Have done the modification, need to check with the getting host language on online system whether that subkey value exists.
Is there any way to use "Import Custom StartMenu Layout from XML File" on Win 11. I couldn't export my current layout in the first place, the PS command doesn't work. Can anyone help?
THIS CODE WORK WELL, It says correct name, I'm use 22000.194. Toolkit was localized in SC. Windows 11 (co_release) 21H2 (v10.0.22000.194) x64 zh-CN @MSMG Code: =============================================================================== MSMG 工具箱 - 启动 =============================================================================== 正在读取主机操作系统信息…… Windows 11 (co_release) 21H2 (v10.0.22000.194) x64 zh-CN 正在设置工具箱和 WADK 工具环境路径变量…… DISM.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\x64\DISM10\Dism.exe Imagex.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\x64\imagex.exe Oscdimg.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\x64\oscdimg.exe Dvdburn.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\dvdburn.exe 7zip.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\x64\7z.exe Dism++CUI.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\Dism++CUI.exe /ESDFile EsdDecrypt.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\esddecrypt.exe ToolKitHelper.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe ResourceHacker.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\ResourceHacker.exe WimlibImagex.exe = E:\Toolkit_v11.8\Bin\x64\wimlib-imagex.exe =============================================================================== 请按任意键继续. . .
@MSMG , RaiyvaN gave me codes to improve Toolkit Windows OS name ability to recognize. Code: for /f "tokens=3*" %%p in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName" ^| find "ProductName"') do ( if "%HostBuild%" lss "21996" ( set "HostOSName=%%p %%q" ) else ( set "HostOSName=%%p 11" ) ) His code as mentioned above, I tested these, they work well in toolkit.I use modified Toolit, it says Windows 11 now.I use Windows 11 22000.194.See the results of the experiment on the 20700 floor in this thread.
What about for Server versions, Preview or Developer versions? that's why I used the wmic command. Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - StartUp =============================================================================== Reading Host OS Information... Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview (Dev) - v10.0.22471.1000 x64 en-US Setting Toolkit and WADK tools environment path variables... DISM.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\x64\DISM10\Dism.exe Imagex.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\x64\imagex.exe Oscdimg.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\x64\oscdimg.exe Dvdburn.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\dvdburn.exe 7zip.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\x64\7z.exe Dism++CUI.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\Dism++CUI.exe /ESDFile EsdDecrypt.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\esddecrypt.exe ToolKitHelper.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe ResourceHacker.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\ResourceHacker.exe WimlibImagex.exe = D:\Work\Toolkit\Bin\x64\wimlib-imagex.exe =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . .
@MSMG So what about MicrosoftTeams_21253.510.996.1465_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe installed in WindowsApps folder although it's missing in install.wim? If it is a part of some package how to prevent its installation?
Though there are reference to it in registry, It's not preinstalled but gets installed as soon as connected to internet. Need to find a way to remove it and as well as the chat app too.
Just now installed win11 without internet connection and see Microsoft Teams already installed, so it's not being downloaded...
M$ did messed up with this: are 2 different aps with same icon and almost same name: 1 is Teams Chat and the other is MS Teams. What is strange: after I removed Teams Chat, a few hours later MS Teams loged me out and couldn't signin back and nothing I did solve that. (Back to win10 solved it). Spoiler: screenshot Edit: I just checked: Teams Chat is pushed through updates.
In my previous test, It installs after you enable the internet connection, right now have installed the Windows 11 with components removed using Toolkit in a VMware with network disabled and it's 15 minutes now there's no sign of Teams been installed. Will wait for some more time and enable the network to see if it gets installed. Edit: As soon as the Network was enabled the Teams UWP App got installed.
It's very strange, I remove Microsoft Teams in Settings, it disappears in GUI, but it stays in WindowsApps and its icon present in system tray. Also didn't succeed to uninstall it wth Powershell.
There is no direct reference to Teams in registry but I think the Chat App present in the Taskbar is responsible for installing the Teams App. Removing the Chat App in the Taskbar may be the solution or we can add the deprovision key for Teams App and test if it gets installed or not.
I just did an experiment: I deleted Windows Store, then connected to internet and checked for updates. I got only updates and Teams Chat wasn't installed. It was installed when I clicked on Continue on main window. Spoiler: screenshots So, I think store app is doing an update to chat app (or the app is pushed when store conects to apps update server).
Of course Store back-end is required to install the Apps through system but In my test I have even removed not just the Store App but even it's Back-end component too. BTW as MS stated Teams Chat App is based on PWA and that's why it requires Edge Update and Edge WebView to work. Try adding this key to block it's deployment Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned\MicrosoftTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe]
Can't integrate mail/calender app. Can't figure out what went wrong, checked all the dependencies. No luck.