22000.xxx updates don't check for the minimum requirements, so once 22000.xxx is installed by a fixed ISO on unsupported hardware the updates will be offered without the need to do anything. What MSFT meant with "no updates on unsupported hardware" was about the feature updates aka upgrades to new major releases.
Perhaps then there is a difference between IoT Enterprise and Enterprise editions. If you want to see this for yourself, then create and use the same image that I did using the information provided by myself.
Right now there's no such doc to explain the removable components details, will be adding one soon. Also will be adding support for adding comments to package list. If you check the ToolKitHelper.exe <MountDir> /? command, you will get the info about each component. Here's a summary of the components removed by Toolkit using ToolKitHelper Code: AdobeFlashForWindows - Adobe Flash For Windows EdgeChromium - Edge Chromium Browser InternetExplorer - Internet Explorer FirstLogonAnimation - First Logon Animation GameExplorer - Game Explorer SnippingTool - Snipping Tool SpeechRecognition - Speech Recognition WindowsMediaPlayer - Windows Media Player WindowsPhotoViewer - Windows Photo Viewer WinSAT - Windows System Assessment Tool AssignedAccess - Assigned Access CEIP - Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) FaceRecognition - Face Recognition KernelDebugging - Kernel Debugging | Depends on: WindowsErrorReporting LocationService - Location Service PicturePassword - Picture Password PinEnrollment - Pin Sign-In Support UnifiedTelemetryClient - Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov) | Depends on: WindowsErrorReporting WiFiNetworkManager - WiFi Sense WindowsErrorReporting - Windows Error Reporting WindowsInsiderHub - Windows Insider Hub HomeGroup - HomeGroup MultiPointConnector - MultiPoint Connector RemoteAssistance - Remote Assistance DeviceLockdown - Device Lockdown (Embedded Experience) EaseOfAccessThemes - Ease of Access Themes EasyTransfer - Easy Transfer FileHistory - File History ManualSetup - In Place Windows Upgrade files and folders Paint - Paint (Windows 10) SecurityCenter - Security Center | Depends on: WindowsDefender StepsRecorder - Steps Recorder SystemRestore - System Restore WindowsBackup - Windows Backup WindowsFirewall - Windows Firewall UI WindowsSubsystemForLinux - Windows Sybsystem For Linux WindowsToGo - Windows To Go Wordpad - Wordpad AADBrokerPlugin - Credential Handler for Microsoft Azure Logon AccountsControl - App to add Microsft Account for Microsoft Apps | Needed for: WindowsStoreApp AssignedAccessLockApp - Windows Kiosk Mode | Depends on: AssignedAccess AsyncTextService - Messaging extensions for People and Maps apps BioEnrollment - Windows Hello Setup CallingShellApp - App to host call progress on shell CapturePicker - App for selecting an item on the screen to capture CBSPreview - App for Camera Barcode Scanner ContentDeliveryManager - App for Suggested Apps, Automatic App-Updates, Ads, Telemetry Data Collection Cortana - Cortana, StartMenu & Settings Search App | Depends on: SpeechRecognition (Windows 10 upto v1909) CredDialogHost - Authentication (Sign-in) shell support for Windows Hello ECApp - App for Eye-Movement Control EdgeDevToolsClient - An extension to edge containing tools for web developers | Depends on: Edge Edge - Edge Browser App FileExplorer - File Explorer App LockApp - Container App for Apps and Messages on the Lockscreen MapControl - Map Control NarratorQuickStart - QuickStart Guide for Narrator OOBENetworkCaptivePortal - Captive Network Portals during OOBE-Phase of Windows | Depends on: CloudExperienceHost OOBENetworkConnectionFlow - Connection Flow Network Portals during OOBE-Phase of Windows | Depends on: CloudExperienceHost OneDrive - OneDrive Desktop Client ParentalControls - App for Parental Controls PeopleExperienceHost - People Hub PPIProjection - App to project the screen to a Wireless Display (Connect App) QuickAssist - Quick Assist App RetailDemoContent - Retail Demo Content SecureAssessmentBrowser - Special Windows Mode for Exams (Take Test App) SettingSync - Setting Sync SkypeORTC - Skype ORTC (object real-time communications) used to communicate with Skype users and WebRTC-based services SmartScreen - Windows Defender SmartScreen | Depends on: WindowsDefender Win32WebViewHost - Win32 WebView Host WindowsDefender - Windows Defender WindowsMixedReality - Windows Mixed Reality WindowsReaderPDF - Windows Reader (PDF) | Depends on: Edge WindowsStoreClient - Windows Store Back-end Client | Depends on: SmartScreen XboxClient - Xbox Back-end Client | Depends on: XboxGameCallableUI XboxGameCallableUI - Xbox Live XGpuEjectDialog - App for safe removal of external GPUs 3DViewer - 3D Viewer App | Depends on: WindowsMixedReality AdvertisingXaml - Advertising Xaml Alarms - Alarms & Clock App BingNews - News App BingWeather - Weather App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml Calculator - Calculator App Camera - Camera App ClientWebExperience - Widgets CommunicationsApps - Windows Calendar & Mail App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml Cortana - Cortana App | Depends on: SpeechRecognition (Windows 10 v2004 and upto v21H2, Windows 11) DesktopAppInstaller - Desktop App Installer FeedbackHub - Feedback Hub App GamingApp - Gaming App (Xbox App) (Windows 