1. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    #23501 ultimate_live, Aug 7, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    In version 12.5, I don´t find anymore the option to integrate DaRT to Windows 10 (here mounted 19045.1865). It was located in: (2) Integrate > (3) Windows Features to integrate to Boot.wim and recovery.wim, but it isn´t there anymore. Checked other options and the same. Has it been removed?

    Windows Features and Windows Custom Features are the same.

    ARCIGA MDL Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    I can't integrate: Win32Calc_x64 using MSMG ToolKit v12.5
  3. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Current version of MSMG Toolkit doesn't really like working with 19045 images. Just wait for an update.
  4. imlost2

    imlost2 MDL Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Anybody know what determines whether the DVD\sources only folder has just a language folder and "gatherosstate.exe" file as opposed to the multiple .dll and .xml files in both the OEM DVD and some MSMG Toolkit modifications. Does it depen on whether the boot.wim is mounted and modified, with gatherosstate.exe used when it is mounted and modified and absent when boot.wim is not altered?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #23505 inTerActionVRI, Aug 9, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022

    Sent an 2022-08-11 New CustomToolkit updated file attached in the link above and in my signature.

    VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip 2022-07-30 (updated with 2022-07-28 @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wimlib-83")
    Download: in my signature.
    Note: To work with Virtual Create, it is not necessary to extract the file. Just save it to the Toolkit folder.

    The UUPDump download code based on the 19045 String make an ISO with some problems that made me suspicious of instability.

    So, I decided to return the search and download by String 19044, as it is stable, and when changing to 19045 were also generated problems with download of the updates to LTSC. This has been corrected predicting that I will put it to search for 19045 again. Then for LTSC the downloads will remain being made based on 19044.

    Fixed a bug that made the update files download to be performed 2 times.
    And some code optimization.
    Added Option to integrate Edge WebView2 MSMG TPK package for w7, w81 and w10.
    Added Support for servicing 19045 build and 19041 to download 19045 updates from UUPDump.
    Fixed minor bug of ISO name for Generating ISO. Thnks to @bala1 for testing.

    Merged with Toolkit_v12.5 [2022-07-20]

    Added a Custom Tweak option for Windows 8.1 and 10. "Set Taskbar to Minimum Size and Small Icons"

    Improved ISO nomenclature system and corrected a problem reported by member @bala1, which affected ISO's name customization by using Target Menu -> Make ISO Option.

    Several Minor Fixes.
    Made several aesthetic changes. The main ones, in the inductification of loops and in the Target Menu. Suggestions of the member @bala1.
    if %%i leq 9 echo.===========================[install.wim, Index :  %%i]===========================
    if %%i gtr 9 echo.===========================[install.wim, Index : %%i]===========================
    call :DisplayIndexNumberEdition %%i, "!ImageEdition%%i!"
    :: Function to display Index Number and Edition
    :: Input Parameters [ %~1 : Image Index No, %~2 : Index Image Edition ]
    if %~1 leq 9 echo.            [install.wim, Index :  %~1 - Edition : %~2]
    if %~1 gtr 9 echo.            [install.wim, Index : %~1 - Edition : %~2]
    goto :EOF
    GenericStart is the default Script Start, but a new method to start with 2 clicks has been added. Let's see if the denied access problems will be part of the past.

    Added an option within the "WHD Updates Menu" to download and put Aria2C in the Toolkit Bin folder that will download the UUP Dump updates, to the build that is being serviced, directly to the folder of this build, in the Toolkit structure.
    NOTE: The code is conditioned to avoid the updates described in the UUP Dump as "Preview".

    Since the integration of SSU, LCU or CU and Enablement in the Core* Editions prior to 19041 no longer works, I put conditions to ignore integration in these indexes.

    Merged with Toolkit_v12.4 [2022-06-29]

    1. Added an external ".\Bin\EnvironmentPath.zip" package with Script file to config Working Folder (it will auto extract one time on Bin folder).
    You can customize your Working Folder by editing the "EnvironmentPath.cmd".
    The current Custom Toolkit Working Folder is "C:\TK\".

