Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #261 timesurfer, Mar 19, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Oh s**t, Bernie Sanders wants to end the war on drugs…


    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    I guess there are bigger problems to solve as the M thingy. o_O

    Let people smoke and eat whatever they want. :mushy:
  3. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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  4. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    It is these ignorant attitudes that keep people medically untreated, sick and in jail away from there families and a healthy, wellness based safe life :rolleyes:

    Thanks for lumping Medical Cannabis with dangerous drugs together in a negative way just like hidden agenda based evil governments and false religions do!

    I guess compassion and intelligence are becoming harder and harder to come by for some :eek:

  5. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    I know a lot of people thought making cannabis legal would take it of the streets , in Washington state they legalized it for recreational use which was fine ! but they restricted it to certain areas licensed only so many shops and taxed it so high it was still cheaper to buy it off the street , talk about dumb ! and they have done some stupid things with it like making gummy bears , candies and the kids find it and think oh boy and end up in the hospital . weed is fine the way it is or you can make tea out of it or brownies or smoke it but not gummy bears or candy not when you got kids around ! and if medical cannabis helps a person with a medical condition in one state it should help them in all states .
  6. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #266 timesurfer, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    When we define "streets" we must state are the streets safe or not so the whole premise behind medical marijuana is for safe access to patients and to the recreational patient since doctors are highly known for recommending recreation. Most of this problems ends if people are allowed to cultivate their own medicine. Black market growers we're the first to apply compassion by selling to the medical marijuana dispensaries. That initiated the whole safe access and the classification of a medical marijuana patient given that if a person has a serious health problem they can see a doctor for a recommendation. There is still no prescription based consultations in the U.S. just recommendations. To the states who support medical cannabis dispensaries and personal growing its considered a serious health problem if one's condition affects their ability to work and support themselves! The Aids crises was the initiation of prop 215 in California and thus with that movement other non-life threatening medical conditions we're considered like extreme anxiety, depression, migraines and back pain, etc...

    It is good that it is taxed like everything else like tobacco which kills thousands and alcohol which also kills thousands and presents a whole host of other problems like drunk driving and other societal/family issues. Some cities have laws to implement that the dispensaries create programs for people of low incomes to receive weekly medical cannabis and it must be of good grade not just crappy ineffective cannabis...

    Regarding children they are much more likely to be hurt by alcohol and household chemicals, electrical shock and many other safety issues that occur in the home when unattended by irresponsible parents/guardians. Some people cannot use the various forms like smoking or a large brownie so the gummy bears are a good choice and it is ethical to have medicine that is not only effective and safe but enjoyable in small form/large dose. This scare tactic projected fear for children's safety is just an issue regarding parental accountability and responsibility. Many actual dangerous things in life can harm a child or anyone if their is no intelligent parenting present so I won't be telling grandpa, sorry but you can't take your medicinal gummy bear for your glaucoma and arthritis because of the minute chance a child might get a hold of it. This is governmental/religious propaganda and parental irresponsibility at it's finest :rolleyes:

    Here is a list of what should be the focus in preventing harm to children, health problems and death per year :eek:

    Tobacco : 435,000
    Alcohol : 85,000
    Prescription Drugs : 32,000
    Suicide: 30,622
    Sexual Fetishes : 20,000
    All illegal drug use (excluding marijuana) : 17,000
    Aspirin : 7,600
    Marijuana : 0
    Remember, cannabis was not a problem in the U.S. in 1938 prior to it's prohibition/propaganda/scare tactics bologna. It was in 50% of all medicines at the time and only because of huge corporations who we're threatened by the male cannabis plant (hemp industry) was it banned, not for any actual reason of public safety or health issues...

    It seems however no matter how many different forms of extra revenue generated by say cannabis tax it is always to put to foolish endeavors like wars, prisons and of course the failed drug war! No one cares about solving homelessness or helping people with an safe, effective medicine to improve the hurting and dying with a higher quality of life. People just don't care until the issue affects them and they need something like an alternative medicine then their perspective changes and thus they vote differently...


    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    You post the same stats on almost every page, I don't think it's productive because most people not much care about stats since there are also others which showing exactly the opposite. E.g. drinking and smoking at the same time, so which dead is it then? - Because of M or because you're were drunk at the same time? Pointless such statistics. The government will also not read this page so you can rant against them entire day it will not change anything. I see what you try here, but you simply must accept that other people might see it different and this have nothing much to do with propaganda. Propaganda is what you try here, over and over come up with the same 'news'. In this article it's mentioned that as a result of M we get 30k deaths per year. So what you say now, everything is a lie now? Stats can be easily manipulated, I also can say not alcohol killed the people I can say the car killed them because they went into it [as a result of alcohol]. It's point of view in some situations. And someone which uses or is 'pro' M. is maybe not objective enough.

