MSMG ToolKit to Convert W8.1/Srv 2012 R2 RTM/GA ISO - W8.1/Srv 2012 R2 Update 1 ISO

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by MSMG, Mar 7, 2014.

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  1. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Today tested /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase for Boot.wim Index 1 and Winre.wim and installed the os, installation works properly without any issues and also the overall size of boot.wim and insall.wim got reduced.

    I tested with clean install as I do always, just want someone to test the upgrade path.

    Updated the First Post with New Link


    + Added Support for Updating Multiple Images at Once (Only if the Source is x86 or x64 but not AIO)
    + Added /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase for Boot.wim Index 1 and Winre.wim for cleaning up old components and removing the backup of old updates.
  2. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    I did checked with the windows update after using the toolkit there was only camera codec, flash player update for me. may be two new updates may have come.

    This toolkit is a part of my main toolkit and this was meant for only adding Windows 8.1 Update 1. If you want to post Windows 8.1 Update 1 updates, .net fx35, wmc to install.wim, please do use my main toolkit which you can find it in my signature. I will be soon adding this toolkit to my main toolkit which is ready to be deployed.

  3. armond

    armond MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2008
    OK. That's fine. Many thanks for your fast reply and this nice update!
  4. jackmonter5

    jackmonter5 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 27, 2009
    MSMG, would it make a difference if the wmc and .net is done before or after updating to spring update?

    Thanks again for all you hard work, very appreciated :worthy:
  5. nechrist

    nechrist MDL Guide Pack

    Apr 24, 2010
    #85 nechrist, Mar 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  6. leom81

    leom81 MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2009
    #86 leom81, Mar 9, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    i have a problem with new script: when i select [2] and then i will select my version (win 8.1 pro x64) , i don't know why but it always select version x86. with previuos script all go fine, but with this script i have this problem. (sorry my bad english... )
  7. geircito

    geircito MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2010
    For me everything worked 100%.
    Created an iso using the script and did a fresh install of Windows 8.1 x64 Spring 2014 (using the created iso file) on a MacBook Pro using Parallells Desktop.
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    are you using AIO (x86/x64) OS as source if so then it will give error coz still I haven't fixed the script for AIO. but the script works well for 32-bit or 64-bit source OS. I will fix it tomorrow.

  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011

    HALIKUS MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2009
    #90 HALIKUS, Mar 9, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
    probably never, unless you mean export.

    Very nice script btw. I noticed it wasalso the perfect opportunity to add dart to the boot.wim and winre.wim. I simply added these 2 extras to the "proper" place and added my extracted dart files to Updates\Dart%arch%:

    echo. Integrating Windows 8.1/Server 2012 Dart
    echo. to [Boot.wim, Index : 2] WIM Image...
    if exist %~dp0Updates\DART%WimArch% xcopy %~dp0Updates\DART%WimArch%\* "%BootMnt%\2" /cherkyi

    echo. Integrating Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 DART to WinRE
    echo. to [Install.wim, Index : %%i \-^> WinRE.wim, Index : 1] WIM Image...
    if exist %~dp0Updates\DART%WimArch% xcopy %~dp0Updates\DART%WimArch%\* %WinReMnt%\%%i /cherkyi

    Also, if you have 2 scripts because of the extra 2 updates people may want to integrate, can't you just use a
    If exists ExtraKB.msu dism /addpackage ExtraKB.msu blah blah
    so that the script will simply bypass them if they are missing?

    Also, i used a 5 index wim and noticed the winre integration each wim is redundant as its the same file (i'm 99% sure). If thats the case, you could create 1 instance of winre.wim and then just xcopy it over each index. If permissions are a problem (i think they are) i think i once got around the problem be exporting winretemp.wim to %mount%\windows\system32\recovery\winre.wim and delete index 1 (the pre modified index).
  11. luke

    luke MDL Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    #91 luke, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    im getting a error on 2 Update Boot WIM Image the folder is empty? I also have install.esd?

