@MSMG I realise the current ToolKitHelper.exe is documented for use with 1904X.1266, but is it safe to use with 19043.1288 or should I wait a little longer for next release? Also hoping this arrives soon, but I understand that it is very likely that you are extremely busy just now.
Good morning. Unfortunately I have to delay my tests with W11 at VirtualBox's home that does not accept W11 ISOs due to TPM2.0. I hope Oracle resolves the problem.
But there are ways around the new requirements. Why not use it? For example, take Win 10 ISO and replace Win 10 install.wim in it with Win 11 install.wim And if you just wait for something, then you can not wait for anything... after all, the problem inconveniences not Oracle, but you. We need to help ourselves somehow.
I use a registry file to bypass these checks and keep this file on a USB drive. When I need to install Windows 11, I simply attach the USB drive to the machine and it is immediately seen by the installer. I then open a command prompt window (Shift + F10) and type in D:\Bypass.reg which simply imports the registry bypass file into the installer. Have attached the Bypass.reg file which I use and I hope can help you.
MSMG, I was unable to disable the Windows Firewall with your registry tweak; and the registry itself does not have your tweak. What to do? Code: if "%Tweak%" equ "DisableWindowsFirewall" Reg add "HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "DisableFirewall" /t REG_SZ /d "%%windir%%\System32\netsh.exe advfirewall set allprofiles state off" /f >nul 2>&1
Haven't checked with 1904X.1288 to know what changes the CU has made, will be doing it soon, been busy with lot of issues. Right now support for Windows 11 Client v21H2 (v10.0.22000.1/v10.0.22000.282) has been added, if you want will upload just the ToolkitHelper.exe Yes Win32Calc fix will added soon, need to create a mui image to extract the resources, if you want will upload just the en-GB resources.
You can try VMware Workstation Player released recently which comes with TPM support.
This will add the an entry to the RunOnce command list to disable the Firewall on first boot. Isn't the tweak working?
Thanks. I also try this procedure to avoid TPM control. The registry key must be inserted in the route: Toolkit_v11.8\Custom\Registry\w11\x64 ? Thanks
MSMG, could you upload this version of ToolkitHelper to MEGA? I want to test it with build 22000.282 thank you!
I applied the tweak "Disable Automatic Downloading and Installing 3rd Party Apps", but the recommendations remained ... How to remove it? Before the Internet was connected, there were empty squares.
Happy enough to test the en-GB resources for now if you can do that. Just want to get Win32Calc working properly again with my en-gb images in W10. Looking forward to testing new ToolKitHelper.exe with latest 19043.1288.