Medical Marijuana - Compassion, Decriminalization, Human rights...

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by timesurfer, Nov 25, 2012.

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  1. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #21 redroad, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    I was taught a plant"s true healing abilities are tied to the earth so closely that even the geographical place of it's harvest gives a specific culmination of healing resources specific to those in that geographic area, as long as it is harvested in a sacred way.. There is a pathway to unlock this potential that can not be bypassed by western thought and to attempt to bypass this unveiling is void of any results that one could call true healing .. Relief and true healing are quite different .. Pain is also a powerful teacher where compassion tempers it's truth .. The healing value of a living plant is lost if it's sacrifice is unrecognized .. Just some of my thoughts towards this discussion
  2. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    #22 RaymondTH, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
    And again with the naturalistic fallicy, Nature is not to be trusted its not there to healp us and many of the compounds found in it can kill us. And as for show you deaths attributed to cannabis if you read the study I cited you would already have your answer.
    Evidance based perspective.
    Thats not what the reserch shows and i trust the scintific method far more than any testomonial.
    No i do care, Peoples health is at stake here and i want them to have the best information regarding all treatments and recreational drugs. Its just that unlike you i dont have the presupposition that canibis is safe and am free to view the evidance with an open mind.
    I allready told you, Im not a sheeple i actully care what is true or not and the only way your going to convince me is with evidance and yes i do mean scintific evidance not testamonials.
    This is a representaion of your absurd belifs about human health and its as unlikly as turning a wrench above the engine of a car will fix a burst tyre. Real medicane has real risks asscotated with it sucking your thumb or taking a placebo does not (except that by focusing your attention on treatments that do not work you are allowing the illnes to progress unchallenged)
    Prove this claim.
    Of course chemotherapy is extremely demanding on the patient, Some do die the majority however do not. Its currently the most effective cancer treatment out there and improving all the time

    Couple of points
    1 There is more than one forms of cancer
    2 The actual killing of the cancer cells is done elsewhere
    3 The increased risk of cancer in cases where the patient already has terminal cancer isn't important

    Prove that in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

    Its bypassed by Western thought, Eastern thought, Northern thought and Southern thought. Believe it or not this has been relegated to the dustbin of history in all the developed world and yes that includes pretty much all of asia. Its not western medicine its
    evidence based medicine
    Yeah if you are in china and you become ill, you don't go to a shaman you go to a hospital

    V im not saying ban it I support legislation mainly because it will stop people who are recreational users wasting the time of a doctor and making a mockery of the health system. That said a lot of people on both sides are notorious for fudging the actual research people advocating crimination over stating its negative effects and people advocating legalization claim there are none.
    A false negative is more dangerous than a false positive.
  3. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    okay, raymondth,

    i kept my mouth tightly shut, untill now..
    it does not pay to have a liberal point of
    view, obviously..

    but there is a thing i would like to point

    where i live, people can have all the cannabis
    they like, it is not legal, but at least it is
    tolerated, so they can make their own decision..

    the thing i would like to point out to you,
    is that the right or wrong of cannabis is in the
    eye of the beholder..

    if a person feels that he/she benefits by it,
    who are we to say them nay, i ask you..

    just my 2 centavos..
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    Jan 25, 2012
    @raymondTH: chillax man! Have a beer or a shag...

    So, let's :rasta: and then have some:rastabanana:.
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  5. dareckibmw

    dareckibmw MDL Expert

    Jun 16, 2009

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  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    I bet brownie sales in colorado must be through the roof!:druff:
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  7. Kaaalz

    Kaaalz MDL Novice

    Nov 26, 2012
    Haha most of the time this kind of laws are allowed just because peoples need to smoke and not because of the serious medical benefits it does