    As mentioned I think people should be allowed to eat and drink whatever they want, but it should be mentioned that it possible comes with side-effects and then everyone can read it and decide to use it or not.

    You're also not objective enough to summarize since you're an M. smoker, it's no bad but it's contra productive. I think you started this thread for a reason and one of em is to talk serious about it but you're definitely not objective - as mentioned because you re-spell on almost each page the same without giving sources or mentioned that there are definitively downsides. We also need to differ, the are different plants one have other affects and it in general can work different on different people. Overall you say you not care about, and it's okay because it's your decision but do not force others to believe your aggressive words, just suggest to (if legal in their country's) try it and then see if it's good for you or not. Medical M. is also an entire other story mostly because it's regulated and controlled by the doctor.

    I can only speak for myself, I not tried it but I saw other peoples and there definitely was a psychological change, they are slower. Not because they used it once but over the years. Some of them are lost the entire family because of it... I not say this is not possible with alcohol or other drugs but it shows it's also possible with M. from my experience.

    To say that other drugs are more worse is in my view the wrong way, you can't compare or allow people to choose between bad and worst. The thing is that there eist already 'free' drugs on the market and it's possible dangerous to release another one, or in other words it could be the beginning for harder drugs (for some people). I guess this is the main point and this have nothing much to do with politics or religion.

    Our brain has also a delicate balance of chemicals, and when tampered with by any means, inc stress etc a reaction is seen in a person behavior. So why people tamper with such a balance is beyond me, the brain is still uncharted in some aspects and we continue to learn about.

    If doctors can't even produce a decent anti depressive drug with out effecting the mind why trust some drug dealer with a human mind. I'm not saying that I know the final solution but personally I think it should be (if allowed) limited.

    I also see no goal of this thread seems everything is mixed up, just because someone mention M. which is pretty pointless. I guess everyone mad his standpoint now and there is nothing much more to add.

    If people for whatever reasons so hardly need it they should sign an petition (maybe I overlooked it but in this thread no#1 started or gave a link to it to support it) or go on the streets and fight for but as also mentioned .. I think there are more important things then M. I would more worried about 'real' problems.

    Some sources:
  8. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012

    Does Marijuana affect one's sense of humor?
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  9. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #269 timesurfer, Mar 20, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    No but apparently "something" affects your respect for a thread that isn't about making fun of medical marijuana patients and comparing them to crack addicts

    That video negates the medical aspect and makes medical marijuana patients sound lazy and can't pay their rent hence they end up at crack heads house :rolleyes:

    Like my first response implied lumping medical cannabis (given this threads positive intention) with harmful, life threatening drugs such as heroin, crack, methamphetamine's and alcohol is exactly what sadist governments do to the point of making marijuana (a safe effective medicine) on the same as level dangerous drugs!

    If you want to trash and troll perhaps another thread would be a better place!

  10. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    #270 Joe C, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    I suppose that if you take that as a serious video
    You would have a paranoid fear of being some crack heads biotch? But I do not think that pot can do that
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  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Nope but there you again making this about jokes concerning medical marijuana patients while comparing them to junkies :aglerks:

    Sure it's funny to make fun of stuff till it affects you but clearly your not hear to be supportive just place your not so funny video portraying medical cannabis patients are similar to junkies and those who commit violence :rolleyes:

    So continue to troll :blahblah1: and not see the premise of this thread in a positive light cause your self-obsorbed and can't get past yourself to consider with respect what is important to others like having rights to cultivate one's own medicine and medicate in a safe effective manner

  12. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Where or how am I implying that you'll turn into a junkie by smoking weed?
    The only implication from that video was that it made the pot spider too lazy to build his own web. Your taking this way too serious
    Can or does marijuana make one paranoid?
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  13. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    God it never ends with you, clearly you keep coming back to enforce your invalidation and insensitivity towards the global medical marijuana movement by belittling cannabis users to lazy people comparable to junkies! Your hidden agenda is as apparent as those who wish to imprison people and ruin lives for using a safe effective (plant medicine) :eek:

    It's ok, most like you are ignorant to important social issues that affect others. So if it doesn't affect you then just flame, trash on this thread and troll all day long

    And the easiest way that sadistic governments and yourself control the masses is by calling them crazy or paranoid invalidating the innate sense that the government or yourself is indeed is up to no good so nice try ;)

    Oh look the government called the people paranoid and the government would never lie or try to control anyone :sneaky:

    See you at your next ignorant unhelpful post in a thread where you didn't even read the title or first post

    Till then
  14. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    This thread had to be closed several times before already due to inability to discuss.

