@MSMG, Seeing the latest changes that Abbodi did in his scripts, it seems to me from Build 22483, the "wmic" was discontinued. So I made some changes in getting the Host OS info, already predicting this problem. Follow the modifications in a zip package. A script for testing. This test was made on Build 19044. For any of the 1904xx builds and 22000 is running OK. I would like to ask the other Users that when they can test in the builds below 18363, in the build 20348 and 22483, please put the result here. As I put in below spoiler. I'll be very grateful to that. Spoiler: Build 19044 Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading and Getting Host OS Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HostOSName : "Windows 10" HostEdition : "Professional" HostBuildBranch (BuildBranch) : "vb_release" HostReleaseVersion (ReleaseId) : "2009" HostDisplayVersion (DisplayVersion) : "2009 21H2" HostVersion : "10.0" HostBuild : "19044" HostServicePackBuild : "1319" HostInstallationType : "Client" HostArchitecture : "x64" HostLanguage : "pt-BR" FullHostVersion : "[versão 10.0.19044.1319]" Reading Host OS Information... Windows 10 Professional (2009 21H2) - [versão 10.0.19044.1319] x64 pt-BR Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
That's when a governments were not too stupid (with their restrictions on global level). Everyone should know, that Mail.RU - is a dumpster and big spying machine. Or use TOR or don't even touch this.
We do not escape by nowhere, all companies are spies, hehehehe @zero cool root , as you know, I'm from Brazil, and in my case it should be my DNS configuration.
@inTerActionVRI When it rains, I take an umbrella. Or is it better to get wet? I'd rather be wet because of an onion, hehehehe
Replace wmic command with Code: for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "CurrentBuild" ^| find "REG_SZ"') do (set HostBuild=%%i)
v21H2 19044.xxxx is still RP, but the Toolkit is already updated for it? Can we be confident there will be no breaking changes by MS as they release it at the end of this month? Cheers.
- The current Toolkit v11.8 supports removing components for only these versions. Code: + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1809 (v10.0.17763.2183) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1903/v1909 (v10.0.18362.1766/v10.0.18363.1766) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 (v10.0.19041.1237/v10.0.19042.1237/v10.0.19043.1237/v10.0.19044.1237) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v21H2 (v10.0.22000.1/v10.0.22000.194) Source OS. Hi MSMG I have to ask regarding 1809 LTSC toolkit v11.8 first release I have removed this from 1809 LTSC, 17763.2237 cant seem to find returnings after new preview cu Spoiler: Packagelist SnippingTool AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition LocationService PicturePassword PinEnrollment WiFiNetworkManager WindowsInsiderHub HomeGroup FileHistory StepsRecorder SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsSubsystemForLinux WindowsToGo Wordpad AccountsControl AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService BioEnrollment CapturePicker CBSPreview ContentDeliveryManager Cortana CredDialogHost ECApp EdgeDevToolsClient LockApp MapControl NarratorQuickStart OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow PeopleExperienceHost QuickAssist RetailDemoContent SettingSync SkypeORTC Win32WebViewHost WindowsMixedReality XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI XGpuEjectDialog
for me not working i want try remove components from v10.0.22000.194 pro and still got errors waiting for new release
There's no much difference b/w 19041-19044, it's just the Enablement Pack and the CU which matters for 1904X Even if MS want's to add any breaking changes to 19044 then it should be through CU or Windows Experience Pack. Since The Toolkit is regularly adding component removal support for latest Patch Tuesday CU's then it work properly with little or no modification for the next immediate CU released. You can use the 19044 without any worry.
1) If it's about components not returning after updating with latest updates, yes it won't return for Windows 10 v1809 and below versions. Starting from v1903 the components expect the Windows Apps do return when updated. 2) If it's about the removing components for 17763.2237 and the next CU is not getting installed properly, then it's due to the current version of Toolkit can remove components only for 17763.2183.
When reporting an error do specify in detail what's not working, do specify which components are giving error and what errors.
MSMG, A blue window appears with the message "Why did my PC restart?" at the end of a Windows 10 Version 21H2 19044 installation. A list of components that I have excluded from removal: Code: InternetExplorer FirstLogonAnimation SnippingTool WindowsMediaPlayer WindowsPhotoViewer WinSAT WiFiNetworkManager Paint WindowsFirewall Wordpad OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow Calculator
Hostbuild and others, I put through the "ver" command. I made other changes. I replaced the DISM to get HostLanguage through the registry, for performance. You can see the difference when the "for" command does a search for data through the "dism" command. It is very minimal, there is a difference. I modified how you get the displayVersion (for Builds before 19041) on the build 22000 the key to look for LocaleName is different (I wanted to avoid searching the HKCU key. I kept the search on the HKLM key.), this was added. And, it was modified as the full version of the host version through the "ver" command is displayed on the screen.