    Jan 25, 2012
    @Kaaalz: haha you must be an expert of the subject I guess? Haha :rasta::rasta::rasta:
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  9. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #29 redroad, Nov 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  10. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    If a person feels that a dose of anthrax is good for them then who are we to say otherwise ?
    As Yen pointed out the issue is abuse, many drugs out there are good in their proper dosage but can kill you
    if you overdose, take sleeping pills for example. There is a huge problem showing up now relating to prescription drug abuse.
    The fundamental problem is that you cannot trust the hosts of idiots and ignorant people out there to self dose. Many drugs are
    addictive and what may start out as a simple joint can end up costing you your life. Then guess who will get sued and who will
    be out on the roads protesting drug related deaths ?!
    They should legalize marijuana, but it should only be available in a clinic where you can get your daily dose if you condition warrants it.
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  11. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #31 redroad, Nov 28, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
    Many species on this planet have been self medicating for millions of years. Making choices where they graze and what they graze. The earth has provided for them a paradigm called natural law. One of the few species that routinely attempts to depart from that law are humans. The attempt to escape the very real consequences of breaking that natural law is an illusion which exists only in the human mind. Addiction arises from such illusion by continually fostering thoughts which promote the need for temporary escape .. The substance/medicine itself is imprinted by the purity of intention of those along the healing pathway, as it arrives, to be administered to someone .. Make no mistake when the substance/medicine is harvested from the earth it can have all the qualities that promote real healing however such qualities are often vacated where the intentions of those along the healing path falter and become only remedies for the illusion of escape, the escape from knowing one's true self.

    Purity of intention, to it's measure, will be from which true healing emerges and where anything of real consequence will be unveiled.
  12. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #32 Yen, Nov 29, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
    Very true. It is my personal main dilemma at my job. I research for 'new' herbals. Herbals which have also a long tradition in use in Europe and Africa. Each mainland has its traditional herbals.
    And we (the company where I work and myself) have always the conflict:
    To make a herbal or its active principle available, but in an anonymised yes even falsified appearance. AND as a actually pure act of business.
    Nobody of the consumer has a original relationship to the original herb anymore. All one gets is a bottle of liquid or some pills. And we are importing long traditional use, can that work at all?
    I could tell much more about that. It comes along with my job all days.
    A keyword is respect. To respect the nature and its treasures, one of it are herbals. And to respect the natives who have cultivated or collected them and used them all the time. They are 'the professionals'.

    I am sorry, but that comparison anthrax / cannabis is very far-fetched and anthrax is not even a drug, it is an infectious disease caused by bacillus anthracis. :rolleyes:
    And many people lump together different drugs. One cannot compare hypnotics with cannabis. And one should not confuse poisons with drugs. We have a lot of poisonous plants which are not[drugs].
    In every region there grow plants which are acute poisonous, means when consuming then one can die when no emergency doctor is called.
    Cannabis never has this action, you can even not overdose it. Hence no death in relation with cannabis consume is known.
    But one can encounter serious problems yes....

    [Drugs] here = forbidden by laws
    And we should not forget that there are actually no [drugs].
    [Drugs] are created by governments and their laws. They will become to that what people think about.

    I totally agree with (and I wrote that already), that there is lack of proper use, because people do not know how to use them.
    And no, no drug is addictive per se. It is EVER the user who decides to consume.

    A simple joint can end up your life? I thought that fairy tale being a starter drug has been over already. BTW: What is the starter drug of cannabis then? Mother's milk? :biggrin:

    IMHO a clinic is also not a suitable place. The problem is: As long as cannabis is not legalized, but criminalized, there will not be a healthy cannabis culture. So there will be no 'professionals' who could make the job to teach proper use.
    People have to act as such a professional who actually are not qualified to do so.
    But in the Netherlands there are professional people already due to the toleration of cannabis use.

