Hopefully, sih is easily disabled by disabling the tasks, remsh can be manually uninstalled (tasks and the folder removed) after uninstalling the two entries in Apps and Features, about waasmedic I ignore if that thing ever does anything, but Update Orchestrator doesn't seem to turn on Automatic Updates. I had the service disabled even with the latest updates and never turned back on. Still I better installed some tools, because I needed the store to work, and every time I turned on WU service, it immediately started to download updates, and I don't want the stupid upgraded to catch me ever again... Personally, I recommend either @BAU 's tool, or @BALTAGY 's tool, both work nicely and you keep store app updating, as well as defender definitions (I don't use that crap, but many do, and having that is quite convenient).
I use my project in my signature. It takes care of the things mentioned. Includes uninstaller. I support multiple windows update projects though so thanks for mentioning @BAU 's tool, and @BALTAGY 's tool
I think the good part is we all did it differently so people will find what they need in one of them Also if any of them stopped working for any reason the others will help Great job @pf100 and @BAU
I have not got any new updates yet and the service is still disabled. DON'T JUDGE ME I am running Windows 10 LTSB 2016 and I did run it through Toolkit 8.6. Would that make a difference?
Windows 10 Pro 1703 How i can completely stop windows to being updates ?? i searched on net some say gpedit works and other say not? can anyone tell me how i can completely stop windows update ?
Of course You can. Read what's written above. Have You also read this - https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/stopwinupdates.77026/