You need to use the image with CU specified in the changelog.txt, v12.2 needs LTSC 2021 19044.1645 or if using the updated ToolKitHelper.exe then it needs LTSC 2021 19044.1739 image for removing components. If you use a image with CU version lower or higher than the one specified in the changelog.txt then the Windows Update fails. Starting with Windows 10 v1903 and above removed components except Windows Apps will be either partially or fully restored back when updating the OS either manually or using Windows Update and this is due to Microsoft's new update package format.
There will be 3-4 updates in a month and it will be difficult to update, so I choose to update the ToolKitHelper only for patch Tuesday updates, there's a pattern in Microsoft's update B C D, sometime there won't be any difference in removed components between B and C or C and D or D and B, that's why when there is no issues in using the next preview update only then I do recommend them. Usually I don't recommend using old builds other then .1 base builds which is an exception since the supports has been already added for it's removal. Don't use the updated ToolKitHelper with 19042.1706 unless you intend to use Windows update further, just wait will upload a version of ToolKitHelper to support 19042.1706, 22000.675 today or tomorrow.
Sorry, I meant, not - that was a typo on my part. Shall wait for your further update, but I shall continue to use the ToolKitHelper from your update on 21/05/2022.
I can report success with creating an image of 19044.1645 for Pro/Edu/Ent from UUP and also EntLTSC 19044.1288 updated to 19044.1645 and then using MSMG toolkit on all images merged into single WIM file and component removal works fine. Final ISO created under 4GB with 4 SKUs and ESD compression. Test installed in a VM and CU to May 2022 worked fine on EntLTSC and Edu SKUs so I assume it'll be fine on other SKUs too. Thanks @MSMG and others who helped!
The Family app is not present in official W11 22H2 Insider Preview ISO (Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_x64_en-us_22621.iso), this app is only added with UUP dump created images, so it's unlikely this app will be included with W11 22H2 when it's announced.
Hi @MSMG The Tweak Enable Windows Local Account for Windows 11 doesn't work for me to W11 22H2 22621.1..!! The only way that I found to do by-pass was through from the file AutoUnattend.xml where the user is automatically created.
Yes, I did the test and it worked. Do the following, when you get where you ask for the microsoft account, turn off the internet and click on the upper back arrow, wait a few moments to enable the local account.
I did it but it didn't work for me. I turned off the internet and click on the upper back arrow. Waited a few moments but nothing happened..!!
@MSMG, I believe it is interesting to add the script execution to the Trusted Installer with NSudo at the beginning of "Toolkit.cmd". Thus, the dependence on "Start.cmd" is nullified. The margin of error is decreased due to lack of attention and direct execution via "Run as Admin". And so, I already eliminate that "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd". Follow the code. Code: @echo OFF if exist "%SystemROOT%\SysWOW64" (set "HostArchitecture=x64") else (set "HostArchitecture=x86") ::=================================================================== :: Getting Admin Rights by Run Script as Trusted Installer with nSudo rem >nul 2>&1 KTMutil.exe || ( >nul 2>&1 reg.exe query HKU\S-1-5-19 || ( title Run "%~nx0" Script as Trusted Installer with nSudo... if exist "Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" ( start /b "" "Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~f0" %* ) else ( echo. echo. echo.Run "%~nx0" Script from Toolkit's folder. echo. pause ) exit ) ::=================================================================== cd /d "%~dp0" title "%~nx0" Script - Running As Trusted Installer by nSudo. ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: MSMG ToolKit v12.2 :: Copyright (c) 2013-2022 MSMG. All rights reserved. ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: :: Credits: CREDITS.TXT :: License: LICENSE.TXT :: 3rd Party License: <Bin\LICENSES> :: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- color 1f title MSMG Toolkit v12.2 reg add "HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe" /v "ScreenBufferSize" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x23290050" /f >nul reg add "HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_system32_cmd.exe" /v "WindowSize" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x190050" /f >nul setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion :: Setting Toolkit environment path variables
MSMG, What can be removed from the system to work with Win32 applications? p.s I don't need anything, no windows defender, no smart screen, etc.
Hello! I followed your code and this is the result: ================================================= ============================= ####Copy Patch network printing#################### ================================================= ============================= Files copied: 1. Files copied: 1. Files copied: 1. Access denied. Files copied: 0. Access denied. Files copied: 0. Access denied. Files copied: 0.
@MSMG, What are the functions of the MicrosoftWindows.Client.Core_cw5n1h2txyewy system application in build 22621?
Hello and Greatings ! Would ask if there Way to Integrat NetCore 3.1 for Images . . . i know there is possible for NetCore 6 but some Apps needing Fixed Versions and "OnlyUseLatestCLR" for Old NetFrameWork seems not Work for new NetCore ? !