What are Xbox dependencies? Windows IoT LTSC 2021, store installed through wsreset -i I can't login to Xbox Cloud. After I click "log in" button the login window appears and disappears instantly. It also looked blank, as in empty white frame. Here's my last RemovePkgsList: Spoiler: RemovePkgsList.txt EdgeChromium FirstLogonAnimation GameExplorer SnippingTool SpeechRecognition WindowsTIFFIFilter WinSAT OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDesktopClient RemoteDifferentialCompression SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient WalletService WindowsMail AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition KernelDebugging PicturePassword PinEnrollment UnifiedTelemetryClient WiFiNetworkManager WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub HomeGroup MultiPointConnector RemoteAssistance RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry WorkFoldersClient Calculator DeviceLockdown EasyTransfer FileHistory ManualSetup Narrator Notepad Paint ProjFS SecurityCenter StepsRecorder StorageSpaces SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsFirewall WindowsToGo Wordpad AddSuggestedFoldersToLibraryDialog AppResolverUX AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService BioEnrollment CallingShellApp CapturePicker CBSPreview ContentDeliveryManager CredDialogHost ECApp Edge EdgeDevToolsClient FileExplorer FilePicker LockApp MapControl NarratorQuickStart OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow ParentalControls PeopleExperienceHost PinningConfirmationDialog PrintDialog QuickAssist RetailDemoContent SettingSync SkypeORTC SmartScreen WebcamExperience Win32WebViewHost WindowsDefender WindowsMixedReality WindowsReaderPDF Many thanks in advance!!
Please someone if possible send me the direct download link to MSMG Toolkit 25 MB zip file. Or any alternative links If possible. I have deleted it on my PC and I can access the website cause VPN doesn't works. Thanks.
Enter the Packs folder with cmd. No need to admin rights Code: @echo Off&for %c in (1 1 5) do (for /f "tokens=*" %f in ('dir /B /S /AD "." ^| findstr.exe /I /V "en-US pt-BR"') do (echo."%f"&rd "%f")) You can save it as DeleteAllEmptyFolders.cmd Then you need for batch script to duplicate the % caractere. It will be %%c and %%f. replace pt-BR for your language. It will repeat the process 5 times. Why? Because it will remove only empty directories, then some directories will remain empty, so they will be removed in next loop. Note: to be confident, create a new test folder, extract Toolkit*7z and run the test. I made a slightly more complex script that allows you to put the names of the folders you want to keep, and the OS folders you want to exclude, into an ini configuration file.
I'm sorry, man. I install Windows disconnected. I disable networking on the VMs as well. I think this is the best thing to do. In that case.
Removed Edge and some components. I installed Windows and a few days later these Edge services appeared: Why do these services appear if Edge is cut from the image?
if not disconnect from internet during installation is there any way to disable checking for update when running sysprep? Because PC is always plugged in LAN
In group policies, auto-update is disabled. And manually, if you click, you can install. But I did not install updates and these services appeared.
Windows Update is tricky so as Edge. The edge services can be for webview. I set a condition for removing Edge to check if any folders for that browser are left in %ProgramFiles(x86)% for x64 and %ProgramFiles% for x86, then forcibly delete Edge's update folder. But currently I don't remove Edge anymore. I sporadically need it in the SandBox. I believe that @MSMG can evaluate this remnant folder and add whatever is needed in the removal algorithm of the Edge Chromium through ToolkitHelper.
Can you add classic MS Paint integration? Also, download Packs from the offiicial site is a problem. Downloads often fail and speed is erratic, strange.
Is it possible to add any custom files to Program Files folder? It doensn't always let me save image if files are added to Program Files and/or ProgramData folders.
If the Source OS is Windows 11 then these are Edge update services, removing Edge Chromium will not remove the Edge update which is required by Edge WebView component. Removing Edge WebView will remove Edge Update too.
I disabled the services that appeared and the edge update folder does not appear. If I remove the services, they will reappear... I have Windows 11.22621.819 and uninstalled Edge Chromium along with Edge WebView. After installing Windows, after about a couple of days, these services appear and the update folder in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft.