If God is Omniscient then Human is not free.

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Apr 9, 2013.


Free will doesn't exist If God is omniscient.

  1. If yes, why?

    37 vote(s)
  2. If no, then how?

    45 vote(s)
  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It is just a barrier of Language and the barrier of definitions and the crudity of words.
    Mind has a very wide meaning in the English language.
    We’d just need to synchronize our definitions.:)

    1. You say the mind is a machine and machines ultimately have no control they just take input
    2. Then you say the subject can't see itself. That is limited thinking!
    No, it is simply not possible. Subject sees--->itself. What of both is still the real subject?

    The subjective observer is the soul, the creator of thought that manifest the "physical"
    The subjective observer is chewing gum. And now we can start an endless debate, lol. :p

    Thinking is any time limited.
    That what's thinking now and thoughts are different. One could not be aware of thoughts if one would be the thoughts themselves. Oh well Satre wasn't that bad.

    That what thinks now is your Self, and the thoughts are ideas of what it can be = mind.
    You cannot see what you are!
    Your idea of yourself is just an idea. ‘The soul’ what is it? And why should you be ‘the soul’ and not chewing gum?
    The mind is a machine because all it creates are objects.
    You cannot think what you are, you can be (it).
    Wise Man: I am.
    Apprentice: What is it?

    The wise man is your Self, the apprentice is your individual mind.
    Direct perception bypasses mind. Objects are not perceived by their ideas, they are perceived in their one and only attribute. They are….now. Their difference is thought (mind), their unity is being (self).

    ‘Healthy use of mind’ is not to objectify what you are.
    To know to know nothing. ‘next step’ is to handle the ‘emptiness’.

    Are we synced yet? Lol. :hug2:
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    ...and it ain't just her, R29k...:rolleyes::D:p:biggrin:
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I know what you allude to...:biggrin:
    Seriously ever asked yourself who will be left when you have lost your mind? :biggrin:
    Is lost mind = no-mind = insanity??? If yes 'what' is insane then? Insane can be ideas, thoughts = mind.
    The present itself is as it is, though.
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  4. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #724 timesurfer, Oct 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
    Ignorance kills :rip: not [​IMG]...lol

    Wow you smoked 20,000 to 40,000 joints in under 5 minutes which could kill you, how stupid :rolleyes:...lol

    We're you the one who put those monkeys in a small sealed room with more cannabis smoke than someone would inhale in an whole lifetime all at once thus suffocating them to prove cannabis bad?

    That's horrific R29k and unspeakable, please stop the senseless murdering of innocent animals to make the non-toxic cannabis plant seem like the enemy of society...

    Keep spreading your false information, scare tactics and propaganda and eventually you will kill someone

    O wait false information, scare tactics and propaganda kills people every day

    Good going R29k...

    Yes a thought can be aware of itself because consciousness is in everything and thought precedes matter or reality so thought as it really is must be aware of itself to be the preceding part to matter or reality

    Even thoughts are things or objects to the Soul/God/True Self

    Expand your mind dude because you'll have to to attain the goal which is spiritual realization

    Get out of that analyzer like the real Buddha did (insert wink smiley)

    No we're not synced yet at least with false interpretations and practices associated with misunderstandings of the mind

    You always fight me, then later realize you we're wrong so I'm ever patient with you

    For instance, remember when I would talk of real time and you fought and fought, then one day you post, oh ok I see real time is akin to eternity, now I get it TS. And yea you did say that as will you give it time and realilize your interpreting what the mind really is incorrectly and your starting to sound as if you've been programmed instead of knowing for yourself :rolleyes:

    I'll try to relay what the mind really is and dispel what it isn't ok :hug2:

    1. It is not your brain...lol
    2. It is not just relevant to your individual self
    3. It is not trying to fool you or put you into duality, that is your ego and ego is an empty body with no soul in it
    4. It is the doorway to the body and the present and governs perfectly the non-physical and physical because that's it's job
    5. Given the mind regulates the un-manifest and manifest perfectly it is indeed an reflection of oneness since it joins the soul and body hence the totality of creation and how it really works
    6. It is not the devil, the devil is the body without the mind perfectly placing the soul inside it
    7. In star wars it's the force :yoda:
    8. It is not the dark side of the force :sith:, the dark side is the soul in it's journey against it's self or on an devolving path
    9. And finally it is your friend, so start befriending the mind and bail it out of Traditional Buddhisms judgmental/falsely intepretatd jail and free your mind so you can be free in the mist of the true creation of the manifest and un-manifest based entirely in the present (now)

    Ultimately you can't get to here (now) without the mind for it is the slide into the body like the waterside of life

    It will take some redoing of your practice but in time and a little deprogramming you'll get there and your further along already than ...... like gorski or R29k...

