If the 8.3 filename generation has been disabled by the user then it will fail, you need to enable it and reboot the system before extracting the Toolkit.
Give more details about what you have done to the source image before updating it. Did you used the Toolkit to remove the components? if yes which version of Toolkit you used?
You can also use it with 22000.739, it works, need to update some new packs will upload the new version once it's ready.
@MSMG, @Mouri_Naruto, from what I understand, refacts the code and is continuing the project of the nsudo, baptized with a new name - Nanarun. The code that is in preview stage. What do you think of doing the tests and if possible migrate in 12.4?
AADBrokerPlugin is required for the Microsoft Account login, which is required for all Apps that require MS Account Sign-in.
As I said there existing App version in the image is higher than the one your are trying to integrate which the DISM won't allow, first you need to remove the old one in order to install the one you want. Code: 2022-06-16 12:32:15, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=2912 TID=6080 onecore\admin\appmodel\utilities\provisionhelper\msixprovisioningrequest.cpp(878)\AppxProvider.dll!00007FF805EC7C50: (caller: 00007FF805EC6702) ReturnHr(1) tid(17c0) C1570118 Msg:[Failed while adding package Microsoft.WindowsNotepad_11.2204.12.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe since an equal or higher version of the package, Microsoft.WindowsNotepad_2022.507.446.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe, already exists] - CAppxManager::ResultLoggingCallback 2022-06-16 12:32:15, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=2912 TID=6080 onecore\admin\appmodel\utilities\provisionhelper\msixprovisioningrequest.cpp(180)\AppxProvider.dll!00007FF805EC66DF: (caller: 00007FF805EC5FF5) ReturnHr(2) tid(17c0) C1570118 Msg:[Failed to remove existing package version for 'Microsoft.WindowsNotepad_11.2204.12.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe'.] Code: 2022-06-16 12:32:23, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=10188 TID=14728 onecore\admin\appmodel\utilities\provisionhelper\msixprovisioningrequest.cpp(878)\AppxProvider.dll!00007FF805EC7C50: (caller: 00007FF805EC6702) ReturnHr(1) tid(3988) C1570118 Msg:[Failed while adding package Microsoft.Paint_11.2204.2.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe since an equal or higher version of the package, Microsoft.Paint_2022.507.446.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe, already exists] - CAppxManager::ResultLoggingCallback 2022-06-16 12:32:23, Error DISM DISM Appx Provider: PID=10188 TID=14728 onecore\admin\appmodel\utilities\provisionhelper\msixprovisioningrequest.cpp(180)\AppxProvider.dll!00007FF805EC66DF: (caller: 00007FF805EC5FF5) ReturnHr(2) tid(3988) C1570118 Msg:[Failed to remove existing package version for 'Microsoft.Paint_11.2204.2.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe'.]
Yes I have checked it, it's still in early stage, will include it when the stable release is available.
And it also makes the widgets button inactive if removed, keeping only ClientWebExperience is not enough. Checked in 22621 build.
I'm running the latest TK, and have removed all Edge components. My source is 10 Enterprise LTSC, I believe it was released around November/December 2021 (not sure on that, but its' checksum matches what I've seen elsewhere). Anyway, there is still a ghost Edge entry in the start menu. Clicking it does nothing, as expected. Is there a way to get rid of it on my already installed OS, without having to use the TK again? I could probably also use Classic Shell or whatever to not have to see it, but I prefer not having to use 3rd party start menus when the built in one is fine. If there's no way to remove it, I can live with that.
@bala1: Unfortunately, I don't remember seeing an option to remove it when right clicking. Or I would have just did that and not posted here. I'm not home right now, so I can't check again. I just figure there must be some hidden place that the shortcut is located. Using the "open file location" function goes to where the shortcut normally would be, but it's not there.
22621.160 - Integrating Windows11.0-KB5014770-x64-full_psfx.cab (created with PSFX_Repack 6) using "Integrate Windows Updates" menu completed successfully: Spoiler Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Updates =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Integrating Windows Updates####################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image : Install.wim Image Index : 1 Image Architecture : x64 Image Version : 10.0.22621.1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Processing Windows Updates Packages######################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating Windows Updates Packages Temporary folder... Extracting Update Package files to Temporary folder... Finished Extracting Update Package files to Temporary folder... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Integrating Windows Updates################################################ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===========================[Install.wim, Index : 1]============================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.22598.1 Image Version: 10.0.22621.1 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~22621.160.1.3 [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning Up Temporary Files & Folders... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cleaning Up Windows Updates Temporary folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Integrating Windows Updates####################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
You should have chosen "Remove Windows Components Using Package List", ToolKitHelper removes EdgeChromium completely and doesn't leave Edge icon in start menu.
hi, a question, removeing all of these packages that msmg toolkit's tk way allowes, how much faster is windows compared to a vergin install? a vergin install being with out edits? also, if i remove all packages via the tk way then remove cirten packages like windows terminal services packages via dism will my image still function?