If God is Omniscient then Human is not free.

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by sid_16, Apr 9, 2013.


Free will doesn't exist If God is omniscient.

  1. If yes, why?

    37 vote(s)
  2. If no, then how?

    45 vote(s)


    Jan 25, 2012
    You logic is splendid, but non-existent.

    Let me put this easy for you (5 year old terms):
    Can I draw up a fruit? Yes. Can I eat that fruit? No.
    Can I construct a fruit out of plastic/paper? Yes. Can I eat that fruit? No
    Can I simulate reality? Yes. Can I live in that reality. No

    P.S. Please watch Matrix 1999, maybe you'll grasp (I really hope!) what I'm talking about.
    Pay attention to the cat scene.
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  2. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    #1182 TCM, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    So you're telling me you still don't get the point I'm even making? Simulated reality has nothing to do with what I'm even saying.


    Just because I mention "computer" and "reality" in the same sentence doesn't mean I'm talking about a simulated reality. You really need some education. Have you gone to school at all?


    Jan 25, 2012
    OK, kiddo. Time for your nap. Good night and don't let the bed bugs bite. Sleep well.
    A grown up would have understood what's the subject, but clearly with you is not the case. Bye, bye.

    P.S. Kisses from the ToothFairy.
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  4. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    Good thing you're reinforcing the intellectual level you're on. I was giving you chance after chance to address simple logic and you fail again and again.

    Unfortunately, this is the main reason why religion can even exist today: simpletons like yourself.
  5. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    :eek:The stupidity in this thread has hit an all time high, the matrix is now reference material ???
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  6. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    Duuuude, don't you know, The Matrix was not made by humans. It just appeared in the cinema screen, duuuude. So it's as true as the bible, duuuude. *passes bong*


    Jan 25, 2012
    I was trying to find a way to communicate with the guy, but he just can't understand what I'm talking about. At all.
    I tried scientific way - I failed.
    I tried kindergarten way - I failed.
    The guy simply cannot understand the fact that the box he's living in is not reality.
    Only an idiot can say that by holding one piece of a puzzle, he knows the whole picture.
    Scientists today can observe only 5% of the Universe, yet they claim to know it all => all are a bunch of idiots.
    Idiots that use other idiots to propagate their bulls**t. Idiots that some of you look up to, just like the religious people you dislike so much look up to the black guy that "walks on air" on TV, yet when behind the cameras he's just another crook. Same sheep, but different colors.

    Tesla told those idiots about real science, but was ignored. I wonder why?
    "If you want to know the Universe, you have to think in terms of light, vibration and frequency" - Nikola Tesla.
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  8. ausernamenoonehas

    ausernamenoonehas MDL Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    The Bible often mentions those who have God have light, and those who don't live in darkness. (Spiritual Darkness) Those who live in that darkness are often referred to as being blind. (Spiritually Blind)

    This is where you get many people who have the view that the Bible is rubbish. And its completely understandable. Have you ever tried to read a book in the dark without light? Nothing will make sense, it will appear a blur, confusing and unintelligible.

    Imagine knowing someone who is blind. Blind from birth, having never seen anything in their life. One day you mention how blue the sky looks, and they reply back that it is not blue but black. You spend some time explaining that the sky is indeed blue, your looking right at it, but no matter how much you try, the blind person is convinced the sky is black and will not be convinced otherwise.

    What do you do now?

    Some may feel compelled to try as they might to convince this blind person that the sky is blue. They may engage this person again and again, over and over, arguing to the point of exhaustion that they have eyes that can see, and a knowing from being able to see that the sky is indeed blue. But to the blind person who believes the sky is black, it will always be black, and nothing you or anyone can say will change that.

    It becomes even more difficult when another blind person joins in the conversation and supports the view that the sky is black. Together they both believe that the sky is black and support each others view. If I'm not the only one who believes the sky is black, therefore I must be right, as more than one person proves that I am not alone in my views. When thousands upon thousands of blind people believe that the sky is black, what will you do then?

    When millions upon millions of people believe the sky is black? Do you begin to doubt your own sight? Looking straight up into a beautiful blue sky, do you begin to doubt what you see? Of coarse not.

    The Bible is Gods word. But also more than that, it is a light, a spiritual light in the darkness of this world. A light that is Jesus Himself. The first gospel of John reads "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the LIGHT of all mankind. The LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

    Trying to argue the Bible/God/Jesus really is like arguing with a blind person that the sky is blue when they insist that the sky is black. It is only God, through his grace, that enables a person to see for themselves that the sky is indeed blue, and that they were blind (spiritually blind) seeing only darkness.

    The Bible is not a bunch of words on pages in a book if you have spiritual light to illuminate it. Without spiritual illumination you are trying to read in the dark, and reading in the dark is impossible to understand what you are reading. Without spiritual light it is impossible to understand Gods word, and Gods word IS Jesus!

