Yeah, it's a revolution of a limited mind. He just painted the walls of his box with white and called it "reason". A piece of scrap it's still a piece of scrap, regardless how you name it. Psssttt: understand this: "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." by Carl Jung
Every mind is limited - the nature of a Human Being. But you telling him off - that IS laughable!!! And as for "petting" - that's from the heart!
The nature of a Human Being is UNLIMITED, but this idiotic, retarded society made Human Being believe that. I would tell it again and again, but unfortunately, very few ears will listen and understand that. A pig is only a pig, a bee is only a bee, but human can be either or both.
I'm afraid you do not understand. At all. On top of that you keep jumping into your own stomach. Oh, well, so long as Kant is an idiot...
There's nothing to understand. At all. Just OBSERVE. I can do that, but for you to understand how I do it, you need an advanced course in quantum physics and the only qualified to give it is Nikola Tesla, but, unfortunately for you, he's not available at the moment, even though he's available. OK, OK...I apologize, he wasn't an idiot. He was a monkey (don't think of today lab chimps, more like a capuchin monkey) in a golden cage. Lucky for him, the banana supply wasn't short. Here's Kant ID photo: Here he was just after writing "The Critique of Pure Reason". The funny thing is he had no clue of what he was writing about.
You certainly don't. And as a troll you're just a fine little monkey dancing to everyone's pleasure...
Actually, I know: he's just bragging like a spoiled brat about his box painted white. That's all. That's jealousy talking there...
You're right: he indebted Humanity and he knew it full well! And you are throwing a tantrum here, 'cause it wasn't you... So, jealousy, for sure - what else?
The own 'Erfahrung' (I used 'experience') is a prerequisite either way. No own experience no way to recognize something as universal. To recognize it as universal there must be a common attribute which is btw not found at 'human' but 'individual'. To overcome individualism (a separated identity) one has to gain the perspective from another individual. Compassion and 'social aspects' might help. So to ask about your Erfahrung on this is a valid question. A 'human' can overcome the own thought reality but therefore the process of perception needs to be practically examined and the ego/own identification (which is the base of relation) has to be recognized as a result of the same illusion. Furthermore what no western Philosopher dared to speak out is that the time itself is also a product of this illusion. When is 'the reality' real..and where? The only answer can be 'now' and nowhere special. Means it is accessible now and only now. Time and location prevent 'Das Ding an sich'. The expression Das Ding includes the illusion already. No individual without its location and no intellectual conclusion without time. This is the misery of any individual, but is it no human misery. Time and location. One can say when one of both or both dissolve 'one's' reality becomes more 'real'. Location: From the sole body individual identity to social identities-->entire human race--> all living beings-->...absolute consciousness/spirit Time: From the pure illusion to become 'something' in the future to the knowledge that anything can be only now. I don’t need a football, I am (the game.) (Means I cannot become confused about all the Philosopher’s products of mind, because I am not familiar with theirs). Nothing from those Philosophers yes science also of what I am seemingly lacking of brings me to 'the reality'. 'Lacking of' is in this regard a product of the same illusion already. It is reasoned by the individual spirit.
This is what you should write like, if you are concerned with "personal" stuff: "I am not aware of any Western Philosophers putting "time" in the frame...." Otherwise, you are making the gravest mistake that you are charging others with.... simply through not knowing but presuming....
So, all right, you may be surperior to all of us, but then.... You seem to be able to talk to the dead, which is a nice talent. So why not ask Kant to explain what it was he actually was writing... as you seem to never really have understood it?
I'm no superior to anyone. I just am. You're right, but you don't know it. Kant was already dead while the air was passing in and out of him. That was his only "virtue". He was so desperate of being someone that he forgot...himself. P.S. "Let the dead bury their own."
You are right. To know it I would have to know any works from all the Western Philosophers. Anyway I did not mean to put time in the frame. I mean explicitly that the time itself is also a product of this illusion. I know that many Western Philosophers like Heidegger had time 'in the frame'...but all of them in various ways and not consequently illusionary. I am speaking of the Erfahrung 'experience' of timelessness and Achtsamkeit 'awareness'
Yeah, right, "I am right" - but... Here you go again... And yet again, totalising generalisations, as if you have the absolute knowledge... ???
So, not only do you talk to dead people, you were alspo therer when the man died? You shoud become Guru, you have insight!
While that is true... still, what ever you experience, is YOUR experience. IT IS AN EXPERIENCE and as such it is produced by your mind. You have no way of knowing differently! Just because you believe it, or a Guru, or a few thousand year old book have told you that it is so, does not mean it actually is. You simply have no way of knowing... This way of your thinking maybe true, or the other might be true, or even none... Is not the "none" the most probable answer?
You quote Kant in your signature, but you make comments, explicitly denying what Kant says: That there is abolutely no reason to assume that "time" also exists outside of our minds... ???
Ermmm, no, as can be seen from your quote, I leave such totalising generalisations to my fellow Germans (Yen and you), thanx... You are obviously eminently closer to God then the rest of us poor sods, struggling with our limited, inferior Human Nature... Long live Puritans, esp. of the Germanic extraction, since (with such values/attituted/stance) they have always led us into a bloodi... errrmmm, sorry, better future!!!!