    Error: 2
    Unable to access the image. 
    Make sure that the image path and the Windows directory for the image exist and you have Read permissions on the folder.
    The DISM log file can be found at C:\123\Logs\Dism.txt
  12. Breach

    Breach MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2009
    Great job. Now, any clue what kb2938439 and kb2939087 do (as they're not part of the Wzor release/instructions)? If WU is [was] pushing them I guess better have them, but still any idea?
  13. gururoop

    gururoop MDL Junior Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    #93 gururoop, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
    For people with install.esd, I tried converting install.esd to install.wim by doing the following:

    1. Installed Windows to a VHD
    2. Sysprep-ed the installation in VHD
    3. Attached this VHD in Disk Management console
    4. Compressed it using imagex and this command at command prompt:
    imagex /compress maximum /capture X: C:/install.wim "Windows 8.1 Pro"
    where X stands for the drive letter corresponding to the greater partition of VHD.
    5. Replaced install.esd from MSMG Toolkit folder with install.wim and followed steps 1, 2 and 3 in order.

    The ISO was created without any errors, but I still haven't tried installing from it and I see no reason why it should not install. Will update this post if I am successful. Maybe OP can include this little guide if it works.
  14. geobot

    geobot Guest

    Do you think this will work?
    Using DISM:
    1. Apply install.esd to an empty drive.
    2. Capture and compress that drive as install.wim.
    3. Replace the install.esd with install.wim
  15. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes indeed you can include dart but you need to make changes for winpeshl.ini for winre.wim and boot.wim, I have added these functions to my main toolkit, where the dart tools can be accessed when the repair menu is choose from setup screen and the dart gets boots straight away with winre.wim

    yes I can make changes and use only one script ok will make changes and also about the winre.wim, ya it's almost the same thing, we can add the updates just once and copy it over and over again to different install.wim file.

    yes permissions are one problem, where the actual winre.wim resides, its in hidden format, although it gets serviced by dism and gets exported to new file but you try to overwrite the original with the exported one using he xcopy command it just skips, but if you use the move command it just copies easily.

    one more thing is I have to move the startcomponentcleanup and resetbase section to the start if I have to have ready copy of updated winre.wim file to be copied to other install.wim, but this is a good idea I will make changes.

    then one more thing, I have issue with the loop used for checking whether the user has selected any particular index or have selected * for all indexes, the problem is the loop works perfectly for mounting, integrating, committing changes and unmounting, rebuilding wim images but when I use the loop for extracting the cab, where I need to check for each wim index architecture, the loop fails as the function I have used to get the wim architecture of the wimindex. although the function GetWimArch gets the wimindex architecture but it won't gets applied in the line expand .msu files, can you check the loop what's going on wrong. coz only if this loop works then the script will work for multi-arch AIO install.wim

  16. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    yes it works and its called old method, now the dism can apply the .esd file to a folder, thew we can use the dism to capture the folder to a new install.wim and later work on it and this is the easiest way.

  17. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    DaRT 8.1 works for both of these. I've personally tested it.
    To actually get into the winre version you have to restart into repair options (shutdown /r /o)
    Then you have to do the advanced startup options (think that's what it's called, where it lists 10 choices including safe mode etc)
    When you boot into the startup options you choose 10
    Then you're in the winre environment

    DaRT is found in the usual spot "Troubleshooting"

    I think the issue with the windows\system32\recovery is that it's in a system folder
    Short of doing icacls commands I'm not sure there's much to do except move the file before working on it; like you were saying.
  18. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    yes dart works for both winre version but I didn't get correct changes for winpeshl.ini for winre.wim

    and then after some testing I could make the recovery mode to directly boot to dart menu without those usual menus it appears when you boot to windows recovery mode.

  19. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    What I'm really interested in is getting the DaRT into the (shutdown /r /o) version...
    Though I guess you wouldn't exactly be able to do offline servicing if you were still using the system hahah