    @TS You should tolerate opinions which are 'completely wrong' in your opinion.
    Speaking of 'tolerance' means also to accept that there are people with 'prejudice' and 'stereotypes' pot smokers become lazy and cannot handle their life anymore..or become paranoid when smoking too much.

    The thing I have a problem with is that there are pot smokers like :"Yo man I am cool, easy and tolerant....." and at the same time they are bashing on people who do not tolerate/advocate that weed should be legalized and say weed is dangerous to the society/people for whatever reason....

    Cannabis Sativa and Ginkgo Biloba are the two most explored plants scientifically.....
    The legislation of weed is a political issue though. And there are harmful effects on humans. Not anything is positive in human body....
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  15. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #275 timesurfer, Mar 21, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    Proliferating lies, scare tactics and propaganda is not discussion! An enlightened person would have less filters to view the difference between discussion and proliferating lies, scare tactics and propaganda but you are not anywhere near enlightened so you still externalize your fears and problems onto other in the guise of higher understandings and self wareness :rolleyes:

    I never cause such a reason to close thread in fact I asked that it be closed to people who would post with closed minds and hiddens agendas to keep the public uninformed and victims through the silencing and facts that support the overwhelming self-evident positive truths about medical marijuana ;)

    Toleration is necessary when the facts are still disputable but in the case of this thread and the unveiling that the entire cannabis prohibition was a farce and red herring for the real reasons the worlds governments create scapegoats and sacrifices of people who are creative, successful and intelligent that happen to medicate legally or illegally depending on which part of the world they exist :eek:

    The problems you have is a massive ego disguised as a healer and enlightened person who indeed is on no level of a mystic and/or person with spiritual wisdom and inner peace

    This issue is about the facts about medical cannabis, the safest most effective medicine in the world! It was a global farce and scam to prohibit cannabis usage either medically or recreationally which is ultimately medical in nature given recreation is real recognized therapy. You as always the past 7 years at MDL want people to be victims and not have the rights to stand their grounds and defend themselves and their rights! This behavior of yours is that of a bully and you know your life and you know I'm right in my observation! True healing and self identifying is acknowledging what you have to work on and you have past the exit of your issues and continue to point the finger instead of turn your eyes inward and get on with actually doing the work to heal yourself and see clearly for the first time in you life :clap:

    You can't know me or anyone cause your not inside yourself where exists the feelings to actually interpret correctly without enormous filters of prejudice and galactic sized predisposition!

    Super Size Yen's predisposition

    Not an political issue in the slightest, it's a human rights issue! And unbeknowing to you the last two things Buddha said at his death bed we're:

    1. All things are impermanent (Hence the state of consciousnesses you reside at of just the body/ego is not the permanent aspect in life but the temporary) which is the main reason why your awareness is so off kilter and of an self absorbed nature

    2. Know NO authority outside one's self (hence it can't be political if the individual casts the deciding vote on how they will run their lives and what is important and healthy to sustain a quality of life worth living !)

    Where's your compassion, let me guess, it's at the compassion store and your sadists governments ran out

    And for the last time, no one ever has died from cannabis nor is there any unbiased evidence to show otherwise...

    It's all a hypocrisy/scandal based lie to serve the corporations and their elitist selfish hidden agendas against the people :sneaky:

    False Buddhists still are lost in terms of what 's natural and what instincts are. It is natural to know what medicines are a healing for the individual and when those with sadistic hidden agendas would control a plant medicine to control the masses so they don't heal and stay unbalanced and are victims of outside authorities of which you play the role precisely :D

    Stop being an authority of others and contemplate being an authority of yourself and you'll find that true, non corrupted, self awareness that eludes you :)

    Let that delusionary past/future go and be with the honesty of the here and now like the real Buddha :buddhastone: did!


    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008

    There is no study and no source about that, I doubt something is 'best' it's matter how people can handle it, as mentioned a lot of people react others on the same plants. It's called 'side effects'.

    We got you. Re-spell the same makes no sense + not helps it's simply contra productive.

    You speak about ego, but from what I can see you can't give up. True wisdom you talking about is to know when to stop. And you don't, if you know it better simply not answer on it or accept others opinions. You say entire time it's good but without mention much side effects and they are definitely present. And you and someone others not know if the deaths not really because of side effects because it's difficult to say, no study can 100% reveal that.

