Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007

    I don't think that you don't know what famous painters used in history, do you? van gogh for instance used absinth
    Art is influenced by [drugs] and there is no history of art without drugs.

    And why are you posting opiates? They dull only...and opiates are just one kind of drugs.
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    OK, teach us, please...

    I never thought much of van Gogh - the cheat! :D
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  3. noncentz705

    noncentz705 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 15, 2012
    Despite the enormous rant you just made, in return I have very little to say since I don't feel pressured to defend myself, nor is this debate a topic you would be able to grasp without the insight first. It's not worth wasting my breathe... Do yourself a favor and educate yourself, maybe smoke a joint or two and examine the effect it has on you... since you're so much in favor of research? Maybe eat one of those tobacco cookies you mentioned a few pages back :confused:. Stop making yourself look like a fool.
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Lost it!

    And I expected as much from people who are utterly biased, to try to smuggle in stuff which kids don't believe in, under the guise of "medical purpose" mixed with "Human Rights" and "compassion".

    Well, I do not see the real need of people in genuine pain as sufficient cover for escapist nonsense paddlers, trying to muddy the waters, so one can't see just in what kind of preposterous shallows they stand, pretending to go "deep". Very transparent, to the point of being silly! Childishly silly!
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  5. Puffingmad

    Puffingmad MDL Addicted

    Aug 19, 2012
    #185 Puffingmad, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
    I find there simply no reasoning with you
    The reason ppl are selling to kids is because they are junkies and criminals embrace marijuana then crims and junkies wont have a hold on things any more
    I wont say much about your derogatory comments regarding my nickname as i do not want to allow you to make this thread personal and insulting.

    And I am sorry to say as Yen said we do not care about the closed book that is your mind
  6. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    ...about everyone who is not you and is not using, were started by you and those were personal!

    You were not debating anything, you were not talking to anyone - heck you were not even talking at me, you were talking DOWN to anyone who did not agree with you, so now... booo-hooo, crybaby and an offended prince... wow!

    If only you didn't start it first and now you're running to the protection of authorities... The same person who argues against the authorities at large...

    But if this authority here seems to be on your side - what do you do?

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  7. Puffingmad

    Puffingmad MDL Addicted

    Aug 19, 2012
    There is no shame in my position on this

    We do not condemn you lifestyle or you right to you own opinion WHY do you condemn our lifestyles and opinions ?

    From what I see the shame is on you.
  8. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I was putting forward arguments and you were not. That is the big difference. You were personally dismissive and on the basis of what? Having no other argument.

    Shame is squarely on you, for making it personal! You got back what you started, that's all!

    Reminder: medical usage! Not recreational! Those human rights! And I am compassionate!

    Whereas you are simply dismissive of anyone who is not a user and like-minded!

    But no real debate coming from you! You simply ignore stuff put by "the other"!
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  9. Puffingmad

    Puffingmad MDL Addicted

    Aug 19, 2012

    I have no need for debate on this I have a Live and let Live prospective on life
  10. Hazar

    Hazar MDL Guru

    Jul 29, 2009
    I think you misunderstand me. I was making fun of someone who thought that Polio wasn't a disease but in fact a cure. I'm sorry if I'm not making this clear. But I think the language barrier may be coming into play here, no offence Yen, because I can see, plainly, that RaymondTM was taking the piss in that post, and it might not be immediately visible to a non native speaker. Atleast, that's certainly how it looks to me
  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    And me....

    Compassion to those in need - sure:

    If not given that which is necessary/needed, sure - their Human Rights are being violated!

    But indiscriminate usage, smuggled behing those laudable medical goals is nuts!!! And not in the best interests of anyone's health!!!
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  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Only self-deluded fools and weaklings have no need for debate. Humans are not omniscient and we need democracy in more ways than one!

    Had you really espoused "live and let live" principles you wouldn't have been so dismissive and talking down to those who think differently than you.

    No, this all sounds phoney to me...
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  13. Whiznot

    Whiznot MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2009
    #193 Whiznot, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
    Although I've used marijuana for decades, I have no problem with other people disapproving of the drug or its use. I have a major problem with any one who advocates criminal sanctions against the use, cultivation or sale of marijuana. Criminal sanctions are backed up by guns. Gorski is entitled to his opinions as long as he doesn't point the gun at me or any of my friends.

    Edit: I contend that anyone who sports a Pink Panther avatar is a likely secret head. Come clean gorski.:biggrin:
  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hehe, I loved the PP music and long time ago took that avatar as... Just a jolly vibe, that's all... :D

    Allowing something, i.e. enshrining anything in law is also backed up by guns or it isn't a law but a moral appeal.

