Ok here's the poop on this new file. I reloaded P24 and then tried to put the new P25 Slic 2.1 on top. The flash program didn't refuse it just didn't update it to P25. Still having some problems here. I must thank everyone in this thread for helping. It probably can be updated tho. Thanks Wyrman
The problem is the lock, or signature, or checksum, or whatever check is preventing the flash. The bios is modded properly, the lock is removed with Andys tool, now the flasher is checking the sums(cert??) somewhere and we dont know where. The ability to flash is the issue, if you can use another flasher, or flash the bios with a programmer it may work...Some of the boards work, some do not...I know the PERL boards do not...it would be nice though, huh???
I appreciate that. I sure would like to know what utility to use to flash this bios with then. Thanks
I got a PM from someone 1-2 months ago. He reported success using latest uniflash and the unwrapped *.ROM. I don't know what model it really was (but is seems he had also trouble using the *.BIO file). I would try it with the -AMI parameter......
So I just need a copy of Uniflash and copy the .ROM file to the bootable cd and all should be good. I just don't want to brick this board. If it was mine I wouldn't care as it's old anyway. The girl friend might get pissed LOL
As I said in one of my previous posts, it doesn't matter what software you try to use to flash a modified BIOS it will be refused by the hardware itself. If you do the BIOS recovery procedure by removing the jumper on the board, you can then use a CD/DVD/USB/Floppy with nothing on it except the BIOS file. You are not using _any_ software at all, yet the BIOS will still reject the modified file. It doesn't matter that the Intel locks on the .ROM file are removed, because the .BIO format contains its own checks. If you simply open the .BIO file in a hex editor and look near the end, you can see some very telling info there. Fixed Product Certificate1.0 OPSD BIOS1.0 Intel Corporation1.0 Hillsboro10 I spent quite a bit of time digging around and another thing to note is that even those pro Chinese BIOS modders haven't cracked this particular motherboard. Now that REALLY tells you something. Anyway, I gave up on trying to mod this BIOS and used the latest loader instead. One click and it worked like a charm. I don't even notice any delay before Windows loads or anything. Good enough for me.
Please read my previous post where I talked about Uniflash. Sorry, but I'm getting tired of repeating the same thing and not getting through. We're beating a dead horse here and I've already moved on. I suggest you do the same.
Any further progress? Is it dead end? I have also tried to flash BIO modded file on my motherboard D865GBF. No success. Mr wyrman suggests loader, Which loader it is?
Thank you for the link for loader. I have used the loader on Acer laptop. It works fine. Thank you once again.