THX msmg i have just question how can i integrate into iso for example chrome vlc 7zip nvidia driver ?
You can add your own created setupcomplete.cmd inside directory $OEM$-$$-Setup-Scripts which has to be inside sources directory of iso.
It's not included with Toolkit, you need to add it to DVD folder -> sources folder. Create folder structure like this in sources folder $OEM$ -> $$ -> Setup -> Scripts Create a cmd file named setupcomplete.cmd under the scripts folder and add the software installation commands to the setupcomplete.cmd Do google search to get more info on how to use setupcomplete.cmd
BingNews has been wrongly named as News in RemovePkgsList template, do change it to BingNews, Have fixed this in the upcoming version. Teams is not a pre-installed App and so it's not included or can't be removed when it doesn't exist inside the WIM.
I have not uninstalled the Firewall. If you try to install Firefox again after uninstalling, the error reappears. In the original image this problem is solved.
MSMG, The problem with Firefox when removing components, can disappear and reappear. I can't figure out the cause.
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THX i go try i want it cos i dont want every time manually installed THX for help guys. MSMG good luck with new version of MSMG
Thank you for the update. I shall build my ISO images ready for testing. I shall have a busy evening tonight.
Teams is not listed but can be removed with the Remove-AppxPackage command in Powershell. It was pre-installed on my Windows 11 Pro.
It's not present in the installation image as it's gets installed as soon the OS gets connected to internet. Right now there's no way to remove it before it's installation.
A curious thing happened here with an installation of 22000.282. I installed, I did the first startup, without activating the internet, I found that the empty icons were present on the start menu, and seeing that what I had done did not result in anything, I turned off my atom testing notebook. A few days later, when connecting the notebook, empty icons were no longer present. So I think: Is there any timer that can be configured? Who knows someone has already had any experience with this type of trigger, in these plays from Micro $oft.
Thanks, I had it in a virtual machine without internet, I reinstalled and I don't have it anymore, very weird.