11) GetHelp - Get Help App Getstarted - Microsoft Tips App HEIFImageExtension - High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) Image Extensions Maps - Maps App | Depends on: MapControl Messaging - Messaging App MixedRealityPortal - Mixed Reality Portal App | Depends on: WindowsMixedReality Notepad - Notepad App (Windows 11) OfficeHub - My Office App OfficeOneNote - OneNote App OneConnect - Mobile Plans App Paint - Paint App (Windows 11) Paint3D - Paint 3D App People - People App | Depends on: PeopleExperienceHost Photos - Photos App PowerAutomateDesktop - Power Automate Desktop App Print3D - Print 3D App ServicesStoreEngagement - Services Store Engagement | Depends on: WindowsStoreApp ScreenSketch - Screen Sketch App SkypeApp - Skype App SolitaireCollection - Solitaire Collection App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml, ServicesStoreEngagement, XboxGameCallableUI (Windows 10 upto v1909) SolitaireCollection - Solitaire Collection App | Depends on: XboxGameCallableUI (Windows 10 v2004 and upto v21H2, Windows 11) SoundRecorder - Voice Recorder App StickyNotes - Sticky Notes App (Windows 10 v1809 and Windows 11) StickyNotes - Sticky Notes App | Depends on: ServicesStoreEngagement (Windows 10 v1903 and upto v21H2) StorePurchaseApp - Store Experience Host | Depends on: WindowsStoreApp Teams - Teams App Terminal - Terminal App Todos - Todos App VP9VideoExtensions - Google's VP9 WebM Video Codec Plugin WalletService - Microsoft Pay App WebMediaExtensions - Web Media Extensions WebpImageExtension - Webp Image Extension WindowsStoreApp - Microsoft Store App | Depends on: WindowsStoreClient, XboxApp XboxApp - Xbox Console Companion App | Depends on: XboxClient XboxGameOverlay - Xbox Game Overlay | Depends on: XboxApp XboxGamingOverlay - Xbox Gaming Overlay | Depends on: XboxApp XboxIdentityProvider - Xbox Identity Provider | Depends on: XboxApp XboxSpeechToTextOverlay - Xbox Speech To Text Overlay | Depends on: XboxApp XboxTCUI - Xbox TCUI | Depends on: XboxApp YourPhone - Your Phone App ZuneMusic - Groove Music App ZuneVideo - Films/Movies & TV App Internet - All Internet Components Multimedia - All Multimedia Components Privacy - All Privacy Components Remoting - All Remoting Components System - All System Components SystemApps - All System Apps WindowsApps - All Windows Apps AllComponents - All Components
I don't have idea about WSL but now Microsoft has started moving WSL from being in-built component to as Store App so that the WSL can be updated through Windows Store directly.
No You can't stop the components getting returned when updating the system, now with Windows 11 it has been become more complex. Only way is to patch the update package and update the system but it's very difficult.
I haven't checked the IoT, if it doesn't contain the Teams or Chat then it will shed the light on it's removal.
BugReport: Toolkit_v11.8.7z + Toolkit.cmd (2021-10-08) - in quite a few places pipe symbol was incorrectly escaped (^|), so it is passed as param to previous command (often errors are just hidden by >nul): Error: 87 DISM doesn't recognize the command-line option "|" For Example: %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 ^| findstr /c:"State : Enable Pending" >nul %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 ^| findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Get-DefaultAppAssociations ^| findstr /c:"file could not be" >nul %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Get-DefaultAppAssociations ^| findstr "<" >> "%DefaultMetroAppsAssociationXML%" %DISM% /Image:"%InstallMount%\%%i" /Get-DefaultAppAssociations ^| findstr /c:"file could not be" >nul %DISM% /Format:Table /Image:"%InstallMount%" /Get-Packages ^| findstr /c:"GVLK-Package" >nul = those that aren't cmd in: FOR () or text => should not have ^..
There's no need for that. I believe you. I hope that my information is at least a little useful for you.
@MSMG In windows x64, while integrating Default Inbox Apps, only x64 dependency apps (VCLibs, UI.Xaml and NET.Framework) are being installed, x86 dependency apps are getting missed, although they are present in the folder.
For x64 apps x64 runtimes appx are enough. These are the default runtimes appx present in untouched x64 image Code: Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.2.2_2.2.29512.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2_2.2.28604.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4_2.42007.9001.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop_14.0.29231.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00_14.0.29231.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Does MSMG ToolKit v11.8 work perfectly with windows 11 italy ? takes everything away ? also the defender ? can updates be made ? I'm sorry if I ask here, but I don't know the English language very well and even with the translator I can't understand the explanations very well, but can you please answer my questions ?
Yes it works with multi-language ISO's and removes all the components specified in the menu or here including defender too. Yes you can update but the only issue is updating the system will restore most of the components except the Windows Apps.
@MSMG Thank you for letting me know. I shall check later this evening for updated Win32Calc files and new ToolKithelper and shall test with 19043.1288.