1. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #20201 jinvidia, Aug 23, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
    Thank you sir.
    Just recently I noticed that the difference between a component cleaned 1909 and component uncleaned 21H1 is just a mere 500 MB. So it doesn't matter to me.

    And yesterday I obtained 1909 and 21h1 ISOs with updates from uupdump.net and after servicing these with the latest 11.7 toolkit without component cleaning both came without any sfc errors.

    Today tried with the official ltsc 2019 iso (en_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_74865958.iso) with the same steps (for iso obtained from uupdump) used in 11.7 without component cleaning and there are sfc errors.

    So now what I think these sfc errors also (and mainly) depends upon the source iso.

    Correct me if I am wrong sir.
    Thank you
  2. Mouri_Naruto

    Mouri_Naruto MDL Developer

    Jul 10, 2014
  3. graver.x

    graver.x MDL Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2020
    #20203 graver.x, Aug 23, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
    What is the CU number in your official LTSC ISO?

    You must integrate into the image the CU that is specified in Current Change Log for Toolkit v11.7 (or Changelog.txt in archive with Toolkit) for compatibility with ToolkitHelper.exe :

    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1809 (v10.0.17763.2061) Source OS.

    Otherwise, it is quite possible that you will get errors again after removing the components, even if the original ISO does not contain them.
  4. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    #20204 pisthai, Aug 23, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
  6. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Thanks a lot for that very fast answer. That helps me a lot to get started.

    At my try with the 11.4 intros, I was using the ISO placed into the ISO Folder and ended up with an error for to able to create the Install.WIM from the .ESD file.

    OK, let see how it would work now?! And again, thanks a lot for your help.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    Thank you buddy. I queried the ISO with dism and got the following output. Sorry but i don't know how to find the CU version in the ISO. Kindly guide me on how to proceed after this. Thank you

    Index : 1
    Name : Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
    Description : Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
    Size : 12,684,483,229 bytes
    WIM Bootable : No
    Architecture : x64
    Hal : <undefined>
    Version : 10.0.17763
    ServicePack Build : 1
    ServicePack Level : 0
    Edition : EnterpriseS
    Installation : Client
    ProductType : WinNT
    ProductSuite : Terminal Server
    System Root : WINDOWS
    Directories : 17387
    Files : 75395
    Created : 15-09-2018 - 14:56:40
    Modified : 15-09-2018 - 15:11:41
    Languages : en-US (Default)
  8. sergey130270

    sergey130270 MDL Senior Member

    May 15, 2014
    Help me please! Which command integrates the psf file
  9. Pl use Abbodi psfx v4 tool to create full cab package from LCU cab + psf pack.
    Then integerate that full cab package into offline image or install on current os as your wish :)
  10. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi Bira, Excuse me but because you do not send a private message to our Master abbodi1406 I'm sure it will solve your problem / doubt ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    @Bira, only posted the translation of the speech of the friend @sergey130270, with the answer to him. But @mdl052020 had already answered.
  12. We hope MSMG will soon add psfx repack into next msmg toolkit update.

    Thanks @RaiyvaN Brother i am waiting for your next custom toolkit build .

    Great fan of your job :)
  13. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Ok I got late I think ...;):D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Bira

    Bira MDL Senior Member

    Oct 4, 2017
    The question of the link was to solve and help our friend @sergey130270, I hope I understood ...
  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    yep I understand; at you service and for all others too :D
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  16. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #20218 inTerActionVRI, Aug 24, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021

    The new Icons Pack with Win32Calc icons replaces Win32Calc Pack Integration Menu option? Should we update the pack for the new icon file that is reduced size?

