Please help Hi I have a: Computer:Lenovo G530 laptop Bioshoneix I am runing Windows 7 Home Premium. I need the mood for this bios: View attachment 6956 I have seen that this repuest has all redy did but all the donwload links are broken...
I assume You meean use of marker.exe, but there is no bin for LENOVOTP-7O... I tried using winphlash on .fl1 file, but I got checksum error: BIOS update failed! Image verification failed BIOS image checksum verification failed Error code: -104 So question is: should I disable "Verify BIOS checksum" option as in some previous Yen posts?
Ok, sorry for maybe noob questions (somewhere on this forum I found that I can try...). But in case of this problem how to flash this modded bios? You always write that first one should flash original bios (same version) and then modded.
Yes. That's the safest way. I cannot download atm..... I recommend to use the same flashtool that come from Lenovo and the same way to flash it. I always provide instructions how to flash the mod. Please remember: Lenovo Notebooks are hardly to recover in case of a bad flash.