Hi, I'm pretty new with iso modification. I have downloaded 21h1 iso from UUP. My question is - Would it be possible to have Edge classic/Legacy with this tool? As Microsoft has removed it and New edge has pathetic pdf support. Hope some one with expertise may answer. Thanks
An example of missing license is: for the integration of "AV1VideoExtension_License", in which there is the license for x64, but missing for x86. But I am having problems, for Arch X86 that is already with "/SkipLicense". Is the problem the missing of this comma between pack and dependence? from Code: %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"%AV1VideoExtension_Appx%" "%VCLibs14_Appx%" /SkipLicense to Code: %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"%AV1VideoExtension_Appx%", "%VCLibs14_Appx%" /SkipLicense Here is inserting a empty /DependencyPackagePath:, as it is already present within the dependence variable. from Code: %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"%PhotosMediaEngine_Appx%" /DependencyPackagePath:"%VCLibs14_Appx%" /SkipLicense to Code: %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:"%PhotosMediaEngine_Appx%", "%VCLibs14_Appx%" /SkipLicense I can be very wrong about this comma, because they are direct DISM command without the call command.
Yes you can, remove Edge Chromium using Toolkit's Remove->Windows Components menu, this will leave the old Edge as it is. Will test myself and let you know.
AV1VideoExtension x86 or arm64 license is not available, the x64 was extracted from Windows 10X image. Only OEM do have access to these license or when you buy them. Yes you need to remove the comma for those lines where I have used /SkipLicense switch, I had already fixed it in the current version I do have here. also the extra /DependencyPackagePath: should be too removed.
Ok! Understood. if "%InboxApp%" equ "OfficeHub" call :AddProvisionedAppxPackage "%InstallMount%\%%i", "My Office", "%OfficeHub_Appx%", "%VCLibsUWPDesktop14_Appx% VCLibs14_Appx%", "%OfficeHub_License%" Missing "%" in VCLibs14_Appx%. Missing * before .appx from for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *PlayReadyClient*%ImageArchitecture%.appx" 2^>nul') do set "MediaPlayReadyClient22_Appx=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" to for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *PlayReadyClient*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "MediaPlayReadyClient22_Appx=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" To avoid WinJS.1.0. if is there, change WinJS* to WinJS.2*. from for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b Microsoft.WinJS*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "WinJS20_Appx=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" to for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b Microsoft.WinJS.2*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "WinJS20_Appx=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i"
1. This line is missing force overwrite (/f) flag: Reg add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "TargetReleaseVersion" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" >nul 2>&1 If value already exists/rerunning, reg.exe is stuck (with hidden "Value TargetReleaseVersion exists, overwrite(Yes/No)?" line).. 2. "ToolKit requires a Windows 8.1/10 HOST OS for servicing Windows 10 Source OS" ~ I tried various options and everything seems to be working ok when using DISM10 exe on Win7x64: ~was this specific to some Win10 version? ::if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" set "DISM=%Bin%\%HostArchitecture%\DISM81\Dism.exe" set "DISM=%Bin%\%HostArchitecture%\DISM10\Dism.exe" +Changing to false that host OS check : if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( if 0 equ 1 if "%HostVersion%" equ "6.1" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( 3. This delete line should come before adding key - as it just deletes the whole key: Reg add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desc" /v "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\l3codecp.acm" /t REG_SZ /d "Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec (Professional)" /f >nul Reg add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32" /v "msacm.l3acm" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\l3codecp.acm" /f >nul Reg delete "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desc" /f >nul 2>&1 - and same for x64..
For "GamingServices" and "WindowsSubsystemForAndroid" is also required to put the /SkipLicense, as these do not have the licenses.
In 11.8 line 17206: :: Remove Windows 10 v1809/v1903/v1909 Client Client Windows Apps Menu it should be: :: Remove Windows 10 v1809/v1903/v1909 Client Windows Apps Menu
1 & 3 fixed, do check the latest uploaded Toolkit.cmd 2 - In earlier test with using Windows 10 ADK (DISM) on Windows 7 HOST was not working properly with certain DISM commands when servicing Windows 10 images and that's why it has been blocked with Windows 7 HOST.
As said in previous post related to v11.8 release, we need to wait for official MS Appx ISO to know if the MS will include the required license xml files or not.
I used in my ISO a licence file from a computer with win10 installed. It works OK because that app is free. The downside is that licence file has an expiration date. IF store app is installed will take care of that. Note: Even are x64, some apps are checking for x86 dependecies too.
Although both the Client and Server do have Store back-end files which get updated through CU, only the Client has the Store front-end App to install the Apps. You can try installing the Store and it's dependencies for Server may be it will work, last I did tested with Server 2012 R2 and Server 2016. You may required to enable any store related policy using Policy Editor if the Store doesn't work. Will try with Server 2019/Server 2022 when I do get time.
The Integrate Microsoft Inbox Apps is only for integrating the updates Apps that will be bundled with the installation disc. Right now the updated apps for Windows 10 and 11 doesn't require both x86 and x64 dependency, though some other apps when installed through store app may require the x86 and install them before installing the Apps. Do specify any Inbox App requiring x86 dependency for 64-bit OS, will check out.