But MJ, there is a big difference in the meaning of the word "Former" when taken from the context of people our age and teenagers.
Hallucinogenic compounds and mixtures have a traditional use. Actually they mimic a meditative state and add some side effects. If one wants to explain perception by reducing it to compounds or drugs then consequently, please. 'Drugs' always do act in our brain. All compounds involved are responsible for your current perception. Since they are constantly changing there is no certain condition which would be more qualified than another one to perceive ‘reality’. The simple conclusion is: Taking drugs just changes the way of perception. The same happens when body's own drugs are changing. (Hormones, neuro transmitters)... The mind ‘enhancement’ of drugs is reasoned by this knowledge. You can experience that there are illusionary states of which you never thought that they can exist. You also can experience that there is no normal state, better said the normal state is also a 'filtered' and hence a delusional state. Classifying them as good or bad or positive or negative is an own personal idea. But they all have in common that they are delusions. Your ‘clean’ state cannot be different since there is no real clean state. You are always perceiving your world. Being stoned or clean.
being stoned does alter your state of perception It could be the reason that Trump got into the running for the POTUS
I don't think cannabis is a drug that's made for Trump. It's rather alcohol.... People frequently say that somebody has lost touch with reality. But that is actually a phrase. Everybody of us has got an own individual perception. And it changes during life. As a child we have less memories of a past life, the pool of determined stories and events is still small. Relative time seemed to have passed slower as a child, because there was less of a past which could have been a relation. Objects had still their childish freedom. It is reasonable to get used to and most things done with the state that is prevalent. And it is with less effort to get life managed. But that is a matter of probability and adaptation, not reality. Nobody would say a child is stoned and far off the reality. It just lives within its childhood. But if one is intoxicated people say the one has lost touch with reality. As if one would know what reality is. I think the reason for the screwed up world is the confusion of the own perception of a reality with reality. This is cause of fanaticism..and many more.
I read somewhere Trumpoline is a sober sod... which beggars belief - no drugs, no alcohol and yet... I would have bet it was cocaine in his case... or summat worse, with paranoia and all that... Some drugs actually kill loadsa brain cells, so sure, they "alter" your perception.... Broadly speaking, not for me, ta... (But I must try at least once... )
do a whole sheet of acid it will help a lot...sense your basically a illusion it will bring u back to reality
easy to obtain hallucinogenic drugs. Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds, San Pedro cactus, Peyote cactus (very rare to find) Hawaiian Rosewood Seeds or grow your own Psilocibin Mushrooms. There's other stuff out there if you look
Indeed, generally speaking, as can easily be seen by some posters here... I merely wanted to try one or two of those once, to know WTF... Joe, it's not easy if it's rare and tough to find...