That report may be worng since, I get it from a windows which may be with loader. However after reflash bios with original one and get rw report from that. Then performed the modify again. It still struck with the same problem. It seems to have only slic 2.0 in it. I have attached rw file before and after modification as follows:
Hi! I have an Acer Aspire 5720Z and I bought a t4200 processor for it but a laptop is always freezing under windows,I have tryed reistallin it but it freez down, I think it has something to do with the BIOS (I have Insyde V1.45 on it) can someone help me, or make me a BIOS mod for it or something to unhide hidden menus in the BIOS,perhabs than I can make setting to make woking the t4200. Thanks.
Thanks for the feedback. Can you make the bios backup and upload it ? /I already done this Bios before, but without succesful activation /