No, we're all being monitored ever since the launch of windows 8, but the logging and tracking is worse in the TP, if you upgrade TP-RTM you are basicly agreeing to the fact that microsoft can and will continue to track your every move with the inbuilt keylogger of theirs. Better just be on the safe side and do clean install. The system will also run better with a clean install, where upgrades on the other hand can cause problems with the install.
agree with your point of gett'n better performance when doing a clean install but monitoring will be done in any way
In case there are still some sane-minded left at MS ( ... and my hopes are with this), they won't ship RTM with that stuff, else no corporate will even with any employees a** look at Win 10. It's one of MS base businesses/cash-cows.
For the time of the "Alpha's & Beta's" they'll still use the full monitoring include the Key-Logger! After RTM, hopefully that Key-Logger would be gone, if not, MS will face really problems. Still there will be some slightly monitoring, as it was since XP'x times till 8.1, which a user (with a bit of knowledge) was able to avoid by disabling some services etc.! I hardly wouldn't believe that MS will risk more "Down's" as they had already!
Yep, but to my observations most of those logging is connected to online-accounts and one-drive or related cloud usage, since i don't use, i can't complain so far.
The OP (source) just says that W10TP will be upgrade-able to RTM (what no serious user ever would do). This is a technical option no sale politics. The article is just a waste of efforts, IMHO one sentence would have been enough, the rest is blah blah about a probable release date….and a no no about 'downgrade'...
Can only commit here, that the indeed good jokes (together with the now appropriate title) just make even more sense in general .
Remembers me of murphy mentioning that bloggers sometimes can become a slight PITA . Quite true, as we can see when people refrain the 'blogged' nonsense here. Mostly the correct answer is only one post above theirs ... and they still dismiss it ... .
My only response to this "news" is "who gives a chit?" I'm only testing it for the money and the show. Given the direction it's heading, I might start recommending Linux Mint.