Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned\Microsoft.WebpImageExtension_8wekyb3d8bbwe]
1) Launch the Toolkit using Start.cmd 2) Keep the Toolkit's folder path is shorter. 3) You can get the list from <Bin\Lists\ToolkitHelper_Templates> folder.
Have already added removal of these components for Windows 11 for testing using ToolKitHelper method. Windows TIFF IFilter Offline Files Open SSH Remote Differential Compression Simple TCP-IP Services Telnet Client TFTP Client Remote Desktop Client Remote Desktop Server Remote Registry Work Folders Client Projected File System Storage Spaces The same for Windows 10 will added soon as it is not complete yet. Also for next version have updated the Package template list for DISM method for Windows 10 and Windows 11 with support for more components. Hyper-V will be added in future.
And in general buddy tell me where is the answer to my question. Forgive me, maybe I explained it wrong once again from the beginning. Start monoting image no. Comp. 22000.194. Add-on integration. Net5, wincalc, DirectX, dart, and VcRuntime. The following update integration. The system is given no. Comp. 22000.282. I continue to remove the components and here is where everything is removed and it keeps crashing down on Cortana removal, now even the downloaded test ToolKitHeper, etc., I am not able to jump over it somehow. I honestly lack ideas and have generally been operating on your tool for the back of years. And I've never had any problems. And when it comes to the startup location, it will add C: \ Toolkit \
Try without any packs integration and let me know if it gives the same error. Do post your components list, will try myself.
Ok, so apparently it will turn out that my list of components is probably wrong. Because I can't give any other answer. As I wrote before, the version of Toolkit_v11.8 and additionally added ToolKitHelper.exe v.1.0.5508.0 below the list from my RemovePkgsList.txt: Code: Alarms AssignedAccess AssignedAccessLockApp BingNews BingWeather BioEnrollment CEIP Calculator CallingShellApp Camera CapturePicker CommunicationsApps Cortana CredDialogHost DesktopAppInstaller DeviceLockdown ECApp EasyTransfer Edge EdgeChromium EdgeDevToolsClient FaceRecognition FeedbackHub FileExplorer FileHistory GameExplorer GamingApp GetHelp Getstarted HEIFImageExtension LockApp ManualSetup MapControl Maps NarratorQuickStart OfficeHub OfflineFiles OneDrive OpenSSH People PeopleExperienceHost Photos PowerAutomateDesktop ProjFS QuickAssist RDC RemoteAssistance RemoteDesktopClient RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry RetailDemoContent ScreenSketch SecureAssessmentBrowser SecurityCenter SimpleTCPIPServices SkypeORTC SmartScreen SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StepsRecorder StickyNotes StorageSpaces SystemRestore TFTPClient TelnetClient Todos UnifiedTelemetryClient VP9VideoExtensions WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtension WindowsBackup WindowsDefender WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub WindowsReaderPDF WindowsToGo WorksFolderClient XGpuEjectDialog XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI XboxGameOverlay XboxGamingOverlay XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo
Well, you already have better answers from our masters @MSMG & @graver.x then mine (Thanks, friends) And they working a lot with DISM, but not me (I do not have enough time for such experiments and now access to Internet is a big luck for me). To be honest, I don't plaing with DISM and prefer Toolkit method because it provides additional steps for cleaning in registry and disk data (that you named "completely") . I also waiting for Hyper-V removal support, while "Offline files", as you see, is already there (at lest for Win11). Cheers.
Overall, my friend, I downloaded the new Win11 Pro image immediately builds 282. The first approach as you wrote without integrating the components at startup and the removal goes to 100% without a problem. I am tempted to let go of the integration of components at the start. It turns out that updates are falling through the whole process for me, e.g. I don't know about others ...
Just my "two cents" here. I feel like Windows 11 is already and will only continue to derail this topic. I was a "Day One" tester of Win 10 and switched over pretty quick, but I'm not appreciating Microsoft's tactics and choices lately so I'll be sticking with 10 until things change. I wish we could continue to make progress with 10 rather than be distracted by 11. There's still so much more I want to clear out, but have to either do it manually or can't without breaking things. I wish this tool could go deeper and remove even more, so moving on to Windows 11 feels like it's premature above all else. But for many the tool does everything it should, so don't mind the old man shouting at the clouds.
hey, @ingviowarr I was not aware that the components I mentioned were added to toolkit helper your assistence was useful nontheless yes our masters did bring greate tideings but we must acknowledge the help that has been given by others how ever small or big that help may be. for fool I am for not realizing that the components I did mention were to be added. sorry for wasteing the time of the many here I wish thee a merry night
@MSMG thank you for your update sir sorry for being such a pest. I also wish thee a merry and good night Majid
May be since you have changed the components order some shared components might be having issues. Will test your list and report back.