Is Reality an Illusion ?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Feb 12, 2016.


Is Reality an Illusion ?

  1. Yes

    26 vote(s)
  2. No

    19 vote(s)
  3. Don't Know

    10 vote(s)
  1. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    San Pedro cactus, Morning Glory's are growing all over the US I bet gorski could manage to find some in his local dept store. I think it is legal to buy shroom spores but illegal to grow them here in the states
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  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    An abstract statement never helps, it rather unveils lack of qualification.

    When it comes to abstract belittlement (with regard to taking hallucinogenics) it also doesn't help, I agree.
    But I would not be able to post here at all if I am high from such. Would try to adjust the colors of the monitor without ever getting any success. ;):D

    The so called hallucinogenics have their cultural use. Things which have cultural background do also have qualified local persons!
    Curiosity about them hallucinogenics can be (and is) a human attribute.

    With the extensive works of A. Hofmann serious work had been brought to Europe....with the glorification by Leary it finally met unqualified persons and it became a question of time until the US govt had to forbid such and to classify them as 'drugs'

    Actually hallucinogenics have absolutely no place there. It is an leftover from history. They are absolutely non addictive.
    Once my special subject had been hallucinogenics. (Works of Hofmann and Grof, the compounds' history and abuse, synthesis, cultural use, CNS actions...differences.....)
    I usually do not talk about it except one is very interested the 90s I got trouble I had no official approval for synthesis lol...

    There are still studies at Universities where they 'rediscover' 'hallucinogenics' just like Psilocybin and LSD or entactogens such as MDMA (AKA Ecstasy), anyway laws still prevent real research...

    Concerning the topic they can make clear that the 'state' we call normal state is just another state.
    Own reality is created by own relations. Also that things don't have any value per se is one of an insight.

    The serious works of Grof very much show that they also can be huge benefit when it comes to own existence and death with regard to reality.

    One has to be careful when arguing without to have studied the (complex) matter/their history.

    Short: We should mind/avoid the 'extremes'.
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  3. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    This is not the 60s were u had a very clean product whats out their now is a bunch half wit chemist trying to make a quick buck who knows what they put in their, and I'm sure u take enough of it u will end up brain damaged. and yes I know who grof and hofmann is but whats out their now is not coming from does guys.
  4. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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  5. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    The only way it could be any cleaner is if you grew it yourself organically using horse:poop: for fertilizer. :D
  6. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    kids that want to experiment and party they cant grow it or design it...they dont have the knowledge
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Well I thought you referred to the compounds themselves not to impurities.

    I wouldn't expect an issue at LSD since its dose hardly exceeds 250 microgram / (paper) tab and there is not enough capacity to hold impurities, not to mention it's questionable they can have a CNS action at all.
    A reasonable solution would be legalization and quality control or like in Switzerland they offer(ed) analyses of your stuff where one anonymously could get results before use.

    I know there are still many people who are experimenting with has vanished from excessive 'street' use and that is good. Since their dose is low you can hide it very well and send it to all countries.

    I myself had scientific interest first. I studied a lot of scientific papers. My professional work that time had been drug design. Yeah this is a legal job. (Our work group designed new drugs to fight Epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease)
    Anyway I also had no official approval for those substances...but I used NMR spectroscopy to check my quality.
    Until today I haven't changed my opinion about the compounds. They are misplaced as 'drugs'.

    It is important to get informed first. There are a lot of biased stories on both 'extremes'.

    But their traditional use is perfectly on topic. One could say it is a biochemical meditation.
    Both have many things in common. You actually can get the same insight at meditation without taking any compound.

    Established science soon got stuck at their 'models' of 5-HT receptors.....their ideas of what LSD really does were very crude. The ban and political bias then distorted it even more. Military interests have been involved, inactive regions from PET had been published as 'brain holes' to 'prove' its harmfulness....teratogenic effects from fake studies etc etc..
    Hofmann and Grof ever remained an exception, though. They learned from their former misunderstanding and 'adjusted' their way of works beyond 'established' methods. Hofmann is my personal model of a good scientist.

    This is right that way.....
    The other way around people who made the effort to get the knowledge how to grow also have got background.

    Actually depending where you live you can collect 'halucinogenics'.
    Anyway without to be properly informed it is unreasonable to try them....
    San Pedro or Peyote's active is mescaline. It requires a relatively high dose compared to others (0.5 gram for a full experience) and side effects are perceivable (nausea, dizziness sometimes vomiting)...

    You always will have problems getting the right dose. It is a natural product!
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  8. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    #288 JFKI, Sep 28, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
    And if you happen to be self taught, exactly how do you suppose one goes about gaining that knowledge ?
    the answer is the bolded word in your statement.
    Or do you really think that that knowledge was like intuition and always with man until the government made it illegal ?
  9. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Those substances are actually not made for kids....I understand it that way that knowledge has to be first, the own experiment is second....
    One who has 'reasonable' curiosity would read about first....
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  10. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    :oops: Sorry Yen.
    To me anyone under the age of 40 IS a "kid". :dunno:
  11. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    :thinking: I can't help but wonder if the following inspired this thread. :band:

  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Good song BTW.
    The topic is reflected in the lyrics for sure.

