Great! I will take a look at that. Thanks again! One question ... I notice that now (with the new patched BIOS), that I can't get into my BIOS config. When I press DEL at boottime, it used to go to the BIOS setup, now it goes to "detecting RAID array ..." And since I don't have RAID, it freezes up. :-\ Not sure why it would do this, I might try flashing with an ASUS or the Toshiba SLIC I used before to see if it does that with them too, but any idea? Not a HUGE issue since I've pretty much got everything in my BIOS set up the way I want it anyway, so I don't go in there much now. And if I really need to get in, I can flash to unmodded bios, make changes, then flash back to BIOS with NEC SLIC.
I don't think the ISA file would affect that but try modding the ISA.BIN file as ISA2 or ISA3. That should clear up any conflicts. I bet you the ISA file may be attempting to use the same memory as something else. Otherwise, you can try Asus or Dell ISA. I know the Dell ISA in the archive in the beginning of this thread works perfectly. I used to use it before I fixed my HP ISA file.
Nope, just tried it as ISA2 and then again as ISA3, same story ... I'll try a different SLIC later to see if it still happens with those.
Hello nartac, the file you sent me (OEMS.BIN) only had the size 0185Bh compressed I had to add 2 dummy bytes at the end to get size 0185Dh but I got it now!!!!! The only difference I still have in the final modded bios is: Total compressed code size = 4B581h(301.38K) - I have : 4B588h and Remain compress code space = 10A7Fh(66.62K) - I have : 10A78h don't know if that is important ????? THANK YOU nartac
what for intel bios? i have intel 945gccr motherboard.... what is the prcess and softwares to be used to mod by bios...pls say me in detal.. ur efforts are appreciated
Hi! I´m new here. And new to this bios modding thing... I started out trying to get the "classic" 'Hewlett-Packard' into my friends bios (Actually a HP computer, but an older one without any string...) and when I succeded I traveled on to put in the harder 'Dell System'. This time in a bios for vMware. This of course took some more effort but now, when I cracked it, it doesen´t seem so hard any more... Well, I'm sitting here with an OEM Windows Vista disc from Dell... Guess my new mission Now I am stuck thow! I read some guides in the forum, but I just don´t get it. It´s a Phoenix Bios and I´ve been looking for a 'SLIC' or/and a 'RSDT' string. I found nothing in ACPI1.BIN. I could find two instanses of 'RSDT' in BIOSCOD0.ROM but I can't figure out what to do. Should there be two? And shouldn't I find it in ACPIx.BIN? Please, can anyone point me in the right direction here? Thanx!
are this aways for the mod of bios? i looking for bios modded for vista activation for my DFI DK P35-T2RS
Hellow, I am very new to this forum, but I have done a thorough reading and have a question regarding modding with a Phoenix BIOS: What I don't quite get, is what should I type next to RSDT?? I am using the "ASUS.BIN" SLIC. To clarify: In WinHEX in the file BIOSCOD1.ROM I find through search "RSDT.....TOSCPL....RSDT" or something similar. Do I need to change BOTH the 1st and 2nd RSDT to XSDT AND change TOSCPL to ASUS?? Or am I getting it wrong?? Please advice!! PS: I did the changes as I thought better, and it did later compile without errors in Bios Editor, but I am afraid to flash before I am sure.
Overwrite the string NEXT TO………. The first RSDT is the tablename. If you’ll overwrite it, your laptop is bricked after you’ve applied the bios. Asus OEMID is: _ASUS_ Asus OEMTABLEID is: Notebook So overwrite TOSCPL (which is the string next to the first RSDT)….. with _ASUS_Notebook. Thereby the second RSDT string will be overwritten. The same do at first XSDT: Overwrite the string NEXT TO IT the same way. The first strings found (RSDT, XSDT) are the table names. To overwrite them will end up fatal, so be careful. There is no word said change RSDT TO XSDT………this may end up fatal as well.
OK! Got it... But as I've been reading, if I do brick the laptop, its impossible to revive it without sending it back in? Right? Does PhoenixBIOS not include fail safe BIOS updating like AMI, where you can flash the BIOS using a USB Stick or CD-ROM in case a bad BIOS is detected?? Thanks, a lot for the help!!
Hi also this file is activating lots of alarms by avira. There are also unrecognizeable characters in the filenames - maybe because it is a file with chinese names ? regards ...
These false positives happen sometimes. Usually, it's false alarm. No modder here is intending to get a virus or any other malicious code on your PC. This community would go beserk if we'd go distributing viruses Til' that day, no virus contamination due to downloading bios mods has happened or is at least known. At least everyone is responsible for what he or she is doing. Especially in the space we're moving here: the Internet. Don't panic and have fun kind regards, ancestor(v)