If reality is real, what's next? If illusion is illusion, what's next? If reality is illusion what's next? Light is a wave and a particle at the same time. Is it real or is an illusion? Is the particle real and the wave and illusion or is the other way around? Is the water wet or wet is the water? Where the circle begins? Where the circle ends?
When I was a kid, I always used to think: 1. What was there when nothing was there? 2. If God created us then who created the God? 3. Scientists tell us that the first explosion started the universe but what thing caused that explosion? It means something was there which caused that explosion so how did that thing come to existence? When I used to think those things, I used to become so much restless. Then one day I stopped thinking it.
Careful with the 3rd one, 'cause the "scientists" might "burn you at the stake" just for asking the "you don't ask that" question.
lol. But seriously everything must happen due to something and when nothing was there then how come anything come into existence???
At least one thing in this material world is illusory, and that is colour of things. Things are colorless. Color is just a play of light. My mind is childish compared to scientific knowledge. I am amazed by observations in quantum mechanics. Happenings in the subatomic world DEPEND on the observer. Behavior and existence of particles depend on if they are observed or not or something like that. Really strange and beyond the rational. And that's the foundation of our existence: crazy world of subatomic particles.
That's Philosophy, hence "crazy"... We can not know what "things are in and of themselves", we can only "know" them by appropriating them for ourselves. Hence our understanding of the same phenomena keeps changing with new observers, generations, new technology.... Hegel helps a lot here, guys...
Well, the ancient philosophers talk about "Prima Causa" which means the first cause. Now, what caused the "first cause" nobody knows and trying to determine that will put anyone in a mental hospital.
You can't have it both the ways. Either all things that exist have a cause, in which case it directly follows that an uncaused first cause does not exist, or an uncaused first cause does exist, in which case it directly follows that something can exist that does not have a cause. hahaha
Some refer to the first cause as God, others prefer big bang. And from here we have the A vs A' pointless "war" which will never end. Humans love so much this A vs A' war they made it the base of their life and...here they are: dirty, poor, ignorant folks that prefer to use up their energy to fight a pointless and useless cause instead of using that energy to build a better world, conquer the galaxy and so forth.
I have deleted a lot of posts because they were abusive. Perhaps this thread should be re-titled. "Are politeness and respect an illusion".
Cool by me! Btw, the Newton post was not abusive... Just facts... Before that, Sid's post dealt with issues in Soccy's post I think, so also not abusive. We cannot put "critical thinking" under "abusive" so easily, it seems to me...
Those posts seemed to have ignited things or would look out of context after tidying up so I decided to remove them. No offence meant.
Yeah. sigh. I guess in quantum mechanics there is no room for prediction. ( Not here anyway... But whatever. )
lol...I remember that thread Both politeness and respect lost Seriously though, I've tried to explain this subject before but it's hard to grasp riding on the conveyor belt of "time is duration" which is the time everyone is living in that time is duration that deceives us! In the time is duration lie, which is nothing more than "measuring bodies moving through space" which again is not natural (now centered) time. To jump ahead if we're to determine that the physical in all it's levels is "reality" then "real organic time" is the clutch of manifestation/demanifestation of this so called physical reality. When I say clutch I mean the physical is being held in "form" by the higher science of natural time. Real time to false time will look like magic, like one minute something is there then it isn't! Poof This also leads into the understanding that the mind controls this "clutch of real time" and therefore our reality (the physical) is at the total affect of the mind and what it wishes to manifest/unmanifest. These are very hard teachings to grasp simply cause "a measurement in space" is not the quality of real time that governs space or the physical. So if as individual entities we can use our mind to manifest how we wish to "exist or appear" via our bodies of time hence the invisible soul is at the heart or center of the physical. People don't like the term invisible cause if they can't view something through a machine or "outside apparatus" then it doesn't exist yet we can't see the wind and yet we know it to be real and it touches everything on earth. To end it's interesting to know we, like shaman, can manifest ourselves however we "wish" or think... So who or what is manifesting the greater whole like the galaxy, sun and earth? I think the answer to that suggests who's mind is manifesting the greater whole or big picture given we have individual control of our own manifestation/demanifestation... Shamans are quite known for looking human one moment then a wolf the next then the wind. This gives notion to the idea that "the laws of natural time are greater than and include the laws of space" But you can't see or comprehend this living in "time is duration"
And here's what he think it's leading to: This idea is infact nothing new, you're just hearing it now in the mainstream, like 20 years later.
Hello, just saw the thread while I am back at MDL again.... "Is Reality an Illusion?" It depends how one understands the question. If understanding the way: Is two a three? Then the answer is no. Reality is reality and not an illusion. Referring to the common sense of what one names reality then yes. The expression something relative to somebody indicates a relative meaning which cannot be real (to anybody)... 'established agreements' do not indicate reality for example statements from Science or Philosophy...some can point on it though..... To me it's well expressed as 'maya'.... Each individual reflects an own relative reality and assigns an own value of reality/meaning to it. This value is illusionary though. Actually reality has to be real 'all the time' and therefore has to include and transcend time and the observer as well. This is quite interesting as well: http://fqxi.org/community/articles/display/176
Reality is NOT an illusion (in my opinion), BUT our perception of it is. Think about it. Our perception is limited and we may not be capable of comprehending reality even if we perceive it but whatever is, is, and what is not, is not, and whatever lies between or outside of those binary opposites finds itself it that point. But wouldn't reality, by definition, not be an illusion?
Both. Why would it have to be one or the other? The perception is real as we are actually perceiving something, which in turn becomes our relative reality, which is illusory in the totality of being, but not THE reality.