not any resistance for resistance is still based on duality

    Too deep for these guys Yen :eek:...lol

    The subjective observer and the object observed are the same in an truly non-duality state or where the mind comes from to truly observe any "thing"

    But please expand more on what your saying?

    I'm interested and my cup is pretty empty :eek:...lol

    Convincing sucks as it has also not worked in this thread :p...lol

    Resonating is however the ideal option since to learn one must ultiimately resonate with what they wish to know :hug2:

    And why science will never answer the big questions cause you have to resonate to get those answers not look use a machine to explore and understand the cosmos as it really is!

    A realm governed by the imagination :yoda:

    Still flawed logic!

    The eternal self is the system that all is relative too :bye1:

    Wake up call anyone :ccc:...lol
  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Indeed, R & co. - wake up and smell the coffee... you're wasting your time... :biggrin: :p :D
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  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    "I only hope that it is true neutrality you use to have that stance and not any resistance for resistance is still based on duality".
    It is as it is. I can ask this question myself, then I know the answer. But why do you hope? :)

    "This and the fact that the mind must objectify to work are the reasons for my arguments. The 'one' who objectifies is always beyond the mind."
    "The subjective observer and the object observed are the same in an truly non-duality state or where the mind comes from to truly observe any "thing"
    But please expand more on what your saying?"

    Where is the subjective observer? The mind is a objectifying machine. The common use of 'I' is to be the subject, but it is any time an object. The truly non-duality is first, then the mind 'tries to understand things'. Things which it relates to a own idea of existence. But the subject cannot see itself.

    To unveil this illusion different tricks can work. Different phrases have been created, all have one goal to unveil inconsistencies of the mind.

    "It is like to search for your glasses, but you are wearing your glasses all the time on your head."
    "Try to see your real eye"

    It results to confusing statements when the mind speaks: Anything you see is not your self. But that what you see is not different to yourself.

    I came to the conclusion (again) anyone who is curious should research the mind...and 'its idea of yourself' = ego.

    I don't know what is good and what is rather bad for a particular individual. Forums communication is not enough.
    I know that the impermanence of all objects is a law. And when the mind relies on objects then 'it' suffers. Take away a kid's toy and everybody knows what I mean.

    How long does one like to suffer? Sooner or later one goes after the instance that creates those objects...isn't that reasonable? Science has given up their absolute ideology. Einstein discovered anything is relative...but relies on a an absolute....to him it is 'light'.
    The people's absolute ideology will break, objects will lose their rigidity. Locations will become uncertain. Events will lose their artificial severity. The being will come into foreground.

    The evolution of consciousness will enforce to overcome the mind as it is 'today'. One can only determine an idea of oneself...this will repeat until basic 'things' change. One basic thing is to recognize that each individual has a own mind with own truth. Actually no reason for the ego to grow. There is nobody more right than another...things are relatively reasonable, not more not less....or more drastically: nothing is of any real value.
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  19. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #719 timesurfer, Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Time can't be wasted...lol...it's eternal :p like your flawed logic and harassment ;)...lol

    Your "time" is a measure of space not real time...lol

    Good question? But where is your own "individual" answer to it? Did you allow yourself to be given that answer without thinking or ideas?

    Why do you share or try to enlighten people with your current wisdom or understandings. Why do you share?

    I think it's the same answer for us both?

    Love, but no one wants love they want control (the opposite of love) and aren't the teaching you reference based in helping people to not suffer

    Isn't Buddhism all about lessening or eliminating suffering through it's teachings?

    I think in close observation that this logic is limiting and flawed

    1. You say the mind is a machine and machines ultimately have no control they just take input
    2. Then you say the subject can't see itself. That is limited thinking!

    The subjective observer is the soul, the creator of thought that manifest the "physical"

    I'm also not sure you see the mind or understand it yet? The mind is natural and part of the working order of the cosmos

    Without mind there is no manifested body for the mind is the natural distributor of the soul/self to the physical world, making sure that there is equal soul/self to each object, hence the minds natural resting place is in between the unmanifest and manifested universe or the whole universe

    Without this understanding of how creation actually works we fall into the false perspective that time is linear and that our origins are of an ficition big bang theory compounded by a partial formula called :puke2: relativity...lol

    As above, so below and regarding the mind it's true function is to regulate each body having it's individual soul thus there is no confusion as to who's body is who's :worthy:

    Yes that means when the mind is correctly interpreted and utilized there will be no more insanity or schizophrenia...