    However, I want a different approach to the whole thing: education, more than anything, backed up by a reasoned debate, based on best available data we have.

    There are consequences of making that stuff readily available to anyone for whatever reason: and no, I do not want my kid(s) smoking or smoking (or otherwise ingesting) dope etc. Or drinking etc.

    Not before he is ready to think carefully and reason in a coherent manner, not based on "I want" and lots of emotions, as young and irrational people do - we can see ample evidence of that in this very thread...

    "I already used it for a long time" is not exactly a great reasoning effort, is it? The fact you used it for a long time - tell that to someone with liver damaged beyond repair by alcohol or - listen very carefully! - his brains half dead thanx to using drugs!!! Do not listen to me, have a look at the evidence and simply observe druggies... See who's being disingenuous in this thread...
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  15. Puffingmad

    Puffingmad MDL Addicted

    Aug 19, 2012
    #195 Puffingmad, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
    :shisha: I think you misunderstand my point of view all I do is defend my right to my opinion at no point have talked down to you in fact look at your posts they are talking down to everyone that dose not have your opinion

    I except that you do not agree with me about life your welcome to your opinion but don't thrust down are thoughts show some respect for others even if you don't agree with them

    I have no desire to bring you round to my way of thinking individuality makes the world a more interesting place
  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Nonsense, you were dismissive to the bone of anyone who did not use and/or think like you - ample evidence is there!

    I reacted. Live with it.
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  17. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Seems where there is inhumane actions based on bogus scare tactics and insane propaganda there is also unprecedented ignorance.

    This is a thread about compassion and because you and the other ignoramus are without heart in your posts and fail to respect this thread for the reasons it was intended you should go hate and spread falseness somewhere else or

    If only ignorance was punishable then your kids could visit you in jail for your type of minds are the most harmful of all minds whereas Medical Marijuana is the safest and most cultural unifying herb and flower in the world for thousands of years with NO VIABLE EVIDENCE of one attributed death concerning medical cannabis. No wars we're started over it except your drug war which in turns makes your children more unsafe and more vulnerable to truly terrible things like gangs, the mafia, drugs you can overdose on like almost all pharmaceuticals!

    The child safety cap didn't work

    But you support death over life so all those deaths, 100,000's of them per year, that "accidentally" "OD" on Pharms :clap3: shouldn't bother you?!

    Cannabis is a healing herb meant to be on earth and put here for a reason and for humans to enjoy and heal themselves when they in their "absolute" human rights and total freedoms have done and will do. Maybe your children will be caught in the wrong situation with some herb or possibly in another country, then you will be forced to FEEL (If that's ,what the sadistic global drug war is really doing and has subsequently done to your family. And that is unnecessarily hurting 100.000's of innocent Cannabis users so someone can build more jails and selfishly make themselves rich off of the unspeakable crimes against humanity regarding the drug war :rolleyes:

    I don't care if you sleep walk in your life but do it in another thread. This thread is for people using their hearts and having their minds open!

    Your posts just make you sound like another unconscious puppet/clone/sheep to the sadistic, facist, cooperative global agenda to perpetually rape and plunder the 99% slave force and if you are one with these evil forces then indeed you are also a slave master and I do not subscribe to you being Master over me...

    Time to plant the seed to grow yourself a heart

    gorski :rocket:

  18. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    And again this is a lie with a 8% increase in cancer risk per joint year compared to 7% per pack year
  19. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #199 timesurfer, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
    The video debunks that as has there STILL never been one case of regarding death concerning cannabis unlike the 1,200 people that die per day from

    No cancer EVER but cancer patients dying from many things are experiencing a better quality of life during their remaining days but your as usual not concerned about true suffering but propaganda that lies like you do for selfish, evil self serving

    Medical Cannabis has been used for several generations with no DEATHS so your 8% will never come

    Wake up and stop being the common denominator of ignorance and planetary suffering

    Maybe like the other guy someone you love will be the effect of the drug war and you'll be forced to feel and recognize the truth but your probably too scared to be different than your peers cause you'll have to stand up for the factual truth against them like I stand up to you

    LamemondTH :rocket:

  20. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    Anyone can make a video claiming anything, Putting a study through peer review not so easy
    Facts are facts are facts. And no matter how many times you stick your fingers in your ears and say otherwise it will not change the

    Prove this claim, The only reason why you have legal medical use is because of papers like this.
    And this has what to do with legalization ?