    2. Enable/Disable Features now has separate menus and lists options.

    I put a package now with the corrected "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" (there was a typo error from this: %%~dp0 to this: %~dp0) and already added a "Toolkit_Start.cmd" I made a light and provisional change for testing, and " Toolkit_Start[Original].cmd" in the package.
    It is not necessary to rename.
    Changed The nSudo command to Launch new instance of CustomToolkit.
    Some users have reported that in Windows 11 is giving "Access Denied" error when Integrating Skins.
    But when using GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd these errors do not happen.
    The only difference is that by GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd it is a script launching another.

    The previous command was using Start "" /B apparently rolling the script in the same instance although this does not actually occur. But the change in command using Start "" /I, forcibly, now launches a new script instance by obtaining Admin's rights and ends the previous one.

    Aestetical corrections:
    More Enable/Disable Features improvements
    "[1] Source Menu --> [2] Copy Source from Install Media Drive", automatically detects DVD and USB. Otherwise, this will ask you to put a unit letter.

    Almost all package scripts have been updated. Some are mere spelling corrections.
    Critical Fixes:
    1. Disable Features Menu was not working correctly when applying the selection.
    2. Fixed a problem that prevented the functioning of Enable-Features, Disable-Features and Remove Components, to the indexes after the first one serviced.

    Minor Fix:
    1. HostLanguage detection for 22000 was not working.

    Merged with Toolkit:
    12.2 Fix - 03 [2022-05-28]Pre_v12.3
    12.2 Fix - 04 [2022-05-29]Pre_v12.3
    12.3 Preview - Fix - 01 [2022-06-05]
    12.3 Preview - Fix - 02 [2022-06-06]
    12.3 Preview - Fix - 03 [2022-06-11]
    12.3 Preview - Fix - 04 [2022-06-14]
    12.3 [2022-06-20]

    Removed the ""GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd"" script, that run the "CustomToolkit" as Trusted Installer with the nSudo. Now the "Toolkit" and "CustomToolkit" Starts with 2 clicks - Then will restart with nSudo (***Do not start the script as Admin, as the nsudo will be bypassed and several permission errors will occur.***).

    Minor Fixes:

    1. Toolkit Automated Menu now is Categorized and With Componet Description Like Official Remove Menus
    2. Disable/Enable Features are converted in Automated Menus.

    Note: In all menus that have options possible to apply by lists, you can read these lists that will be used as PreSets, selecting the options automatically.

    3. Improved Int NetFX35 to add LangPack if the Language Package is present in \DVD\sources\sxs\

    4. Improved "Remove locked package" to read related packages and select the right to remove, avoiding these errors when removing misselected "~wow~" or not "%Build%.1" Packages.
    Note: "-WOW-*~amd64~" can be removed. This remains working.

    5. Improved Cleaning Up Image Mount Points... Reading every Mount Poin from Registry. Based on @abbodi1406 "Remove_Failure_MountDir.cmd" script.
    This will CleanUp until NTlite forgotten Mounted Images.

    1. General Review of Remove Menu

    Optimized and improved the dependency filter system.

    Corrected problem with:
    StickyNotes being set to be removed when the ServiceStoreEngagement is setted to be removed in Windows 11, this should only occur from the 19044 Build down.
    "Todos" option should not be displayed for Windows 10, and added the name of this application "To Do List and Task Management App (Todos)".
    SolitaireCollection when changed to a negative signal on Windows 11, it did not return to positive if necessary.
    Typo fixed that not displaying SearchApp option.

    Thanks to the member @bala1 for the help in some tests, in this review of Remove Menu.

    2. If the Cortana is removed, the tweaks related to this removal will be automatically set.
    For Builds 18362 and 18363 Searchbox Breaks, so HideTaskbarSearchbox will be setted too.
    If Edgechromium is removed "Block Edgechromium Delivery" tweak will be automatically setted with this removal.
    Note: This can be changed in "Customize menu".

    1. Minor aesthetic display message Fixes and Improvements to the code.
    2. Relocated the message about Cortana removal to builds below 19041 can cause Searchbox to break in some languages. In pt-br this breaks.
    3. Fixed the bug that broke the script in case of denial (pressing 'N') in some dialogs. Thnks to @haris_mdlf69.