    Oh and it took real emptiness for me to have this rare perspective not just reading books and getting advice from "guru's" outside myself and definitely not being in the analyzer that can only compare and contrast which ultimately makes the analyzer "dependent" on outside information...

    The true teacher is within not outside...

    Better kill that buddha again...lol He's not dead yet...

    Ain't...lol...it's isn't...lol

    More ignorance killing us slowing...lol

    Always the group vs. the individual so which one does have freedom. Can the individual free himself from the group is he want's to?

    And yet the group is an individual called god or life

    When living as just a body, the body will define things incorrectly like time/space! When living as a soul in the body things look different and with all your "studies" you still have a spiritual path in front of you for without the real cosmic mind there is no getting to here (now)

    Consciousness as the highest level is true deathlessness and beyond but there are many levels of consciousness

    This is where Yen is sorta stuck in spiritual growth. There is the consciousness of the body (senses)(denied existence and validation by Buddhism) and there is the soul (an infinite official repository of creativity) thus ultimately there is the mind which governs the soul and body being one which is how the cosmos works. It does not come from an past or go towards a future for all time/eternity is now...

    And yes when one experiences the now life is always new but most don't live from an unborn state, they live in just the manifest world and it's directly because of this misinterpretation of what the mind truly is which is a mental field in all of life not just an individuals mind. The mind is a envelope of consciousness surrounding and inside everything and it knows the soul from the body and if not judged the mind keeps them in perfect sync, and unbeknowning to Yen currently because the dark side has convinced him the enemy is the mind when indeed the enemy is the one who makes the mind a criminal so that soul and body never blend together perfectly and true creation is never seen how it works correctly. True creation is the sum total of life/death - manifest/unmanifest

    Creation is the mind perfectly blending the un-manifest with the manifest

    This is how miracles are possible in that creation is not fictional big bang based but everything is actually being created right now...

    So ultimately we are our own creators and can become or un-become anything we want like gods

    And god lives inside us and is us and this is much different than religions or science would have us believe and which why I am fought by ignorance and given only opposition ongoingly :p...lol

    Insanity is just a body without a correctly placed soul inside because the mind which usually regulates perfectly the soul and body combination has been judged and placed in jail with the ego

    But really the mind is your friend (not how you see it) and it perfectly regulates your soul being in your body

    Get into the body! It's your home and a perfect refection of the present for the present creates/changes/dissolves everything or bodies/objects

    But the falsities of traditional Buddhism judge the body and mind thus unconsciously invalidating their oneness with the soul!

    Hence Buddhism produces people living outside their bodies and living in the analyzer of a person giving them only compare and contrast which is true duality not oneness...lol

    The dark side is very hard to see and it has deceived you from what the mind really is and the dark side has made you enemies with your real friend the mind which coordinates all soul/body relationships

    I repeat, the mind is your friend not your enemy and not the deceiver in life...lol

    And the ego will completely disappear when the soul is correctly placed in the body of both the individual, the sun, earth and the whole galaxy for the galaxy is the original or whole body with it's origins being the soul which utilizes the mind to create/change/dissolve all galaxies and the "smaller" life forms within it like you who is one human...

  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #725 R29k, Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
    :smokecowboy: oooh well ignorance is bliss and stupidity has no cure other than death
    @ Timey, before you go correcting other people you should look at the garbage you type
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  6. acyuta

    acyuta MDL Expert

    Mar 8, 2010
    Is all this somwehat strong to and fro a product of human free will or written by God.
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  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #727 timesurfer, Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
    Ignorance is stating time and time again something is toxic that is not :eek:

    And I reread everything I write, seems you don't know what you write till it's illogical and falseness is debunked as usual...

    And I didn't know you we're a practicing buddhist :worthy:...lol

    Birds of a feather...

    And I'm not really correcting Yen but rather any misconceptions of modern day contemporary Buddhism disguised as traditional Buddhism for ancient Buddhists did not do a lot of thinking or analyzing or even debating about the mind. They we're feeling and intuitive and knew there was a "force" to align with not some bogus train of thought or need to carry dualistic objects like cards


    All prophets have been deliberately misinterpreted such as:

    1. Jesus taught to overcome the dark side of god by forgiving within thy own godself, but it got twisted into forgiving others
    2. The Quran teaches to not worship idols or worship by any intercessory way other than worshiping god alone but look how Islam thinks of Muhammed as a teacher when he wrote exactly what the angel Gabriel told him too because he knew to be in complete submission to the will of god and that he could only save himself and that an idol of any kind will not do it for him
    3. Buddhism creates a feedback loop in one's own creation within because it teaches to resist the senses and thus locks the student into analyzing and being afraid of the minds tricks when indeed the mind tells the truth but without neutrality the individual resists the mind and how honest it really is despite Buddhisms attempt to make the mind criminal instead of the mind being the door to body and soul or "direct access"

    Truth is most culture and religion keep people out of the body or out of the present because that's where the jewels and real truth is which is one's feelings

    So with feeling is release, clarity and a "sense" of control over one's life and the world(s) does not want anyone in control but a few so the body is judged and made to feel shameful or broken or incomplete and thus painful to be inside which sets up senario's of sinning (unethical behavior) to attempt to get into the body by such means as bullying another to falsely feel in control of one's environment

    But the real environment to be in control of is one's personal space, not anothers space or a common shared space like the world(s)

    So driven by shame the individual conquers the territory outside himself rather than his own territory inside his self which is ultimately his own mind which governs his personal creation
  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Case and Point :D
    To quote darecks former signature
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ahahahaaaaaa!!!! :D:biggrin::p
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  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    With to synchronize I do not mean that you (or anybody else) have to agree with my definitions of terms or to agree with 'me'.

    I mean the reader (reader's mind) can have a look if he (it) is able to 'translate' them into the own.
    If not, then never-mind! It are just definitions, without real value!
    Those posts here are made to point to 'beyond' mind. This means after the reader has thought about (used the individual mind) one has to let it go and to remain the wise man (self), in other words to stop to objectify.
    The probability that my words have the ability to go through ones mind depends on the history of each individual mind.
    (Life contents, education, culture, belief and so on...) and is near zero. At the same time one glance is enough to 'know it all'.

    The only action they can have is to question the mind and as a consequence to evaluate if its usual massive importance, yes possession is reasoned. (Whereby one has to be careful it is always the mind judging about its own importance, lol)

    I do not start a discussion about chewing gum, it is in this regard senseless. Best we could achieve is agreement (in mind, probably after a few hundred posts). But my posts are not made for this.

    I am. And anything further belongs to the mind. Being is beyond mind. The mind consists of ideas of the real subject.
    There is nothing more to say. When my posts addresses an individual mind and this mind then cannot rest then they are senseless. :) I do not want to change one's mind. This is no mind game.
    Everybody of us has cultivated (mind) relaxing measures in life which are able to move the focus away from the mind. And those can by far more communicate than my posts are able to.
    That is the difference to all other object related threads, such as windows 8 and BIOS modding where mind activity is highly appreciated. :hug2:
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  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Me neither but that is not what I meant by synchronize, I meant with bogus understandings of exactly what the mind is not it is literally impossible to be in synchronicity with thyself and the cosmos or both at the same time...

    The real cosmic mind is literally the synchronicity tool to have the soul and body be in perfect timing with eachother which in spiritual traditions is known as nirvana but when what synchronizes the soul and body is judged as an enemy when it's a friend nirvana is never achieved except by accident so to speak

    People never get to nirvana by clearing the mind or relaxing, that is not enough, but indeed they get there when the mind is used to re-mix the un-manifest with the manifest so that creation can be felt as it truly is, whole and complete!

    To me the way you are speaking is via the analyzer and it compares and contrasts a bunch of ideas but that is not knowing from within! It is beating around the bush to me!

    It is of importance to me that the actual function of the mind be made clear as to facilitate usage of the mind in how it works in relation to the physical and non-physical

    Most buy into time being linear or (how the fictional big bang theory programs the masses to think time is?) which throws off any chance at understanding how the cosmos really works. The cosmos is based in the present as is how it manifests/de-manifests objects is non-linear hence to be immersed in the true manifestion one has to "also" be in touch with the un-manifest part of life. It is with the "two" parts of creation the manifests/unmanifest that the individual can only understand the nature of the mind and the cosmos

    So my premise is that you are missing something when investigating the cosmos because you go to one side or the other not being in-between the "two" parts the manifests/unmanifest

    But the real mind of life (not just the individuals little mind) is governing and balancing both parts so if your bouncing back and forth between the manifests and unmanifest your experience of the mind will be partial and most likely clouded

    This is what is meant in star wars as "Hard to see the dark side is" :yoda:

    Am I getting through at all with this new release of information regarding the real mind yet?

    It is not known and sorry but Buddhism is off to the left slightly as good intentioned as it is?