    The Tweak for "Windows 11 Bypass Hardware Requirements" does not have to be in the loop of indexes, even if there are no problems and be kept with it, can be moved out of the for loop.

    if "%Tweak%" equ "AllTweaks" echo.####Applying All Tweaks########################################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "Disable3RDPartyApps" echo.####Applying Disable Downloading and Installing 3rd Party Apps Tweak###########
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableCortanaApp" echo.####Applying Disable Cortana App Tweak#########################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableDriversUpdates" echo.####Applying Disable Automatic Driver Updates through Windows Update Tweak#####
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableReservedStorage" echo.####Applying Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates######
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableW11InstHardwareCheck" echo.####Applying Disable Windows 11 Installer Hardware Check#######################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsDefender" echo.####Applying Disable Windows Defender Tweak####################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsUpdate" echo.####Applying Disable Windows Update Tweak######################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsUpgrade" echo.####Applying Disable Automatic Windows OS Upgrade Tweak########################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnableFMP3ProCodec" echo.####Applying Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec Tweak####################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnableFullResetBase" echo.####Applying Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase Tweak###############
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnablePhotoViewer" echo.####Applying Enable Windows Photo Viewer Tweak#################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "ForceLatestNetFramework" echo.####Applying Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework Tweak############
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideTaskViewIcon" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon Tweak#####################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideMeetNowIcon" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar Meet Now Icon Tweak##################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideNewsAndInterests" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar News ^& Interest Tweak###############################
    for /l %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do (
       if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" (
           if not %%i gtr 9 echo.===========================[Install.wim, Index : %%i]============================
           if %%i gtr 9 echo.==========================[Install.wim, Index : %%i]============================
           echo.Mounting Image Registry...
           call :MountImageRegistry "%InstallMount%\%%i"
           echo.Importing Registry Settings to Image Registry...
           if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableW11InstHardwareCheck" (
               Reg load "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM" "%BootMount%\2\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" >nul 2>&1
               Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassTPMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
               Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassSecureBootCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
               Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassRAMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
               Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassStorageCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
               Reg unload "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM" >nul 2>&1
            if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableCortanaApp" (

    if "%Tweak%" equ "AllTweaks" echo.####Applying All Tweaks########################################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "Disable3RDPartyApps" echo.####Applying Disable Downloading and Installing 3rd Party Apps Tweak###########
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableCortanaApp" echo.####Applying Disable Cortana App Tweak#########################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableDriversUpdates" echo.####Applying Disable Automatic Driver Updates through Windows Update Tweak#####
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableReservedStorage" echo.####Applying Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates######
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsDefender" echo.####Applying Disable Windows Defender Tweak####################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsUpdate" echo.####Applying Disable Windows Update Tweak######################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsUpgrade" echo.####Applying Disable Automatic Windows OS Upgrade Tweak########################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnableFMP3ProCodec" echo.####Applying Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec Tweak####################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnableFullResetBase" echo.####Applying Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase Tweak###############
    if "%Tweak%" equ "EnablePhotoViewer" echo.####Applying Enable Windows Photo Viewer Tweak#################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "ForceLatestNetFramework" echo.####Applying Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework Tweak############
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideTaskViewIcon" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon Tweak#####################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideMeetNowIcon" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar Meet Now Icon Tweak##################################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "HideNewsAndInterests" echo.####Applying Hide Taskbar News ^& Interest Tweak###############################
    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableW11InstHardwareCheck" (
       if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" (
           :: Performing [Boot.wim, Index : 2] Image Tweak
           echo.##### Applying Disable Windows 11 Installer Hardware Check ####################
           echo.=============================[Boot.wim, Index : 2]=============================
           echo.Mounting Image Registry...
           call :MountImageRegistry "%BootMount%\2"
           Reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassTPMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
           Reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassSecureBootCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
           Reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassRAMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
           Reg add "HKLM\TK_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassStorageCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
           echo.Un-Mounting Image Registry...
           call :UnMountImageRegistry
           echo.##### Finished Disable Windows 11 Installer Hardware Check ####################
           goto :Stop
    for /l %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do (
       if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" (
           if not %%i gtr 9 echo.===========================[Install.wim, Index : %%i]============================
           if %%i gtr 9 echo.==========================[Install.wim, Index : %%i]============================
           echo.Mounting Image Registry...
           call :MountImageRegistry "%InstallMount%\%%i"
           echo.Importing Registry Settings to Image Registry...
            if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableCortanaApp" (
    I am curious about the "BypassStorageCheck" because disabling it can generate recording problems when you are working with some storage that is almost full. He loses that limiter who leaves a free space reserved for work. I think there may be other reasons... but I have no idea what reasons. Or that I did not correctly understand what I read. So, would not it be better to leave this tweak out? I'm waiting for some illuminating information.