    Alienation from nature is the keyword that comes into my mind. In the past people had animals and a garden and perhaps a herbal garden.
    They harvested vegetables and slaughtered their animals when wanting meat.
    There had been a direct relationship. Nowadays when one wants to have meat, he gets a anonymous packaged piece of meat.
    In general when one wants to have something one can get it without a true relation to it.
    So it will be with cannabis if it should become freely available.
    To me the only way to establish a cannabis culture is to allow its cultivation. Each who is interested in cannabis should have the possibility to buy seeds.
    The drug itself should not be sold in a public place anywhere, though.

    When cultivating a special plant one needs to deal with its life conditions, culture, harvest AND has a own relation to it.
    A plant is a being.

    I always had a close relationship to nature. When I was 12 I had grown my own beans, lol.
    When I was 23 I grew my own cannabis. I extracted its oil and separated its components by chromatography. I analyzed its actions by smoking it.:biggrin:
    I took the risk to get betrayed by neighbors who have seen the plants.
    Nowadays I grow chili plants, lol.

    Generally, we should separate 2 things.
    Its medical use, or its recreational use. And we should be honest which use we want to have legalized.
    For the former nobody really needs the herbal. IMHO for most named symptoms Marinol should do that job as well.

    The reason why somebody wants to consume it, to have it as recreational drug, is nothing then the curiosity and enthusiasm to get more experience of one's-self (self-experience), it's actually the basic motivation. But most forget where [enthusiasm] originally comes from and what it really means....

    And actually nobody can forbid that.
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  13. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    I know what Anthrax is that point was in relation to what nodnar said about "where do we draw the line". You could even use water as an example, too high consumption
    of water can kill you. Dosage is the issue, even things we think are good for us are most likely dangerous when over used.

    You can't compare self medicating animals to humans, animals don't use to satisfy a want, they satisfy a need so no over usage.
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  14. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    @R29k Medication takes many forms and animals (non-domesticated) certainly are fully capable of finding cures for what may ail them. There are many documented cases of this and if need be I can sight those examples for you but I know you are capable of researching that on your own .. As to animals over usage there are substantial examples of that as well, along with suicide and many other things that would indicate a life is out of balance.
  15. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    that may well be the key word, redroad,
    domestication as opposed to alianation..
    it is where we go wrong, imho..if my old
    cat has got too many hairs in her stomach,
    she just eats some grass, and out it goes..
    she does that by instinct, nobody told her
    that..nobody has to..
    by the same token, i have got my doubts
    about all these thoughts about [drugs]
    if people feel a need to use that stuff,
    they are as innocent as my old cat, in my
    book. and no, i do not eat grass, and i do
    not smoke weed either,,
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  16. RaymondTH

    RaymondTH MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    Call me when you have a video of a mouse curing himself of the wasp larva which are eating him from the inside out, That's a video id like to see
  17. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    evolution is the key word when looking at such matters .. For example the antelope generally conceives 2 fetuses and if conditions on the ground permit they are carried full term and if food supplies are scarce the animal aborts one fetus .. Took a couple million years to perfect that
  18. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Make up your mind what exactly you are saying, are you evolving immunity or self medicating ? They are not the same thing !
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  19. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #39 redroad, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
    I think immunity is a temporary state, as those things that may threaten health/balance are also evolving .. I am speaking of self medicating in the broadest of terms to include food and water sources which include the essentials of sustaining life and a strong and healthy immune system is but one result of such self medicating. The local sources of this medicine have the greatest potential to provide health for the lives of those who live there with the exceptions where natural law has been broken and the earth connection is temporarily broken as a result. My understanding of what is medicine and yours may differ.
  20. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    They are innocent in that way that curiosity and enthusiasm for [drugs] actually is no criminal offence.
    The problems are the governments, their laws and their double standards.

    A government that earns money with alcohols (taxes) acually has not the right to punish (criminalize) people concerning [drugs].
    It has a hypocritical touch. A government has to regulate the use of it, but nothing more. There should be no difference to alcohols (means legal drugs).
    A official permission to produce would also guarantee quality standards.

    At times and places where alcohol has been prohibited, the quality decreased and poisoning with methanol happened more frequently.....
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