Sorry guys, 7luj24us_slic worked perfectly on my T61 Thinkpad. I was impatient and had not activated Vista until I read the sticky "Before you request a SLIC..Read This!" I hope I did not cause anyone extra work for nothing. I'll be more carefull in the future. Ubeenthere
Is there a bios with slic for Lenovo Thinkpad X200? Please send it to me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone I have been trying to get a SLIC ready bios for my Thinkpad T60 Widescreen. I have seen two different post here on this thread for them, but both links are broken from Rapishare. I have been unsuccessful to find this anywhere else on the web. Would anyone here happened to have grabbed it and be willing to share it with me or provide me a working link to download it? Thanks for all the hard work you guys have been doing on this. I was able to install and activate Vista Ultimate on my T42 and T60 Normal screen, now I am trying to get it going on my T60 Widescreen as well
Yen, I've been reading all thes problems with phoenix bios editor and many of them involve adding something to the bios. I have a question, if I want to remove something from a bios rom file, say its called biosmod.rom and I use win hex editor on the entire bios image file (biosmod.rom) making sure to preserve exact file length by replacing what I removed with zeros in the hex editor, cant I then save that file and use it to flash my bios thereby leavsection I removed won't be included in the bios? ie; See my previous question, I know exactlyt where MOD_4A00.MOD begins and ends in the "whole" biosmod.rom file, so if I replace only that sectioon of hex with zeros would that work to remove th MOD_4A00.MOD piece from the bios?