    After the changes in :SaveSource, when the changes were applied on WinRE, there is a WinRE related part (Cleaning up Image folder) that stood inside the loop of indexes as well, without needing to stay there.

    I do not know if the loss of performance is perceived in the execution of the script, in both cases. But you can optimize here too.
       echo.Cleaning up Image folder...
       echo.Cleaning up Image temporary and log files or folders.
       :: Performing [Boot.wim, Index : 1 and 2] Image Windows folder cleanup
       if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" (
           for /l %%i in (1, 1, 2) do (
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
                   for /f %%i in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%i >nul 2>&1)
                   del /s /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%BootMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /s /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
       for /l %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do (
           :: Performing [Install.wim] Image Windows folder cleanup
           if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" (
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\$Recycle.Bin" rd /q /s "%InstallMount%\%%i\$Recycle.Bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\PerfLogs" rd /q /s "%InstallMount%\%%i\PerfLogs" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
                   for /f %%i in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%i >nul 2>&1)
                   del /s /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
               :: Performing [WinRE.wim, Index : 1] Image Windows folder cleanup
               if "%IsRecoveryImageSelected%" equ "Yes" (
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
                       for /f %%j in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%j >nul 2>&1)
                       del /s /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
                   if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /s /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
    :: Saving & Un-Mounting Source Boot Images
       echo.Cleaning up Image folder...
       echo.Cleaning up Image temporary and log files or folders.
       :: Performing [Boot.wim, Index : 1 and 2] Image Windows folder cleanup
       if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" (
           for /l %%i in (1, 1, 2) do (
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
                   for /f %%i in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%i >nul 2>&1)
                   del /s /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%BootMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /s /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
       :: Performing [WinRE.wim, Index : IndexNo] Image Windows folder cleanup
       if "%IsRecoveryImageSelected%" equ "Yes" (
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
               for /f %%j in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%j >nul 2>&1)
               del /s /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
           if exist "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /s /f /q "%WinReMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
       for /l %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do (
           :: Performing [Install.wim] Image Windows folder cleanup
           if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" (
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\$Recycle.Bin" rd /q /s "%InstallMount%\%%i\$Recycle.Bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\PerfLogs" rd /q /s "%InstallMount%\%%i\PerfLogs" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Users\Default\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\inf\*.log" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" (
                   for /f %%i in ('"dir /s /b /ad "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*"" 2^>nul') do (rd /q /s %%i >nul 2>&1)
                   del /s /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\CbsTemp\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\config\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG1" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.LOG2" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.TM.blf" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\ManifestCache\*.bin" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\PendingDeletes\*" >nul 2>&1
               if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" del /f /q "%InstallMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Temp\TransformerRollbackData\*" >nul 2>&1
    :: Saving & Un-Mounting Source Boot Images
  17. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The new Icons pack only replaces the icon resources but leaves the rest of the bitmaps or PNG resources, the Win32Calc skin contains metro skin including icons, bitmaps or PNG resources.

    The Windows 11 Bypass Hardware Requirements can be moved out of the loop like this and the "BypassStorageCheck" key needs to be verified if it will create any hardware issues.

    The :SaveSource, Winre Cleanup can be moved outside the loop.

    Have done the changes suggested.

    if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableW11InstHardwareCheck" (
        echo.Mounting Image Registry...
        Reg load "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM" "%BootMount%\2\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" >nul 2>&1
        Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassTPMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
        Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassSecureBootCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
        Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassRAMCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
        Reg add "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig" /v "BypassStorageCheck" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
        echo.Un-Mounting Image Registry...
        Reg unload "HKLM\TK_BOOT_SYSTEM" >nul 2>&1
  18. spidernz

    spidernz MDL Senior Member

    May 20, 2011
    Just a thought, seeing as mdl hasn't so far given a sub forum for msmg, why not create a discord server and then its easier to seperate things and also pin those questions that keep being repeated here