Hi guys! Just a little question. I want to have Windows Updates disabled (or manual if possible) but being able to update my store apps (like Twitter or Trello), how can I achieve this without having to worry about the frigging thing auto installing updates as soon as I re-enable the service? (Sadly, I found that Windows Update service is needed to update apps... sigh) Is there a way for making Windows Updates manual, and keeping the ability to manually updating my store apps without having to disable and enable WU service each time? Which method of the ones you post here you recommend for it? I use ver 1703 Thanks a bunch!
Solution is in the post right before you. windows_update_toggle.bat comes with a default preset that will block updates, but keep store downloads and defender updates working.. along with some other awesome stuff!
You can use BAU tool, or you can use mine here https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/stopwinupdates.77026/ mine have an option to set store app auto update off and you can update them manually. choose what you like
Thank you guys! Imma try this tools ASAP! I'm tired of not being able to check for store app updates without suffering WU auto borked updates XD Little (and probably stupid) question, how do I install these? any special considerations I need before installing?
Mine is a simple text file batch script - download from pastebin link, run. That's it. Use the desktop context menu to fully manage all aspects of it, including removing it if you don't like it, with no adverse effects.
Mine you can choose to disable updates without disable update service that's the first option ( Store and defender updates works ) Second option is to disable update service, i added it for who want but it's not recommended since this service is needed for example store use it Third is to disable store apps auto update and you can update them manually btw you can watch the video for both tools to see how it works
I'm just curios if you were inspired by my former batch suite toggle scripts in doing this via ifeo, since chronologically, yours came second. And second, why did you make an executable for basically a script, ain't that the ultimate portability?
- I posted mine 3 may before you - I made it with inno setup for users that don't know what we talking about also i can control which script run in Specific version more easy for me, since not all systems use all scripts - If i used anything from your script for sure i will add thanks to you in my notes - I'm not a script expert so i even tried to read it and couldn't understand it - But for sure you did a great job with it so thanks for your work
I've shared most ifeo blocking methods back in February on reddit. Np either way, I'm just not a fan of windows tweaking packaged as exe when it can be done as plain-text scripts. And a suggestion - you should add at least a powershell.exe -c "Set-MpPreference -SignatureFallbackOrder {MMPC|MicrosoftUpdateServer|InternalDefinitionUpdateServer}" to partially un-break Defender protection updates (when done from the defender gui - it probably fails for your package since the updating is hanging without returning a failure result in a timely manner)
Instant definition updates always fail, and sometimes even the daily schedule can fail, so definitions keep getting outdated. I know because I've dealt with it in my script (and it's still not perfect, as beta signatures are often forced via windows update, but are not available on mmpc=Microsoft Malware Protection Center for hours). The switch of definition source order change via powershell I've suggested should help in your case too.
Well, first of all, thanks a bunch for this tools, are really a great resource for keeping MS from nagging pests in our systems. Now I will give a little feedback after testing in my live system and a VM made from a macrium reflect backup. For @BALTAGY : The tool effectively blocks Windows Update, that's a relief, the bad part is that I could never get the store to work and download app updates (It neither looks for updates if you go to the Downloads and Updates section, or even clicking the button, it does nothing :/)... Also, while Windows Update in Settings is a blank page, seems it causes the app to crash, so, to access other setting in the section it's located, you need to search for them. I don't find it particularly annoying, but probably others will if they want to access other settings, like Activation or Defender. For @BAU : Tested the bat file, and works perfectly, Windows Update doesn't nag me for updates, even on restarts, instead, you can instruct the tool to look for available updates, and even block downloads, so you choose what to download and what not (I find this really useful, why taking HDD space for stuff you won't install anyway?). Store in this one works and I was able to update and even install a new app without issues. I see there is a setting to disable the windows update service, but, unless it's intended, it leaves the service manual always and just seems to stop the service, not disable, again, maybe this is intended behavior. Another thing I noticed is that it doesn't seem to find the latest cumulative update (May 8, 2018—KB4103731 [OS Build 15063.1088]), for my live system is completely normal, as I got it already, but for the VM (Build 15063.994), it's a bit strange, I don't know if it's because there are other updates needed for it to be seen, I'll make a more deep test and check. I have a last question, I had the terrible experience of MS nagging their upgrader tool to 1709, which was a pain to remove, and left their OS Remediation System Service installed. Will this (BAU) tool prevent that little f**ker to mess up and try to set this to automatic again? Will the tool keep me safe? (In addition, if there is any remedy to remove that service, I will be glad to hear from it XD) Thank you so much, to both of you, for your help, this tools make our lives easier with this mess of forced updates!
I just tested the store and it's working from downloads and updates, note that for the store to work Delivery Optimization service must be running, if you used other tools before or disabled it your self, store download wont work For the windows update in settings ya it's normal i also said that in the note, it happen because the system can't run the needed service to open this page, when you enable the updates i restore system access so it can run the service and open it It also happen once, you can open the settings again and choose any option you want or even open the update again and it will stay blank
@BALTAGY Yup, just checked, Delivery Optimization service is running, but for me the button does nothing... dunno why ... I even restored settings using the installer and reaplied, but nothing changes On the other side, I tested about the cumulative update, seems you need Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057) and Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB4056254) installed (or at least KB402357) so you can see the latest cumulative updates for download... and that means that nasty rempl folder installed, as well as the OS Remediation System Service... the former is easy to remove, thanks God, but the later stays for good... As this updates are required to even install the cumulative update from a downloaded package from Windows Catalog, you need to keep an eye so the upgrade process to 1709 doesn't start automatically, if it does, it's time to kill processes and uninstall crap... Ohh MS... why you so stubborn? :V
First of all, blocking Downloads cripples the search for updates (it still lists some, like feature update for example) - hence the ! mark. But it does not effect Store or Defender in doing so. Second, updates usually superseed former ones, it's intended behavior to not show some updates until you've applied dependency ones, exactly as in the Settings UI. Third, reboot notifications are blocked by default (actually, hijacked to update lists), and the Upgrades choice effectively prevents setup from running in case it slips through. Fourth, the beauty of the script is that it does not care about remediation tools - it leaves them be, so Windows can do whatever it wants, and not see an issue with updates. This minimal blocking approach is more healthy, as it prevents ultra-rare cases of login failure on a loop due to failing to start processes at startup. Don't worry about it, blocks will survive My long time goal is to make an auto-hide updates when found, but it's a little difficult to pull of, needs some crazy ping-pong with files. Will try again for the next version. You can always keep up to date from inside of the script Renew option - it's that convenient!
sih, remsh, update orchestrator, waasmedic(svc), and Windows 10 Update Assistant will override the disabled windows update service to turn it back on, and update anyway whether the update service is enabled or not. Just disabling the windows update service doesn't work anymore.