The Modern Calculator App component name is changed to CalculatorApp and the old Calculator win32calc name is set to Calculator, With your above list it removes the win32calc Calculator not the Modern Calculator App. For more info check the changelog regarding changes to component names and also check the updated package list templates.
Thank you sir. But the sfc screenshot of LTSC 2021 you have posted doesnt have the ghost error. I dont get you. Sorry sir.
I had executed the SFC /SCANNOW command once before taking the screenshot that's why it comes clean on second run.
Thank you for this, I should have known it would be such a simple mistake on my part. Shall test again soon and report back later.
Is it possible to install Microsoft Defender Update Platform from here: Microsoft Defender Anti-Malware/Platform Update Kit for Windows 11 (Updated: November 26th, 2021) | My Digital Life Forums
In Windows LTSC 2021 installing updates after components removal also restores the removed components?
Can anyone confirm if screen snip works from the quick actions panel after servicing LTSC 2021 x64 with v12.1 ? Thanks
Windows Apps Menu leq 19044 from Code: echo. [04] %C_Calculator% Calculator App to Code: echo. [04] %C_CalculatorApp% Calculator App from Code: if "!MenuChoice!" equ "04" ( if "%C_Calculator%" equ "+" ( set "C_Calculator=-" ) else ( set "C_Calculator=+" ) ) to Code: if "!MenuChoice!" equ "04" ( if "%C_CalculatorApp%" equ "+" ( set "C_CalculatorApp=-" ) else ( set "C_CalculatorApp=+" ) ) geq 22000 Code: echo. [03] %C_CalculatorApp% Calculator to Code: echo. [03] %C_CalculatorApp% Calculator App In the [6] Remove System Components Menu, the "C_Paint" refers to Win32 Paint? Wouldn't this create problems for the user, due to "C_Paint" also being linked to the [8] Windows Apps Menu as a component name for the Windows 11 Paint App Component? For Windows 10, the component name is "C_Paint3D" so there are no problems here. You may need to switch just for this one from Windows 11 to C_PaintApp.
Yes the Toolkit's Integrate WHD Update Pack menu does integrate the standard defender update cab file provided by MS, I think the one from above link is also created in the same way like the the official one.
Yes starting with Windows 10 v1903 and above the removed components get returned except the Windows Apps.
Small typing error on homepage, in the downloads page: there is an extra digit "8" at the end of SHA1 checksum.
Thanks for the quick reporting, have made the changes. Windows C_Paint is only displayed for Windows 10 in System component menu and for Windows 11 it is only displayed in Windows Apps menu. Also the Toolkit Helper checks for the Windows version to whether to remove the classic paint or the modern app depending on the Windows version.
@MSMG Inbox Apps Menu. from Code: for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *Maps*.*xbundle" 2^>nul') do if exist %%i set "Maps_Appx=%Apps%\%%i" to Code: for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *WindowsMaps*.*xbundle" 2^>nul') do if exist %%i set "Maps_Appx=%Apps%\%%i" If we leave only "Maps" it will get the "BingMaps" file if it is present in the folder. I have corrected this, to preserve storage space by duplicating components, as I switched to using single folder for Windows 10 and 11, instead of separating by Windows Product ID. But I'm adding Windows 8.1 Components as well. Zune Music "Media Player" is only for greater then 22000? if "%ImageBuild%" gtr "22000" Not equal? Shouldnt be... if "%ImageBuild%" geq "22000"
Sir, despite removing capture picker and the snipping tool from the removepkgslist.txt, screen snip doesn't work from quick actions panel. Any workaround ?