    But the dark side of the force want's to own bodies and creates a fog in the mind so that is can manipulate the soul and hog it for itself which ultimately makes the mind seem like an enemy because of the feedback created when the soul is not evenly distributed to alive bodies while further taking the soul from what appears to be dead thus death fear was born

    Hard to see the dark side is :yoda:...lol

    Ultimately the dark side of the force want's to hog the soul from god's objects then the mind tries to compensate and ends getting caught and imprisoned and judged as the culprit when all along the true cosmic mind want's the soul to be fairly distributed amongst the all creation throughout all time/eternity

    I think one of the flaws in Buddhism which is misinterpreted by it's followers is to deny the physical or senses

    When one does that one creates feedback and it is this feedback that is original suffering

    To treat the mind as if it's the ego is a misunderstanding and blinds one of their own subjective self which illiminates self awareness and the natural state of being self reflective ;)

    So it is correct that the subjective observer and the object observed are one and to think otherwise is duality since all is of the self and connected to all it creates in the physical world

    Life is an interconnected phenomenon not the soul is over here and the self is over there, they are all components of life and true cosmic mind can know of itself as can the physical world it creates can be aware of the self

    This goes back to the ideas of non-difference

    All things of a non-different state are in equal resonance with eachother, the mind mearly and naturally distinguishes the difference between objects or the physical as a balancing agent so that all objects have an equal counterpart of the self!

    But you are not your head, you are self or the soul! So you really can see your head, glasses and watch yourself like your a greater observer the real you, the soul...

    This law is not based on just impermanence, it based on the communication between the manifest (impermanence) and the unmanifest (permanence) which is true life not just the physical nor the non-physical and the true mind is the "place" in between the two that governs what becomes physical and what is non-physical.

    Respectively speaking I think the Buddha's real experience of the cosmic whole is to a degree different than his followers interpreted his understandings and wisdom to be.

    I believe that the real Buddha wisdom is to acknowledge both the senses of the physical and the eternal energy of the soul

    And again to deny the senses will blind the subjective observer from seeing/knowing that the object he observes is not separate from himself but connected and one in the same from a BIG or complete perspective

    To me Einsteins "theory" is illogical and fictional :eek: and I believe Einstein was a good hearted person but as much as having a good heart is an integral part of understanding the cosmos he still only had a theory and it's flawed severely

    1. It takes no account of eternity or the present moment where all "objects" are created and dissolve back into
    2. It can't define light as it really is, the infrastructure of all life and given that real light is in all life

    The velocity of true time/eternity is instantaneously infinite
    So if real universal light is everywhere at once and is the infrastructure of the physical this negates any relativity theory that doesn't define accurately it's variables thus the formula as stated is false and fictional and ultimately leads the masses away from true relativity that uses real and accurate variables...

    Evolution of consciousness sounds great but really we fall from consciousness during the historical cycle so it's not really about evolving as going towards consciousness as it is about noticing we've devolved in consciousness and the ego or "backup plan" runs rampant being blinded by partial religions to not see the total cosmos which it's origins is the eternal soul or creator of life...

    I think to truly come out of duality people could consider not analyzing so much as a deliverer of truth since analyzing is basically compare and contrast which is just another form of duality

    The Creator of self and life are one (God/Self is life) and they know each other quite well when the mind is allowed to be free to distribute the self to all life but the dark side would have one believe otherwise that the mind is the cosmic criminal :eek:

    When the mind actually sets us free from being lost in manifestation because true mind (not ego) governs both the unmanifest/manifest thus allowing what was stuck in being something to be free or better just be...

    "To be or not to be, that is the question" and the true mind keeps both the unmanifest/manifest in harmony and if anyone hasn't noticed the world lives in chaos not harmony yet the cosmos is actually harmonically or synchronicity based (Insert smiley face)
  20. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #720 R29k, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
    @timey, how come you have a quote by me that I never wrote, have you been overdosing on marijuana again ?!

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