    4.Now when asking for mount WinRe there are the option to remove WinRe.

    5. Member @bala1, in our conversations, made me think of some things, and that below idea came up.
    I read that Setupcomplete doesn't work on Sku IoT Entreprise, perhaps Server either.
    @KleineZiege, this maybe help you.

    The interesting thing is that tests fit here.
    If anyone wants to volunteer, be my guest.

    So... Added the alternative to SetupComplete to provide direct web installation after the internet connection is established and interactively, as in Winget the -silent argument for total silent mode, because make some apps enter infinite loop.

    It is something relatively simple.

    You just have to integrate a small script "StartMenu_SetupComplete.cmd" through the Customize Menu --> [A] option. Which after install will detect Internet Connection and the presence of 2 possible scripts within a folder called Installers within your installation USB stick and display a menu for the execution of these scripts.
    In the menu there is a 'R' option to remove the script from startup.
    You may want to continue installation of the applications at another time, when restarting the computer, if the USB stick is in place the menu will be displayed again. Otherwise it will only be closed due to the absence of "installation media" with the "Installers" folder and these scripts.
    The purpose of this is to install Windows quickly and be able to use your features while installing your applications in there latest released versions.

    Script 1 - "1stLogon_SetupComplete.cmd" you customize for anything offline, apps in Silent Install or others that don't run through the setupcomplete that can be placed in the Installers folder created inside the USB stick. I am also studying some details about "FirstLogon", as one of the scripts I named "1stLogon". There are still some details to be completed, maybe I have done a job that already exists, but I have never seen it.

    Script 2 - "1stConnection_SetupComplete.cmd" is specific for installing apps directly from the web.
    This script will perform a PowerShell "Winget_install [Interactionvri] .PS1" script that will display a list of apps for you to choose. These will be installed through Winget, sequentially according to the order you select the options.
    It is interesting to keep the prerequisites of MS Store and App Installer that will receive an update at the beginning of the execution of this script.

    NOTE 1: Only the menu script will be integrated. However, it is interesting to keep the 4 scripts inside the Installers folder in case it is necessary to run manually, so you can test as well, in your current installation or virtual machine already configured.

    NOTE 2: Within scripts 1 and 2 there is a delimitation for you to change, add or remove parts from the script.
    rem Begin your Script block from here.
    rem End of your Script block here.

    Follow the list of applications I keep in the "Installers" folder for direct installation that work with the example script:
    If any of these are not in the folder, the script ignores. And, you don't have to seek to rename versions, just keep updated and remove apps with old version of the folder.

    Note3: This is not possible with preinstalled apps, as it gets obsolete and there is a need to prepare another ISO, and do the manual work of: download, rename and position everything in their proper places. While, this is not necessary.

    6. Added Wimlib-Imagex to Export for testing, only when Changed to ESD through Custom Toolkit ApplyMenu then SaveSource. And added Updated wimlib-imagex 1.13.5 to bin folder.
    The other ways to convert wim to esd remains through DISM command.

    Updated scripts available in the Customtoolkit package.

    Optimized of the removal of components based on component presence information, extracted with the help command of Toolkithelper itself.

    Added a way to maintain the work of Custom Toolkit within Toolkit, instead of sending to the root "%Systemdrive%\TK" root
    Just accept the initial terms by typing "1" instead of "a".

    Change from:
    [X]    Go Back and Select: [S] to "Start
    [X]    Go Back and Select: 'S' to "Start
    Just to avoid confusion with the options displayed on screen. Suggestion of the member @bala1.

    Changed the order of the following options for utility order.
       echo.  [3]    Dependencies Correction Filter
       echo.  [4]    Select Windows Components
       echo.  [3]    Select Windows Components
       echo.  [4]    Dependencies Correction Filter
    Corrections in the removal menu:
    As mentioned by MSMG, referring to the removal of the "Speechrecognition" component that can cause the narrator to break, some conditions have been corrected to avoid this break.
    Note: Problem only related to Custom Toolkit.

    Fixed the problem, in which the Media Player component was not set to be removed if selected.

    Added Tweak - Legacy Vertical Mixer Volume Control for W10.

