Yes, it is safe. The CleanUp first option from the Apply Menu maybe not safe. No. You need to say Yes to the trimm question. You need to say Yes to the trimm question to cut all unwanted editions.
Most of them are released related to updates of the second Tuesday of the month, but this is not a rule. You can use one off the supported ones, Integrate whta you want, then the recent updates and successfully remove the components.
inTerActionVRI, thanks for answers! what difference between unsafe "Cleanup Source Images" (first option from the Apply Menu) and safe "Do you want cleanup Image folder"(after choosing second option from the Apply Menu) ?
I found something that is not very convenient and may cause an mistake when choosing componets to remove. [3] Remove -> [1] Remove Windows Components -> [1] Select Windows Components inside this menu I successively select every subsection (Internet, Multimedia, Network, ....) and at first unselect all components, and after select just few what I want to save the problem with unselecting all happens on subsections [6] System and [7] System Apps inside [6] System I save "Security Center" that depends on Windows Defender(see on next step) when I open [7] System Apps and unselect all this affects on previous step "Security Center", and after I select "Windows Defender" I must remeber to return on previous step and select "Security Center" again...
Depends on whether or not they are playing JAVA or Bedrock. If JAVA, they don't need the store components but will need a MS account to log in from the launcher. You don't need to be logged into windows under the MS account. For Bedrock you need the new launcher and I don't know anything about that since I only play JAVA. I made a new MS account just for the migration and it's used for nothing else.
i have been trying to get winget to work on ltsc build but i cant , i did some search and trial and error and the best i could do is add the dependencies but the final gis this error : Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx" PS C:\Windows\system32> Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8.appx" PS C:\Windows\system32> Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_2021.1207.2333.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle" -LicensePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\7b91bd4a0be242d6aa8e8da282b26297_License1.xml" -Verbose VERBOSE: Target Image Version 10.0.19044.2006 Add-AppxProvisionedPackage : The parameter is incorrect. At line:1 char:1 + Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downlo ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-AppxProvisionedPackage], PSArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.AddAppxProvisionedPackageCommand i have also changed group policies, developer policies to make this work as suggested somewhere but nothing works
The 1st one remove several things, not only temporary files. Gives ghost SFC error. Also, a lot of people don't need the things that are removed here. I didn't need to. But my life gets easier, keeping these things to not have problems with Inplace Update. The 2nd one removes only temporary files created during customization process.
Put the dependencies in the same command line. When use cmd DISM command the sintaxe changes a litle bit to /PackagePath: /DependencyPath: /LicensePath: Try this PS command: Code: Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_2021.1207.2333.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle" -DependencyPath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx" -DependencyPath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8.appx" -LicensePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\7b91bd4a0be242d6aa8e8da282b26297_License1.xml" -Verbose Hope it is right.
this was the result : Code: Add-AppxProvisionedPackage: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'DependencyPath'. i think the dependencies are installed properly because when it used to ask for them before , now after installing the dep, i got that edit : i just found this in some related problem and i think this was the issue " Add-AppxProvisionedPackage: the first command provision the app for all "future" new user accounts the rest install the app for the current user it's easier if you could run the first command against mounted install.wim image prior installation, in that case the app will be installed for all users so can i implement this in new msmg ?
Code: set "PScommand=PowerShell -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass" 1>nul 2>nul %PScommand% Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_2021.1207.2333.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle" -DependencyPackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx" -DependencyPackagePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8.appx" -LicensePath "C:\Users\tr27\Downloads\7b91bd4a0be242d6aa8e8da282b26297_License1.xml"
Has anyone tried modifying the script to use MMRCs on LTSC 2021 build? Want to try integrating dolby with this tool
Updated the Toolkit to v12.7 Spoiler: Changelog.txt v12.7 + Updated Toolkit's Bin folder with Windows 11 v22H2 Insider Preview WADK (v10.0.25206.1000) Tools. + Updated the Toolkit to support Windows 11 v22H2 (10.0.22622) Moment 1 Insider Preview Source OS. + Updated the Toolkit to support Windows 11 v22H2 (10.0.22623) Moment 2 Insider Preview Source OS. + Updated the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack (Windows 7/Server 2008 R2) with .NET 4.8 KB5017036 (4.8.4556.2) (Thanks to MDL Member : abbodi1406). + Updated the Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime 3.1.28 Runtime. + Updated the Microsoft .NET 6 Desktop Runtime Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.9 Runtime. + Updated the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Pack (Windows 7/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11) with VC++ 2022 (14.34.31823) Runtime (Thanks to MDL Member : abbodi1406). + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Updates" to support integrating Windows 11 v22H2 (10.0.22622) Moment 1 Feature Enablement Package. + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Updates" to support integrating Windows 11 v22H2 (10.0.22623) Moment 2 Feature Enablement Package. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" - Split Edge WebView from Edge Chromium Component for Windows 11 Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1809/LTSC2019 (v10.0.17763.1/v10.0.17763.3406 [KB5017315]) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v1903 (v10.0.18362.1) & v1903/v1909 (v10.0.1836x.2274 [KB5013945]) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 10 Client v2004 (v10.0.19041.1) & v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 (v10.0.1904x.2006 [KB5017308]), LTSC2021 (v10.0.19044.1288/v10.0.19044.2006 [KB5017308]) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v21H2 (v10.0.22000.1/v10.0.22000.978 [KB5017328]) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support Windows 11 Client v22H2 (v10.0.22621.1/v10.0.2262x.521 [KB5017321]) Source OS. + Optimized the Toolkit code (Thanks to MDL Member : inTerActionVRI).
I think about that since the beginning. The options are misleading as they are Just change them to "Do you want to cleanup the installation image (resetbase)?" and "Do you want to cleanup the toolkit temporary folder?" Would make a lot of more sense.