    Re-read this small paragraph I wrote just once more slowly and see if you can catch what I'm saying that is new!

    This is a new discovery to all religions!


    The entity that is always judging about it's own importance is the ego and it does so cause without the cosmic mind guiding the soul into the body for lack of better description it truly thinks it is all that exists :eek:...lol

    The real cosmic mind does not think it is all that exists, it is like glue that binds the physical with the non-physical and perfectly

    I know you know your traditions of thought very well or at least better than anyone here at MDL but just take a second and be in the slightest consideration about the mind not being the enemy to watch out for but really kinda the saviour cause it's job is to simply point the soul to the body and the body to the soul

    Things in life are always twisted even when they seem to have the most peaceful or best of intentions but the mind never had bad intentions nor does it test us, but the ego does and the ego dissolves when the soul gets directions to the body via the real cosmic mind...

    Give it a little time to sink in, then one day it will hit you like a ton of bricks and you'll be like whoa :bye1:...lol
  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Isn't it funny? We are actually discussing 'the same thing' with different own ideas. That fact alone shows no idea can be 'true' Your ideas are fine, but....lol...
    The mind is here to invent its own relative truths.
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  13. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Good point R29k. I’ve used that argument myself quite a few time in the past, but got the same mystical babble in response. Must be wonderful when one isn’t fettered in an argument by the rules of logic. :SmallAwesomeSmiley:
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  14. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    How free is free will that involves an absurd notion of acting without causation. It doesn’t. In fact, free will needs some modicum of determinism to work at all. Beliefs and desires have to cause actions for the actions to be free. And of course, while this means that omniscience is perfectly compatible with free will, it also means that God would be ultimately responsible for everything that happens in the universe. And that means that the PoE is a very big problem, indeed.:D
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  15. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #735 Yen, Oct 30, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
    From where come the rules of logic? From where come the laws of science? The rules of logic and the law of sciences are not determined by the 'reality'! They are rules and laws of mind!!!
    And your mind is the instance demanding its own prison.
    Are you your mind? Who assigns 'right and reason, cause and effect' to each others?
    When you think you are understanding /studying reality, then you are the fool, I am sorry. All one can study are the laws of mind. Logic is no law of reality it is a law of mind, any law is.

    You are not able to be beyond mind and are laughing at those who can....:)...not a good manner. Judging about something you are not able to comprehend. Nevermind!
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  16. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    @Yen, how do you know what you're experiencing is true? The idea of an eternal self may well be a pseudo experience that detracts from the possibility that we may not be real at all. Matter itself is just vacuum fluctuations so it's quite possible that everything you think as tangible really isn't, including the true self and what not.
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  17. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    one is the loneliest number, you come into the world alone after that your mind tells you there are others, or is it just your mind telling you that, then you die alone. because at that moment you are alone!! the real surprise is what happens next :)
  18. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It is quite simple. That what is now is the truth, the reality. The mind then makes an idea of it, which is one's relative truth. The mind does not work in the present. After the mind determined, the events became past = thoughts. The reality is ever now.

    It is no mystic, no craziness or something. Both are ideas of mind.

    Beyond mind what is it? Can you observe your mind (thinking)? If yes, then you are beyond it already.
    There is no mystic, only another focus!

    It is actually no surprise. It ever happens what happens now. It is your mind telling stories of the future and past when thinking. The mind does not work at the present. The ideas of past and future are as illusionary as the future and past themselves. Whatever your mind offers will be the surprise.:)
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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    "It is quite simple. That what is now is the truth, the reality."

    No, it isn't simple! As a matter of fact it is quite complex. One must interpret it - many times over - and sooooooo.....:cool:
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  20. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Strange! Some time our brain is domineering when it comes to coping with reality. We sometimes see things, that are not as they really are, sometimes invent categories that do not exist and sometimes fail to see things that are really there.E.g - there are people who have never seen or heard of an aircraft or some other objects (not seen or heard by them) and will not be able to imagine it and a real airplane overhead will be distorted in their minds, creating an alternative realities.

    Time is it there or real? Just a question can you answer it? Suppose I say tomorrow never comes due to the fact that the instant we get to tomorrow, it automatically becomes today. This however is not what i am asking.

    If the day after today is meant to start at 12pm midnight, then the question is, "when exactly is midnight?"

    You could say that it is the moment after 11:59 pm, but then couldn't you say that it was after 11:59.9, and then you could say it was after 11:59.99, and then 11:59.999 and so on and so forth.

    No matter how exact you go, you can always make a more precise answer. So if you can keep making more and more precise answers, then is there ever a time, when, it stops being today and starts being tomorrow?
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