    Optimized "Cleaning Up temporary and log files or folders" in Save Sources and Fixed Boot Path to remove Backup temporary files in this process.
    del /f /q "%BootMount%\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*.*" >nul 2>&1
    should be:
    del /f /q "%BootMount%\%%i\Windows\WinSxS\Backup\*" >nul 2>&1
    Corrected the duplication of displayed image information, which occurs in some cases when optimizing the index or conversion to ESD.

    Fixed an error in Save Source related to the closing of source without winre. Problem pointed by member @haris_mdlf69

    Modified the USB Stick list code inserted for using the "USB Copy" and "USB Sync" options. Previously, although it was possible to use the function because we already know the letter of the flash drive. However, the list of drives available on screen for Latin languages was not displayed. It is now displayed for English, some Latin languages and, for Chinese I think it works, due to the help of the member @正义羊.
    And added Auto Detect and Set USB Drive Letter, If Only One USB Stick Has Been Found.

    Tests and bug identification: grateful to @haris_mdlf69 and @Bullet.

    1. Removed Toolkit.cmd from the Custom Toolkit package. Leaving this file can cause the replacement of a newer version of the toolkit, this is the case today.

    2. Some aesthetic display changes were made and small display message fixes that not occurs in some situations.

    3. I put support for "Multiple Image Index Deletion" to ESD Images on "Wim Delete" that was renamed for "WIM/ESD Multi Image Index Deletion" and was moved from WIMManagerMenu to root of ToolsMenu.
    Added Image Format option to SaveSource as WIM or ESD in the CustomToolkit ApplyMenu.
    You can choose to save as WIM or ESD before selecting Savesource.

    2. Fixed the naming process of the new ISO and viewing the image information, before rearranging the indexes (this problem did not affect the building of ISO).
    3. Added Auto Generate ISO at end Optimizing Process that not occurs when VirtualCreateEditions are Disabled.

    4. Merged "Extract Source from MCT" with "Extract Source from Custom" ESD Image as it is the same code.
      [5]   Extract Source from:
                    Microsoft's Media Creation Tool or Custom ESD Image
    5. Merged Custom Toolkit with new MSMG Toolkit 12.2 [2022-04-20].

    Added the option that asks if you want or not do the Cleanup Sources process before you start enabling features, since there are 80 components that generate the pending issue.
    Fixed my previous changes on Enabling Features for Custom Toolkit, by changing Enabling NetFX3 from the last for the first position, since it is a prerequisite for other features and is the only one that needs to integrate a CAB package to be activated .

    Fix about StartMenu path for Templates Folder and changes about Saving Source with rearranging Single Language to first position in the Editions list.

    New VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip with new multi_arch_iso.cmd.

    Changed Script shortcut to literally a script because the script shortcut does not accept many characters.
    Now the script also removes the Edge shortcut from the desktop and QuickLaunch.

    1. The Customize Menu has been changed. Reordered again. Disable and Enable Features have been repositioned before the Registry Tweaks options, because some Tweaks could be related to some enabled features, like WSL for example.

    2. Fixed "Integrate Language Menu" and "Integrate Driver Menu", where the first option did not work when WinRE.wim and/or BOOT.wim were not mounted.

    3. Added function to Export Host Drivers, so you can integrate directly to the image. Export of all drivers will be performed and copied to the folder referring to the Host OS, not referring to the image being prepared.
    A prompt will be offered so that you can choose to use Drivers extracted from Windows 10 for integration into Windows 11.
    I suggest that at the first opportunity to get the drivers directly from Windows 11, you do so. Then replace the ones in the ".\Drivers\Install\W11" folder.

    4. Added function to Mount WinRE.wim and BOOT.wim if you need to, after you have mounted install.wim. There is no need to unmount (that is a waste of time) to do the whole process again.
    Just go to [7] Tools Menu and mount what you need.