    The actual question is if reality can be perceived directly as reality...or if reality has to be 'approximated' by recognizing one illusion after another..... as 'indeterminable left over'...
    Finally 'common reality' is that what is a product of the most probable perception of a subject, the observer.

    Science does not touch this and equals most probable perception ('normal perception') with reality.
    Religions do touch this but have become degenerated and do mostly more harm than something right.
    'People' equal most probable perception with reality to have something 'reliable'. A port of safety.

    'Others' are looking through that and recognize that mechanism as an opportunity of real liberty.
    If reality is perceived as own relative reality it has still most of freedom and can 'become' different. It is not absolutely predetermined. The port of safety is an illusion, but the degree of liberty is the greatest.

    IMHO the basic flaw is reasoned at the 'second instance' where subject / object dualism has become already.
    I, the observer perceives 'the reality', but reality includes both. All the observer can get is a relative reality.

    And no..I just woke up with a clear mind. No hallucinogenics, lol.
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  13. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    WOW. Simply wow.

  14. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #294 Yen, Oct 8, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    BBC is known to address topics which are exceeding 'established' science. They pick up really interesting branches of research.
    The way to question 'reality' as a reality which is always the same for all of us is to talk to people who are either suffering from a CNS disease just like schizophrenia or synesthesia..or people who have encountered a very special situation like deprivation or a life threatening situation falling down from the sky.

    They also use special googles (left / right flip) which are acting physically to produce 'distortion' to get more insight.
    To these ways belong also the cultural use of hallucinogenics which are altering biochemically.
    But also traditional instructions to have focus on an instructed way of perception like meditation and Yoga or new 'trends' such as floating which is based on deprivation.

    I firstly was (professionally) involved when we researched about Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy.
    Later then it has got a great personal interest.
    The topic has always been of human interest ...'reality'. A great tool to me personally is meditation.

    I have been very surprised when the BBC documentation later 'dared' to address time.
    With this one takes the risk to leave 'established' paths very quickly.
    I know that when I have decided once more to do that as conversations with some friends also professional scientific employees. I was very glad BBC did it anyway. They clearly stated that own reality is already past.

    'Time' also belongs to the illusions as a conclusion of their findings. Anyway they did stop at a certain point to remain on scientific paths.

    They also have a central focus on the brain and stop there ..without considering that the brain is a product of reality and NOT the other way around.

    The cool thing is that anybody of us can do own research and own experiments, talking to other people (such people as named above) and everybody can approximate 'reality'.
    In this regard we should not forget that there are lots of traps and people who are creating a harmful ideology /craziness.
    Finally you are leaving what I called a port of safety.

    Also there is the issue of communication of own experiences which is always and ever a retrospective only, regardless of the moment of experience where the process of 'becoming of time' had a 'closer' focus than 'normally'.
    The explanation of BBC is well done, though. If one has focus on there where time becomes (special situation) there was seemingly 'more' time when one looks retrospectively at it.

    BBC keep up the good work, there is a lot more to discover.

    Great link.
    Thanks for it.:)
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  15. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #295 Joe C, Oct 8, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    Reality is your perspective.
    The reality of my life is not going to be the same as the reality of your life, but we all must know to live within the confines of being social, if'll get locked up
    (only if you get caught)
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  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Since the process is about to recognize reality as own personal reality (only) it should become less important.
    Furthermore to recognize own realities of different individuals should develop empathy....and social ideas. We're all in the same boat.
    Anti-social would be the idea that one's own reality is the one and only.
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  17. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    So... anti-socials live in an illusion of reality?
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  18. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
  19. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Being Anti-Social is a behavioral trait. And there are many possibilities as to what could cause that.

    We do have a "standard" reality, one that we all try to conform to. And I say 'try'.

    I believe that we're taught to be who and what we are by our parents until we reach an age where our own cognition kicks in and
    starts to either accept or reject the early teachings of our parents.

    So, our own 'brand' of reality is formed by us in our early years. We tend towards like people to affirm what we've learned;
    It's easier to believe an illusion if every one else around you also sees and believes that same illusion.

    @Joe C: It's highly possible, especially if a person has a mental illness which causes them to become delusional.
    In clinical terms, it's considered a co-morbidity, and is treated as a part of the psychiatric illness.
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  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Actually yes. But there are also diseases such as autism which can prevent to develop social competence generally.
    But I think it is not helpful to speak in absolute terms. Since anybody of us lives in an own reality we can think about what 'knowledge / recognition' can lead to which direction.

    IMHO the 'precious' is not to recognize that reality is an illusion. The precious is that one can recognize oneself in somebody else by this similarity. To put oneself in the position of the other person...
    "I cannot comprehend / understand your particular reaction on this, but I know it is something conclusive out of your own perspective"
    It is a human reaction.

    Mutual human understanding and evolving tolerance, solidarity and empathy are a part of being social.
    The second whats precious is the fact that when I cannot change the 'thing itself' I at least can change my relation to it / thoughts about it. If I cannot have joy I at least can tolerate/accept...

    Living in an own different reality but not recognizing it as illusionary comes along with a strong ego, though. "What I say and do is right and is right that way for anybody else coz we're all in one and the same reality"...

    Such individuals equal own reality with the reality and defend that own/ego construct by all available means.
    In their reality they are something superior. 'Conservatives' are affected.
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