smartversion program + scripts + tutorials @ verify what used as source, filename & checksum
Can you please make another svf for this File: cs_windows_xp_home_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_x14-92410.svf Size: 274034500 bytes MD5: 7AFDCA000FDC87218670BCBB5B549815 SHA1: C79DD1BDF0FA7691AECEB5750CD55E648CFAD1E9 CRC32: 3A9A28C5 i guess all links are still a live but my bad luck with this only link that is really weird. thanks in advance.
Any chance to get working (with key) Windows XP Starter Edition? I got a two iso's, but any key found on web didn't work.
@Hunter3000 You can use this key for installation - works on the english starter edition. And that is the easy part, now the fun begin Windows XP Starter Edition is COEM, like retail you can not activate since XP is long gone EOL and license server is cut off. You can however use a OEM_SLP Channel, for starter, here is interesting thread: Windows XP Starter Edition The easy way would be to use OEMBIOS changer tool and a modified bios, this is rather easy - @pantagruel has made BIOS.440 for VMware and all you need to activate is english Windows XP Starter Edition image, install key, VMware with BIOS.440 (Note: Microsoft Virtual Pc 2004 SP1 is already bios prepared and can run nested in a VMware XP/Windows 2003 (not the R2 edition and not X64) VM) and OEMBIOS changer. I have done this and it was time consuming the first time but it was fun to learn how it was done. My recommendation: install with key and use it within the grace period first, starter edition is very limited and not practical in use. But it is a fun project
AFAIK the license servers are still up, it's just that vanilla XP will not communicate with them due to a missing root certificate. Manually installing that certificate should recover the communication. But yeah, the SLP 1.0 way is always open. The real challenge is finding or restricting hardware in a way that satisfies Starter requirements.
Hello from Italy. I am finding some msdn iso files. Escluse for my bad english. I am try to download this file but many cloud are off-line: it_windows_xp_professional_n_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-78212.iso Give me some information on this. Thx
I have check in this you link www dot multiup dot eu/en/project/e7e33f035ddf7ac4bb95576524af7018 but i do not have the pwd. Please send me a prv msg. On your first post the iso files are off. So on this nz/#F!M01iXBhY!0xkNBHxTe1ZWb36YCTHcqQ the files is miss On this link mail dot ru/public/DpUG/SuwD8BJtz i have some difficult to learn how to be create an iso. Excuse me for request and thk for your help Sorry i do not see your spoiler