    5. Redesigned the code session for Customizing the Start Menu Layout in Windows 11. The templates will be placed in ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN\Templates" There is a Readme.txt on what to do.
    If you don't want to change anything, just apply the Start Menu Layout in the Customize Menu, a Default Template will be applied and only "File Explore" and "Settings" will be placed in the Start Menu.
    Hints on this subject provided by member @MIMMO61
    "DefaultStartMenuLayout.bin" Has only pinned shortcuts for non-removables. File Explorer and Settings.
    That is why I selected it as Default.
    1. Choose any file within Templates folder;
    2. Copy it to Main ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN" folder;
    3. Rename it to "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin".
    Note: If the file "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin" is present, the file "DefaultStartMenuLayout.bin" will be ignored.
    You can simply create your template (adding, removing and arranging the order of the pinned shortcuts) directly in your Start Menu.
    When your customization is ready, copy the "start.bin" file that was instantly overwritten, into the folder "%LocalAppdata%%\PackagesMicrosoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState".
    And put the newly generated "start.bin" renamed as "CustomStartMenuLayout.bin" into the ".\Bin\StartMenuLayoutBIN" folder.

    6. During the "Remove Windows Components" procedure. a "Shortcut Script" will be added to the "Start Menu - StartUp" to remove the Edge shortcut from the desktop.
    With this technique, there is no way this shortcut will remain, but after the automatic update of Edge I don't know if it will return, most likely it will.

    Warning, suggested by MSMG about: "Cleanup Source Images" moved to :CleanupSource session.

    For the session :WIMUpgrade "Function to Upgrade WIM Index Edition":
    1. Inserted the corrections to support the possible target editions, made available by @MSMG.
    2. Applied the fixes based on the idea of the problem submitted by member @shyamsundarsoni.

    The main reason for sending today's patch:
    The new version of uup-converter-wimlib-79 besides coming with several options, came with the option "AutoExit" that was already inserted in the adapted version (VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions) to work with CustomToolkit, however this function was not named as "AutoExit", and that way, this had to be changed.

    So download both packages, "CustomToolkit" and "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions".

    Added a warning, suggested by MSMG about: "Cleanup Source Images".

    Removed a small redundancy and fixed a problem with getting the previous session's "ImageEdition" values data from variable storage file that was added in yesterday's version.
    This allows you to resume editing an already mounted image for testing. Not many people use this. But it is fixed, and does not affect the use of the Custom Toolkit features.

    *Merged with 2022-03-14 12.1 Toolkit.cmd.

    *Remember to change all line comments from ";" to "#" in all your custom lists.

    1. Added this Tweak to Windows 11 Bypass Hardware Requirements for install.wim, not boot.wim:
    *Disable New Watermark Message: "System requirements not met. Go to Settings to learn more."

    2. Implemented an identification of all Editions of the Image at the start of the script so that it is not necessary to call dism to check which Edition it is, in every loop of every deployment that requires this identification.
    This has provided a small process reduction in the integration of Windows Updates, a nice optimization in the code.

    2.1 Fixed the Editions ID for removing components and for disabling and enabling features.

    3. Added "Warning" in the "Remove Windows Components Menu" for very recent Image Builds and Image Service Pack Builds, not supported by the latest version of the Toolkit.

    4. For the ones who always enables NetFX35...
    If you want to enable NetFX35 through the "Enable Features" customization option, it doesn't work because it is only a list of Features and it is mandatory to specify the .cab package.
    In this case, to avoid the "pending problem" in using the cleanup source, I think it would be interesting to put IntNetFX35 to be called when this is found in the Enable Features list as "NetFX3".
    So... If NetFX3 is present in your list to enable features, the NetFX35 Integrate session will be called, which will integrate the packages already present in the ISO being worked on.
    Therefore, the order of the Customize menu options has been changed, leaving Disable and Enable Features as the final customization options.
    I also made a Full_FeaturesList.txt. Then, the script, with the conditions, will control the features for each build.
    This idea came up when I was testing the final merge and forgot to put the correct list for Windows 11.
    And also, so that we can do the Source Cleanup before the NetFX35 integration that causes the pending that prevents the Cleanup.
    Note: In fully automatic mode (without questioning), the Cleanup Sources will be bypassed and not applied.

