@MSMG, the scripts for CAB and MSU file downloads have been updated. Please, replace those obsolete ones who are present in the Packs folder in the Toolkit package. Take a look at the launching code by the nSudo. And, I believe we have to put Genicsatrt and Start.cmd back, for those who will have problems. It is difficult, initially, people get used to a new way of doing things. I suggest it is good to keep the 2 options. I am using for 19044.1766 in daily use, I am not having problems with direct execution of Toolkit or CustomToolkit. But I decided to give more attention to this code based on what I prepared for the Context Menu for "Run As Trusted Installer by nSudo and PowerRun". Script "RunAs-TrustedInstaller_AutoDownload.cmd" within the Custom Toolkit package. I put today, in this script a Fix for Native "Run As Administrator" who corrects WorkingDirectory. This causes many errors in scripts that do not have a CD /D "%~dp0" as a precaution. In new code there are 2 options for the nSudo and the same options for the "MinSudo" of "NanaRun" and "PowerRun" if you want to put in the Bin folder. Code: @echo OFF if exist "%SystemROOT%\SysWOW64" (set "HostArchitecture=x64") else (set "HostArchitecture=x86") ::=================================================================== :: Getting Admin Rights by Run Script as Trusted Installer with nSudo or MinSudo rem >nul 2>&1 KTMutil.exe || ( >nul 2>&1 reg.exe query HKU\S-1-5-19 || ( title Run "%~nx0" Script as Trusted Installer with nSudo... rem title Run "%~nx0" Script as Trusted Installer with MinSudo... if exist "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" ( rem if exist "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\MinSudo.exe" ( rem for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I %~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\PowerRun.exe /WD:"%%~dp#" "%%~f#" %*) rem cmd.exe /X /R for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I %~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\PowerRun.exe /WD:"%%~dp#" "%%~f#" %*) for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" -U=T -P=E -CurrentDirectory=%%~dp# "%%~f#" %*) rem cmd.exe /X /R "for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" -U=T -P=E -CurrentDirectory=%%~dp# "%%~f#" %*)" rem for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\MinSudo.exe" -U=T -P=E -CurrentDirectory=%%~dp# "%%~f#" %*) rem cmd.exe /X /R "for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\MinSudo.exe" -U=T -P=E -CurrentDirectory=%%~dp# "%%~f#" %*)" ) else ( echo. echo. echo.Run "%~nx0" Script from Toolkit's folder. echo. pause ) exit ) ::=================================================================== title "%~nx0" Script - Running As Trusted Installer by nSudo. rem title "%~nx0" Script - Running As Trusted Installer by MinSudo. set "version=v12.3" Sent an 2022-06-23 New CustomToolkit updated file attached in the link above and in my signature.
@MSMG is there a reason as to why component removal is disabled for - Windows 7,8.1,10 v1507/v1511/v1607/v1703/v1709/v1803? would it be possible to restore it? found that in the readme. Majid
graver.x I tried several times and all without success. With version Toolkit_v12.2, everything is fine.
The new method is nSudo inside the Toolkit.cmd launching itself Run as Trusted Installer by nSudo too. I have proposed for MSMG, a new way for this autolaunch and bring back the Start.cmd as alternative. @delft 1985, Grab the Start.cmd from 12.2 and launch the Toolkit 12.3 with it or: Edit Toolkit.cmd with notepad and please, replace this line (begin of the code): Code: start /b "" "Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~f0" for this one and try again: Code: for %%# in ("%~f0") do (Start "%%~nx#" /I "%~dp0Bin\%HostArchitecture%\nSudo.exe" -U=T -P=E -CurrentDirectory=%%~dp# "%%~f#" %*)
New Custom Toolkit 12.3 [2022-06-23_2]. I was commenting on these days that launch with multiple corrections in a row is very bad for the user who has to download again and again ... But it is better to maintain the availability of corrections. Sure! EDIT: Note: the typo fix is only for the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd". This one is correct to use within "Toolkit.cmd" or "CustomToolkit.cmd".
Just don't have much time to work on it, thinking of adding support for at least Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
No need to revert, only update the code and put the Start.cmd in the Toolkit Package again. Check the change I made in Toolkit_Start.cmd
inTerActionVRI I followed your advice - I took Start.cmd from 12.2 and launched Toolkit 12.3 with it . The removal of components was successful, although there was a slight delay at the beginning of the process, but everything ended well! Thank you!
No, it is not the same. That CleanUp Source (for Temporary files) asked after select Save Source, is safe to perform. This "Cleanup Source Image option" is trouble. This is Normal.