    This is why those without Christ have such a hard time understanding the Bible. Its like an encryption, where the cipher is Jesus Himself! He IS the light that illuminates through the darkness of the mind.

    If the mind is darkened, then trying to use the mind to understand God is impossible. Just as if the eyes are blind, trying to use the eyes to see what colour the sky is, is impossible.
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  9. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    #1189 TCM, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    So how is your slave doing? Is he working well? You do have a slave as the bible suggest, don't you?

    The bible is a man-made book from the darkest ages of understanding of the world, full of contradictions and morally abhorrent viewpoints.

    If you cherry-pick the good stuff from the bible, you do so because of an inner moral compass that is in every human through evolution, not because the bible taught you anything. If you support all the bad stuff from the bible as well, you might as well stop talking altogether. The bible is an irrelevant piece of human folklore, like The Matrix the movie.


    Jan 25, 2012
    You failed again to understand what he was saying. Skip the parts with Jesus and still you can't understand anything and you call yourself a science-oriented guy. If the world would have been run by guys like you, we'd see now the "dark ages" like golden era... :laie: :laie: :laie:

    P.S. do you like embarrassing yourself in this manner?
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  11. Mutagen

    Mutagen MDL Addicted

    Feb 18, 2013
    All I know is if "Never stick anything in your ear smaller than your elbow" was a commandment, that would be one more reason for me to burn in Hell.


    Jan 25, 2012
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Kissing my tooth fairy good night now... :D

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    Jan 25, 2012
    Sorry...it's too "fleshy" to be TCM's tooth fairy. :laie: :laie: :laie:
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  15. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    #1195 TCM, Oct 5, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015


    Jan 25, 2012
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  17. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It are actually 2 differences of what you are posting and me.

    That what people say is reality is a relative reality.
    View by awareness, can be crudely described as a state of no-mind. 'Exercises' are available at Pranayama and Vipasana for instance. 'appears' suddenly as 'satori'

    My view about this was not different to you when I was ~25.
    Events in my life also due to interaction with different cultures changed it, though.
    Let me say again. There is no issue to me. I respect your view as well. :)

    "What you think humanity should do to progress?"
    To separate awareness from thinking. To use the intellectual mind when needed to return to awareness if not.
    This sounds weird for people who never could escape from thinking. Awareness? How can I get to there, what is it?
    One only can grasp the 'value' of thinking when observing it from another point.
    That what makes the world cold, cruel, adamant, disconcerting is the object consciousness which contains all the unswerving determinations which are seen as 'real'. Furthermore people are identified with them.

    It can never lead to happiness/satisfaction when identified with a object 'reality'. It is constantly changing and trying to find permanent 'values' there can never work. Science describes the past and tries to approximate the future.
    But there are no means for the present.

    "Do you think there is a god in the sense of a powerful being with a mind? "
    No and yes. In the sense of the terms I use god does not exist, but is real. God does not exist (stick out) since 'he' hasn't become. He is reality 'itself' The term god carries a negative aspect due to religions, I actually don't like it to use it.

    "Do you think your conscience lives beyond your physical death? Do you think science is the wrong way to approach reality?"
    Science tries to 'reach/grasp' god=reality but with 'false' means, means of the past (discursive mind). They objectify it and let 'him' become. Reality becomes a relative reality. This fact keeps science alive. I said science applies there where it has its place.

    Reality is eternal and unchanging because it is real 'already'. And 'you' are this reality. Within it there is no dualism.
    Anything what is a relative reality will change, it is tied to time.
    In this relative reality the earth was a 'disc', light a ray. Once you were a child now you are adult.

    When humans will be able to separate awareness from thinking and focus on 'being' on the 'now' the reality can shine through.
    It is awareness without thinking. One can focus there where anything emerges. The ties with anything that is perceived is felt.
    One does not perceive oneself as separate object.

    Here now we have reached again the source of all issues about 'god'.
    From the perspective of the intellectual mind it sounds like BS.

    Also it reasons the misunderstanding of people who 'believe in god' and others.
    They assign the reality to god. They say god is anything.

    For an intellectual ego it is like a punch in the face. 'I' can 'understand' reality I have studied 'it'. Who needs god?
    For others god is poison. They see god=ego. My god is more real than yours, I kill you.

    People who came to true happiness 'through' god simply have the 'ability' to focus on awareness. They can be present of the moment where anything 'becomes'.
    Responsible for all issues is the human mind.

    Hope you don’t mind that I have failed to use 2 sentences per question only. :)

    Nope, lol. :)
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  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    More mystifications, Vicar? :D :D :D

    ( I hate to appear to add to Socrates' "argument" - so, pay attention: I AM NOT!!! :D :D :D )
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  19. TCM

    TCM MDL Addicted

    Aug 25, 2011
    Sshhh, you're taking away the fun from the village idiot. It's better if he doesn't realize who's being made fun of.


    Jan 25, 2012
    Very well said.
    Unfortunately, regardless how many times you'll say this again and again...few will understand.
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