    5. Added fixes suggested by member @shyamsundarsoni. Thnks for the bug hunting.
    6. Fixed bug in Custom Toolkit's WIMExport option. It was saving the image to another wim file with the name ".wim", without the filename defined by user.
    7. Fixed a bug that after savesource, it was not performing the final optimization of the image (rebuild). This was creating very large images due to the presence of the "[DELETED]" folder within the install.wim image.
    8. Fixed typo suggested by member @正义羊.

    9. Discovered the Windows 10 Tweak that caused problems in the Windows 11 Taskbar, problem fixed.
    Script to Fix for those running Windows 11 with this problem in the "Wifi, Volume Control, Battery Status and Calendar" icons, added in CustomToolkit package.

    The Windows 10 Tweak that causes this issue is:
    reg.exe add ... "DisableNotificationCenter" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f.

    Note about the DiskTemp variable:
    Since the custom Toolkit has its working folder in "C:\TK" or "%SystemDRIVE%\TK" its Temp folder is present there as "%SystemDRIVE%\TK\TMP". So there was no need to change the code in the sessions suggested by friend @正义羊.
    However in order to avoid conflict with environment variables I changed all from %Temp% to %TMP% and Temp= to TMP=. So, if is needed, we can use env system %Temp% var.

    1 Two scripts (EdgeChromium w7 and WMF w81) for downloading the "msu files" to extract there "cab files" have been fixed. When extracting the Custom Toolkit package, allow the replacement of all files.

    2. Huge Code Refactoring - Implemented automated menu generator system.
    Before that, I always wanted to reduce the amount of menus for only one menu, in order to optimize the code.
    But when some component was added the work to put in numerical or alphabetical order was very arduous.
    We had to change order, put number by number and letter by letter until we can make available to you.

    It was necessary to put all the conditions both for the menu view and the algorithm and its correspondence.
    Now, just add the components and display conditions to the menu and the algorithm does not need to have repetitions.
    Thus, the menu is generated numerically, but displaying according to your description, in alphabetical order. So, according to our choices, it seeks the respective algorithms for its correct execution.

    Alphabetical order, in the case of Custom Toolkit, will only be avoided in order to group some apps associated with each other.
    Ex: Xbox App e Gaming App.
    They are the same app, and this has its name changed in Windows 11, so kept next to the other Xbox Apps options.

    With this system implemented, all the menus I had made available in parts, I returned to make them whole.
    The intention of divided menus was to maintain continuous numeration without jumps.
    Ex: for x86 The "Mixed Reality Portal App" was not displayed and a number was missing.

    Shortened code block of "Integrate Features Menu" and "Integrate Custom Features Menu"...
    3756 (CustomToolkit 2021-12-29 with Multi Selection Menus)
    1827 code lines

    The Full Code Optimization... Fully implemented Auto Generate Menu for all Menus.
    35622 lines
    35055 lines

    Changed Menus:
    Integrate Features Menu
    Language Packs Menu
    Drivers Menu
    Dart Menu
    Windows Legacy Games Menu
    InboxApps Menu
    Integrate WHD Updates Menu
    Integrate Custom Features Menu
    Remove Menu
    Remove Internet Components Menu
    Remove Multimedia Components Menu
    Remove Privacy Components Menu
    Remove Remoting Components Menu
    Remove System Components Menu
    Remove System Apps Components Menu
    Remove Windows Apps Components Menu
    Customize Menu
    [8] Select Official Tweaks (Apply Tweaks Menu)
    [9] Select Custom Tweaks Menu
    Bypass Windows 11 Hardware Requirements option has been moved to each of these 8 and 9 Menus.

    If you have already had the job of selecting something from the "Official Tweaks" menu and resolve going to the "Custom Tweaks" menu, a filter has been added so that the corresponding options are displayed and automatically selected for you. You can add options from both menus, but never in both menus your correspondents.
    This is interesting so you can select options not present from the official list, but keep the implementation of the official options.
    NOTE: If you come back in any of the menus, you will remain the selection of common matches from the last menu accessed. Before you apply the selected tweaks, simply enter the desired menu (official or custom) to correct.

    3. Optimized the add environment path code in "Function to Integrate Sysinternals Suite".

    4. Fixed several Typo for displaying info.

    5. Some "spoiler" mentioned fixes below, that has implemented in this Custom Toolkit version, has to be done in Official Toolkit.
    Thnks to some Friend members!

