str8 has told me that he cannot support this thread anymore. (He has stopped to mod Insyde bioses) ar_seven_am, it seems you are modifying Insyde bioses here now @all Please don't push this thread with too many requests. I'm very happy that ar_seven_am (and others) are continue to modifying here. Insyde bioses are easily to recover IF you know how to kick in the recovery (key combination) AND you know the right filename for the recovery. There seems to be a way to figure any name for the recovery already. After a few more tests I suggest to andy to implement it into the tool. ar_seven_am, uncleraven thank you very much for modifying Insyde bioses (and others, too). Take your time you need and don't let them push too much..
Sorry yen, I'm just try to help, I dont know am I capable for this honours. I'll try to help everyone here, but yen please help us here if we had some trouble, anyway thx yen!
str8 told me that he'll be around from time to time. He's the Insyde expert. You may PM him if you have some questions. Also I can help (hopefully)... I suggest to you to go step by step. Take your time, you don't need to mod that fast. It should be fun, no confusion and stress. If you don't like anymore just stop. Maybe uncleraven will support this thread, too. I really appreciate your willingness to help.
I already flashed my bios to the latest version and as i stated earlier i unable to use any hp bios marker utility, it result error something like "not suported bios" or error 0x86 thank you
Thanks for the file but when u tried to open insydeflash.exe it says region map not found. what is that. Please help me.