BTW, is there a 1809 ISO of the PT-BR Enterprise available for download? Or maybe a newer version with the correction to the bugs. Not the EVAL one, which can't be activated. Could someone point me to the download URL? I didn't manage to find it.
actually CBB was changed to SAC (semi-annual channel) in starting with the v1709 release and CB was changed to SAC-T (semi annual channel [targeted]) good question.
i see rumors about microsoft cancelled the 17763 build and will make a new another one to fix the problems like showing wrong cpu usage and files deleted
i want to upgrade my windows i downloaded 18252.1000.180928-1410.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTCOMBINED_UUP_A64FRE_EN-US it's 17134.0 build, how can i update it to 17763.1 please ?
1) 18252 belong to 19H1 (It's hard to remember this. Why MS not continue with RS6 ? It's better than 19H1). 2) Best way is to download 17763.1 and install it. Not making update from 17134 to 17763.1. Update bring bugs. Clean install: almost not.
The deleted files problem is serious problem and they can't release the current build again without fixing it and releasing a completely new build! For example, What if they released the current build again and someone wants to install it while he is offline and lost his files?
He could check the "download updates" at the upgrade screen, it could download the CU to get all ready. But it's all speculations, we hope to get some info soon.