    That was my fault!

    There are 3 occurrences of this error.

    @MSMG, as this was a suggestion of mine, this should be corrected in the Toolkit official as well.

    all from
    Thnks to @ghostwalkergamma

    Made the changes below to fix problems that I discovered, in using the command options for "eol" and "skip", in obtaining data in text files.
    All "Reg Query" were already in that standard (commands out of double quotation marks). In this way I decided to standardize for all "For" commands found. The "dir" command works correctly because they do not use options such as "For". But this change is crucial for "Type" and "Ver" commands.
    Now eol works and comments can be placed into the files.

    all from
    ('"dir /s /b /ad "
    ('dir /s /b /ad "
    all from
    "" 2^>nul')
    " 2^>nul')
    Note: These above are interdependent

    all from (add space after "/b" for mass replacements)
    ('"dir /b
    ('dir /b "
    all from
    ('dir /b ""
    ('dir /b "
    all from (add space after "type" for mass replacements)
    ('type "
    all from:
    if "%ImageInstallationType%" equ "Server"
    if "%ImageInstallationType:~,6%" equ "Server"
    and, all from:
    if "%ImageInstallationType%" neq "Server"
    if "%ImageInstallationType:~,6%" neq "Server"

    thnks to @rulman info
    Added Windows 8.1

    Added the conditions for:
    CapturePicker Needed for: Snip & Sketch (Screen Sketch)
    ScreenSketch Depends on: Capture Picker

    Thnks to @shhnedo issue info

    Fixed a problem with Remove System Apps Menu "The component removal seems to have a problem regarding the "Windows Mixed Reality" component. It keeps getting reactivated no matter what.", thnks to @Teo265.

    Fixed a problem by using the option to save your custom selection in a file list, thnks to @Teo265.

    Custom Toolkit Beta has made available to test.
    I just deployed the multiple choice schema for the Integrate Windows Updates menu.
    I will make available as beta (for testing).

    Now you can set everything from "Language Packs" up to "Custom Features" and run the "Start Integration" only once so that what is selected, be integrated.

    Download at Custom Toolkit's main post link.

    Note: Extract within the toolkit folder, the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" will recognize the file "CustomToolkit_Beta.cmd".
    In "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" use option 4 for tests.

    This time I was able to do the implementation only with menu modifications, and in the Start Integration function, so I avoid modifications in the structure of the code that integrates the updates. This will facilitate the merge with the future changes made by @MSMG.

    New Custom Toolkit bug found, thnks to @Intmd for the issue repport.
    I gave a visual check in the code and I found the bug that explains what he was telling me.

    For now just replaces from:
    if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" set "Feature=%%i"
    if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" set "Features=!Features!;%%i"
    Note: Yes, it is from "Feature" to "Features".

    Bug: Only occurred when the "Integrate Setup Media Update" was selected. This blocked the integration of everything that had already been selected in the other menus. This is corrected by replacing this line.

    This way you can integrate 1 Language Packs, 2 Drivers and 3 features (If you want to activate the bypass for pauses and questions just press "0" before proceeding with "Start Integration". After the procedure you can press "0" inside the Integration Menu to disable.), in one step. Then do the manual steps on 4 Windows Update; And as the last step, do the 4 Setup Media Updates and 5 Custom Features after this, if necessary and proceeding with "Start Integration".

    Happy Holidays!


    Edited 2022-08-11: New Custom Toolkit
  6. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    Does it work with 1945?

    I will try your tool. Do I need to merge your files with MSMG Toolkit?
  7. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    It is not that simple. Custom Toolkit has customizations, but depends on the structure of Toolkit.
    For a recent Builds after last Toolkit update, component removal support through the menu and/or Toolkithelper's list will only be supported, with the MSMG update.
    To do this use an ISO 19041.1 (just create on UUPDump without adding updates there) and update with the WHD Update option with will automatic updates download through UUPDump. This way you will get full support from Custom Toolkit, including Toolkithelper.

