What I find fascinating is that people are ready to believe that a man is in the sky created everything. But any other suggestion is implausible Not to mention that the man in the sky looks human. Not even a plant or a sexy lady, just a man. The truth is stranger than fiction might apply here!
God that you are referring is not a man, but a spiritual holy being. He sent his son (that looks like a man) as a human/spirit to free us from our guilt with his love and compassion. All you have to do is to read the book of Genesis to get a better picture. At first God created light, Note the the Sun, Moon and Starts (time as we currently know to exist) were not created yet, until the 4th day. This aligns very well with the big bang theory. We are at this point (in time) we are just catching up with what people knew over 6000 years ago. but today we have "science" to back it up
You might like this then https://www.theage.com.au/national/meteorite-theory-makes-waves-20031219-gdwyps.html
The creator of nature as we know it.... can not use nature to his benefit? Things can happen today that we can not understand the effects of that event in the future. God states he is the alpha and omega. He already knows the story, The real question here is ... does or can God control that future?
One can consider both and try to put any mental 'prejudices' aside. I am scientist, but I don't have any problem with the Genesis story. Both stories actually suffer from the same issue. The stories have an own chronology, but include creation of time. God created time by creating light=day and darkness=night at the very first day already. (Can you notice the inconsistency?) And he took one week. (It doesn't matter BTW at which day..what matters is that he is creator of time). To have a day there has to be time already.....?!? Since he's the creator of time the chronology of the creation-story and the duration is senseless. Humans need to have a chronological order, though even to have a story relative to linear progressing time. The big bang has a chronology as well. Anyway it started from a singularity, means no time yet. Its start is determined by retrospective / extrapolation. (13.8 Billion years ago)... Anything now depends on perspective. The same as light itself. Light takes 8 minutes from sun to earth, but from the perspective of light it does not travel at all. (Does not age since it has got no rest mass)... From the perspective of god, 'he' is creating anything now. There is no before and no after. From the perspective of a singularity, the universe is created now, the big bang is now. Both stories are differentiated by human mind and Reason / education and belief/culture and understanding and whatever...relative to the time by retrospective. A retrospective to eternity is always problematic, though. Some thousand years later the stories might change (again). But not 'the process' itself. But at what 'state' was the chicken? Maybe embryonal state.....an embryo in an egg?
but that is not the case, First there was light, nothing else is added, no other mention. Then on the 4th day time was created...that being the sun, moon and stars (things by what we use to measure time) If time (time by our reasoning) was not created until the 4th day, then we do not know the measure of time by God's standard for the1st through the 3rd day.
You cannot measure what doesn't exist (yet), there is no measure of time by God's standard then... Hmm. I know the Genesis story that he's created day and night 'at first day'....but the inconsistency remains. Creating day at a day, you know? If time was the 4th day then day 1 to 3 cannot exist since you need time to have days...and time to differentiate days. But it makes sense to have light first....speed of light is the only absolute constant we have (you cannot accelerate light speed but any other speed is increased adding same vectors). The essence from both stories is that the process includes creation of time itself. Timelessness cannot be a chronological event! The question WHEN did god create time is absurd. The question when did time emerge from singularity holds the same absurdity. Creation whatever it is or whoever it does can only be a present action. Relative to time then as retrospection we perceive them as chronological events. One week is as wrong as 13.8 Billion years.
What if whatever created everything exists outside of time and space as we know it? Any time lines would make no sense, as this being could easily violate causality and any known or unknown law of physics. Just a thought...
Yen, God being the creator of time as we know it to exist, does not mean there is no existance another instance of time that we are not aware of that is beyond our comprehension. I think I read somewhere that time is affected the farther we go out into deeper space?
There was nothing. There is nothing. There will never be something. Except anti-matter and matter and everything in between. Charles Robert Darwin what just the beginning of knowledge! In a few thousand years creatures will laugh at human being of the 21st century.
@Tiger That's not quite what you say. Because if you believe, then he knows and he could tell you. Joe it does not matter what came first, it's important that it tastes good. Evolution has only the goal of preserving the species. I only believe in the good and not in gods.
That makes sense (to me). I am also one of those who rather tries to get things together than to laugh about. My thoughts... We have space and objects. The object's interaction and movements, their come and go, represent change. Here is time at home so to say. Space is the background. Space makes it possible that objects have their place. But space does not exist per se. As soon as one can relate two objects it appears as distance and by that time to travel from a to b. Means time does also not exist per se. 'Where' / 'When' were they (space-time-continuum) before? Reflects the same as "exist outside of time and space" The 'they before" is their eternal cause. Here I fail to go on posting...that's singularity, that's god, the whatever... The creation story at Genesis has the purpose to be a creation story. And when there are people who find in it something valuable I can understand. The whatever according to Genesis is god. 'He' must be outside of space and time. He has no age and is eternal hence was not born and will never die. The whatever according to big bang is the singularity. These are just thoughts to get things together. I like to do that, and I know there are people sticking to a certain theory do blame me for that. But that's freedom of thoughts. According to Einstein time is relative. The movie 'Interstellar' illustrates that quite good. When being close to huge gravity time slows down... Nah, time itself 'creates' the 'problem'.