    Please close this thread Yen I only can [​IMG] about so much intolerance in this thread. Someone say something against M. and then TS pops up and want to 'correct' everyone.
  17. Yen

    Yen Admin (retired)
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    "People must be tolerant".... practice until the irony unveils, lol......:)
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  18. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Happy 420 everyone, or to those who understand how precious, important, safe and an effective medicine Cannabis is. Let's not leave out Lady Cannabis's brother hemp which could literally transfer the earth from unsustainable to sustainable and green. It's been a long ride here at MDL. I have seen and done a many things here mostly without hesitance helping and giving without desiring anything in return. However due to mistreatment and abuse from staff here I can no longer support MDL. There is a cancer at MDL and that cancer is Yen. He has been a bad example on how to see the instigator from the victim! How can the world change if there is deliberate confusion between good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust. In fact this has not only existed in his sadistic relations to members here but unto the moderators as well. Indeed Yen alone is why I quit moderating and I've had many a communications from several moderators here that have also been mistreated, abused and betrayed. So many times, in a mentally ill type of state, Yen has repeatedly twisted the victims of mistreatment and abuse here into the victimizers and thus perpetuate more and more harm, in many fashions, to members and staff here. I had great difficulty in watching innocent people, including myself, be victimized but treated as if they we're victimizer and/or the instigator. Finally it came to me why Yen behaves this way. He is scared! Somewhere during his upbringing he was bullied, mentally abused and put into a state where rather than cultivate the courage to stand up to his family who was hurting him, he instead took the cowards path and became what ails him. He became who had hurt him and he never gathered the strength to do the right thing and confront those who had injured his strength, spirit and soul. I unfortunately tried to help him with his unresolved pain by always being honest and out debating him on every issue to show him his wrong doings to the MDL community but he instead initiated an sadistic vendetta with a side of spite and vengeance. My in depth Rearm Concept work deserved an sub forum next to Daz and Cody's contributions but he kept that from me and any contributors during the 4+ year long project. In every forum, in every post that I was being flamed and attacked he allowed the "instigator" to continue their ass-hat ways while I was ordered to tolerate their behavior, hence he still can't go back into his upbringings and deal with his own instigators of whom created this Yen that instead of dealing with his problems Yen externalized his problems and fears unto the innocent and victims here at MDL. This goes to show that it is not always a good idea to help those with dysfunction cause sometimes what ails them is so strong it will take you down for trying to tell the truth, help or heal people like Yen who are not ready to know the truth or stop feeding of the innocent and their pain. So sad he will live his whole life and never stand up for what is right and for what is good. I just can't deal with Yen's dysfunction and mistreatment due to his dysfunctional childhood. Yen could easily and correctly just tell people coming into my threads to tolerate the thread but instead he just lets them flame and makes me his sacrifice and scapegoat! Why you ask? Cause he feeds of the pain of others and pain is his food source instead of everyone happy, respected and safe in his family life and at MDL...

    I chose this thread on 4-20-2016 to say goodbye and to finally state out-load the unresolved issues that Yen afflicts this site with because one of the way's people heal from the similar trauma and mental illness that Yen suffers from is with Medical Cannabis. There are thousands of ailments that can be helped with such a completely safe and effective natural medicine such as Medical Cannabis and given that there was never, nor will there ever be, evidence to as Cannabis being a negative element in the human global culture it is insane to think anything other than it is good medicine. All bogus reasons why it is illegal and why it is kept out of medicine and agriculture are all based on false scare tactics and propaganda so that big business and corporations can maintain sadistic control and power over the masses all based on lies regarding cannabis.


    How dare you Yen, keep medicine from a child or anyone who has seizures (in the videos below) and shame on you Yen for putting the parents of such children in these videos in jail and for cultivating/obtaining medicine for their children and loved one's. Yen, if you vote or even think that it is better for these children to have hundreds of seizures a week then it is you who indeed does the harm to these children and their loving, courageous parents who just wish to keep their loved one's from harm and increase their loved one's quality of life. Millions of people like you global wide has further caused unnecessary harm where there could be healing. How can you live with yourself with you associating yourself with those who hurt. It's the cowardliness of people like you Yen that maintains victimization of humans for just seeking the safe and effective medical treatment they and their families deserve. People deserve to cultivate their own medicines and protect and provide for their families and you are a bad example for how to be good and do the right thing on a shared planet earth.

    Marijuana Extract May Help Some Children With Epilepsy, Study Finds

    Luckily there are more people in this world who stand up to who is evil and what is wrong like cannabis prohibition and punishments via insane and immoral laws. Even worse every post you ever did you responded like you we're reading from a script, being told how to respond to keep the world turning in madness and without love, compassion and intelligence. Shame on you Yen and those wicked people you line yourself with to keep the status quo and keep up appearances. You really do seem like an conservative extremist hellbent on extinguishing all courageous Peoples in a genocide type manner. But your time is over Yen and your associates who victimize the innocent and ongoingly allow the instigator to literally get away with murder of those who want people and to cultivate their own medicines in a peaceful and private manner.