    I was not clear about the added support. I only modified the Custom Toolkit code structure to release access to script features.
    Ex: As in the case above mentioned by you who were not able to integrate the DaRT.

    Yes. Simply extract inside your Toolkit folder.
    And follow the steps in my signature.
  8. shyamsundarsoni

    shyamsundarsoni MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2012
    Dear MSMG,
    Thanks for such a nice tool & latest version 12.5

    I have a doubt, in lines 13155 to 13166, you copied old version of MpAsDesc.dll and MpAsDesc.dll.mui files from "---\Program Files\---" folder to "---\ProgramData\---" folder where new version of MpAsDesc.dll & MpAsDesc.dll.mui files are already extracted from defender-dism-x64.cab files from defender-update-kit-x64.zip

    Why you do that or else it should be reverse direction copy operation ?

    Please clarify, once again Thanks for your understanding & kind support.
  9. hibado9183

    hibado9183 MDL Novice

    Jul 20, 2022
    #23509 hibado9183, Aug 10, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
  10. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #23510 inTerActionVRI, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
    New Custom Toolkit.

    Note: Build 22621.382 is offline at UUP Dump at the moment.
    Checked and is not a problem in the download script.
    Windows 11, version 22H2 (22621.382) amd64
    This update does not have a generated pack that provides full information about available languages, editions and files. The fallback pack will be used, and it may not provide the correct information. If the download fails because of this, please wait a while for the pack to become available.
  11. Mills332

    Mills332 MDL Novice

    Aug 11, 2022
    #23511 Mills332, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022

    I just registered here to ask about msmg toolkit.

    There is a windows 8.1 lite version available, but it does not provide 32 bit uefi support (for my tablet), so I want to create a windows 8.1 lite myself using the original 8.1 iso (with 32 bit uefi).

    I first tried NT lite, but that's not free... Then I found msmg, and it looks great, but I have a big problem with windows 8, because msmg can only remove software by using an "app list", and I just don't know where to find that list, or how to create it.

    Trying NT lite I got an expected installed size of 2GB (then it did not create a modified iso, you have to pay), I just want to do that with msmg :)

    Thanks a lot!

    EDIT: I found the list, but now, is that the only way to delete things? where are the "system", "multimedia", "privacy"... packages?
  12. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Please do not pin me on this, but I remembered that Windows 8.1 would need an older version of the toolkit.
    Anyway, you can use current version on Windows 8.1 but only dism template file exists to remove apps.

    I would however like to read your progress on 32 bit uefi booting. It's not common to see 32 bit uefi.

  13. heller390

    heller390 MDL Novice

    Jun 20, 2020
    Hey @inTerActionVRI I have been clean flashing every 6 months which is a big hassle. Can u explain what is this Inplace update and its advantages, disadvantages ? How to do perform it with the toolkit and which components should not be removed so that Inplace update is not borked? I have tried to search for some tutorials but was unsuccessful. Also If i disable windows update , will windows store work?
  14. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    * WU Disabled - No automatic updates;
    * Having to create a customized ISO;
    * Having to make manual update (Inplace Update).

    * Its modifications do not return to the standard (the removed components are not reinstalled);
    * No internet band occupation with downloads at undesirable moments;
    * No updates and restarting restarts at undesirable moments.

    I can speak for Custom Toolkit. Yes, it download works if you disable Windows Update from Custom Toolkit - Custom Tweaks options.
  15. heller390

    heller390 MDL Novice

    Jun 20, 2020
    This sounds better than reinstalling every 6 months. Can u provide links and guide on the usage of custom toolkit and performing manual update ?
  16. NikTackett

    NikTackett MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2022
    When Removing Windows Components I get an error saying:

    ”This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.”

    Any ideas what caused this?
    It worked before. I installed VirtualBox but that shouldn’t matter, right?

    Thank you
  17. digi-u

    digi-u MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2022
    Interesting, look forward to taking a better look.
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Links in my signature.

    When you customize your ISO, if you do not remove the "Setup Manual" component and do not use the "Cleanup Source" option on the Apply Menu, after making your USB InstallMedia, in a Windows Live Session, just run Setup.exe. This is InPlace Update.
  19. digi-u

    digi-u MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2022