You have downloaded the letest version of: ToolkitHelper.exe ToolkitHelper_Preview.exe (to use this one you need to rename to ToolkitHelper.exe) Put it in \Bin Toolkit.cmd Just Replace. With this new Toolkit.cmd no need to use start.cmd anymore. Use very shortened path like C:\MSMG. I had a problem similar to yours, once I disabled null service. Maybe check this value solve your problem. Code: rem value 1 Default "Null" Disable it causes CLI and Scripts issues reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Null" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1 reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Null" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1
inTerActionVRI @MSMG quick fix. that work. for /? ... %~fsI - expands %I to a full path name with short names only Code: @echo off ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: MSMG ToolKit v12.2 :: Copyright (c) 2013-2022 MSMG. All rights reserved. ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: :: Credits: CREDITS.TXT :: License: LICENSE.TXT :: 3rd Party License: <Bin\LICENSES> :: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- color 1f title MSMG Toolkit v12.2 set "oPath=%~0" set "nPath=%oPath: =%" if /i "%oPath%" NEQ "%nPath%" ( call "%~fs0" exit /b )
After packages removal in Windows 11 widgets icon in taskbar is inactive, what components should be kept to make it work or is there another cause that makes it inactive?
Yes, I know that. But I chose to leave %~f0 instead of %~fs0, because this is correct for detecting and displaying the name of the script file. Even so, you will need to use shortened paths for other reasons that are directly related to component removal.
Another thing, how to I get into the --> Custom PreSets for Removal Components ( looked in every menu ) Edit Found it
The ToolKitHelper_Preview can be safely used with 10.0.22621.160, there are no changes in removed components.
Is this issue known when unmounting image? Spoiler Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 3] Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22598.1 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] Unmounting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Source [Install.wim] Image with Maximum Compression... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using LZX compression with 16 threads Archiving file data: 7783 MiB of 7783 MiB (100%) done ERROR: "2" is not a valid image in "G:\Toolkit_v12.2\DVD\sources\install.wim"! Please specify a 1-based image index or image name. To list the images contained in the WIM archive, run wimlib-imagex.exe info "G:\Toolkit_v12.2\DVD\sources\install.wim" ERROR: Exiting with error code 18: Tried to select an image that does not exist in the WIM. The system cannot find the file specified. ERROR: "3" is not a valid image in "G:\Toolkit_v12.2\DVD\sources\install.wim"! Please specify a 1-based image index or image name. To list the images contained in the WIM archive, run wimlib-imagex.exe info "G:\Toolkit_v12.2\DVD\sources\install.wim" ERROR: Exiting with error code 18: Tried to select an image that does not exist in the WIM. The system cannot find the file specified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Applying & Saving Changes to Source Images######################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . . using latest posted Toolkit.cmd and ToolkitHelper.exe as of this post. WIM image loses all other indexes except 1. EDIT: @MSMG Found the issue... Code: if "%TrimEditions%" equ "Yes" ( for %%i in (%ImageIndexNo%) do ( rem call :ExportImageIndex "%InstallWim%", %%i, "%Temp%\rebuild.wim", "WIM", "No" echo. %WimlibImagex% export "%InstallWim%" %%i "%Temp%\rebuild.wim" --compress=LZX move /y "%Temp%\rebuild.wim" "%InstallWim%" >nul echo. ) ) The code above will replace the original WIM file in the 1st iteration and then attempt to extract index 2 in the 2nd iteration from the "new" WIM which now only has 1 index. You need to refactor this block to move the "move" command outside the for loop. EDIT2: After above fix... Spoiler Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Source [Install.wim] Image with Maximum Compression... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using LZX compression with 16 threads Archiving file data: 7783 MiB of 7783 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 16 threads Archiving file data: 894 MiB of 894 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 132 MiB of 132 MiB (100%) done ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Applying & Saving Changes to Source Images######################## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@MSMG, I have a curiosity ... It may be a curiosity for others too ... I always thought that Toolkithelper supported the Range of ServicePacksBuild between "1" and even the "last supported". Only recently that I noticed (The Commercial "&" charactere) in your comments that Toolkithelper supports only ServicePacksBuild "1" "&" just for the "last", when Toolkithelper was released. Why can't you support the range of those who have already been supported? Would the code size increase so much? Wouldn't it be possible to do analogously to what we do within the script, using geq leq gtr lss as statements? When I think you should have done this ... curiosity is also related to knowing about the problems that have occurred if you have done it. Thnks!
in the Apply menu when asked this question: "Do you want to trim unselected Image editions ?" answer "No" I changed the code to: Code: if errorlevel 2 set "TrimEditions=Yes" for: Code: if errorlevel 2 set "TrimEditions=No"