    CBD is going pharma

    This is really hard to do but I gotta say goodbye to MDL and retire from participation. I just can't live with myself to support a forum run by a child who behaves like a Nazi letting what is wrong and immoral to continue. My free and healed heart can't be one with what has no tolerance for the hurting people and this world yet Yen you allow/support people to control others and incarcerate loving parents trying to heal and manage in a healthy way their child's disorder like epilepsy and many horrific disorders like the videos above clearly show!!!!!!!!!!

    A real man of courage, intelligence and human rights, not you Yen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's also against bullying Mr. Yen Bully

    So Yen, in your spiteful, vindictive, vendetta based ways go ahead and erase my participation/contribution thus keeping people from other perspectives than your limited scope. Burn books so that you'll maintain control and dominance because there is no way but yours and the powers that be (you). Your self-evident transparency is so clear as to your true intentions to let the world be in pain and not do the right thing to heal it. Shame on you and those who live in darkness like you do. How do you sleep at night :rolleyes:

    Good people don't cover up the truth as you and your fanatical, conservative and extremest friends do. Good people support and stand up for the truth and can discern between the instigator and a victim because it's the right thing to do. But you don't want to feel yet, you just want to let everyone else be the sacrifice so you can get what you want cause your true self is about want's and desires not peace and fairness. You have truly been taken over by your desires which is the opposite of the real Buddha's teachings. Real spirituality is not to play around with and be fake regarding, it's what heals people so they can get past material things that your addicted to to find their permanent selves while knowing no authority outside one's self <--- Buddha's final and comprehensive teachings at his death unbeknowing to you and your fake Buddhist religion

    The Science of Cannabis (Documentary)


    So watch the videos, entertain this new to you "concept of compassion" and know that your "current" information is partial and flawed and maybe you'll still have a chance to redeem your soul and for the first time be a good person who does the right thing

    Stop supporting harm to humans and the environment cause your not willing to admit you got unresolved problems and that your unconscious due to your lack of courage which affects innocent people

    But you'll probably just stay a bully and continue to sit and watch bad things happen to good people thus sustaining your necessary scapegoats and sacrifices. You know, the opposite of a Buddha you've corrupted with your misinterpretation of an enlightened man for your hidden agenda to keep the world as it is just like false religions (your false buddhism), corrupt governments (like your pretend administrating here) and temporary biased incomplete science (with no unified field theory) which hunts and kills good families just trying to have and cultivate the medicine they most desperately need for their children not to suffer :fuyou31:

    I'm deleting my password in keepass and I will never visit MDL again, so I won't be here for you to talk to yourself like you always do when responding. Yea that's right you can't really acknowledge others cause that would initiate feeling and then you'd do the right thing for once and stop sacrificing the innocent like your sick parents programmed you to do and you never stood up to them just like most don't stand up to bullies or their governments or false religions cause they are scared like you ;)

    Unlike you, I've realized that people are innately complete within themselves and that someday good people won't have to be slaves to your evil hidden agendas so that they will always need you or have to play your sacrificial games (worshiping false gods) to get what they need. Eventually the good people of earth won't have to go through a sick person/false priest/world/you to have what they need. Yen, your going to have to eventually change you food source from feeding off of peoples pain to seeing them happy but you got to get out of the way between them and what they need and is their inheritance, their human rights and their soul, hence their healing that you interfere with them receiving

    No more playing God in people's lives Yen/False Religion/Wicked Governments/Partial Science.

    Your false time is over :yoda:

    You Suck!


    Why is it always those who run things lack vision - Walt Disney!

    Well maybe it cause they don't truly see, maybe they only desire like Yen - timesurfer!
  19. P.J

    P.J MDL ☂

    Jul 30, 2009

    Why not to create a poll? :shisha:
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  20. ancestor

    ancestor MDL Guru

    Jun 26, 2007
    I close here now.

    timesurfer, I don't know what your exact problem is, but it sure isn't about truth, spirituality, about hemp/cannabis for medicinal usage or whatever benevolent things one might think of. It looks just like your personal crusade against Yen. But in the end, isn't it a crusade against yourself, projecting (your) problems into Yen? Have you had a look at your lengthy posting, the way you choose words, even calling him a Nazi? This all looks so self-immersed, just at the far opposite end of anything that might conclude to the concept of illumination. I'd call it pathetic, but I don't want to insult you.

    Whatever it is you need, MDL sure can't provide it. I'd love to help but I can't.