When version 13.3 comes out will it support KB5022913 (Build 22621.1344) or will it remain 2262x.1265 [KB5022845]?
@MSMG, Users just need to place their packs inside the Packs\3rdParty folder. Keeping naming pattern for .tpk files like "*_w10.tpk" w7 or w81 or w10 or w11 and for .reg files like "*_w10_x64.reg" The Menu will detect all packages. I believe this is also useful for NETCore31 NET6 NET7 NET8 Packages. This is the code for the Environment Variables Code: set "3rdPartyAppPacks=%Packs%\3rdParty" set 3rdPartyApps= for /F "tokens=*" %%# in ('dir /B /A:-D "!3rdPartyAppPacks!\*%SelectedSourceOS%.*" ^| findstr.exe /I "TPK"') do ( set "3rdPartyApp=%%~n#" set "3rdPartyApp=!3rdPartyApp:~0,-4!" set "3rdPartyApps=!3rdPartyApps!;!3rdPartyApp!" set "F_!3rdPartyApp!=-" ) set "3rdPartyApps=!3rdPartyApps:~1!" This is the code for creating the menu. Code: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Integrate 3rd Party Application Packs Menu ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Int3rdPartyMenu set "CurrentMenu=Int3rdPartyMenu" :: Checking whether 3rd Party Apps Pack file exist if "!3rdPartyApps!" equ "" ( echo.No TPK Pack founded in the 3rd Party Apps folder. echo. echo.Please copy some 3rd Party TPK Pack to ^<Packs\3rdParty^> folder... echo. pause goto :IntFeaturesMenu ) cls echo.=============================================================================== echo.Select The wanted 3rd Party TPK Pack, to be Integrated echo.=============================================================================== echo. set /A count=1 for %%# in (!3rdPartyApps!) do ( if !count! geq 1 if !count! leq 9 set "OptionID= !count!" if !count! gtr 9 if !count! leq 99 set "OptionID=!count!" echo. [!OptionID!]^(!F_%%#!^)%%# set "3rdPartyAppPackID_%%#=!count!" set /A count+=1 ) echo. echo. [S] Select All Options ^| [D] Revert to Default echo. echo. [I] Start Integration echo. [X] Go Back echo. echo.=============================================================================== echo. set /P "MenuChoice=Enter Your Choice : " for %%c in (!MenuChoice!) DO ( if /I "%%c" equ "X" goto :IntFeaturesMenu if /I "%%c" equ "I" ( call :StartInt3rdPartyApps goto :EOF ) for %%# in (!3rdPartyApps!) do ( if /I "%%c" equ "S" set "F_%%#=+" if /I "%%c" equ "D" set "F_%%#=-" if "%%c" equ "!3rdPartyAppPackID_%%#!" ( if "!F_%%#!" equ "-" ( set "F_%%#=+" ) else ( set "F_%%#=-" ) ) ) ) goto :!CurrentMenu! ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Function to Integrate 3rd Party Application Packs ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :StartInt3rdPartyApps cls echo.=============================================================================== echo. MSMG ToolKit - Integrate 3rd Party Application Packs echo.=============================================================================== echo. echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.### Started Integrate 3rd Party Application Pack ############################## echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo. Image : install.wim echo. Image Index : !ImageIndexNo! echo. Image Architecture : %ImageArchitecture% echo. Image Version : !ImageVersion!.!ImageServicePackBuild!.%ImageServicePackLevel% echo. echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.### Integrating Integrate 3rd Party Application Pack ########################## echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for %%i in (!ImageIndexNo!) do ( if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i\" ( call :DisplayIndexNumberEdition %%i, "!ImageEdition_%%i!" :: Getting Image Index Information call :GetImageIndexInfo "%InstallWim%", %%i >nul for %%# in (!3rdPartyApps!) do ( if "!F_%%#!" equ "+" ( echo. echo. if "%%#" equ "FireFox" call :Int3rdPartyApp %%i, "%%#", "Mozilla FireFox Browser" if "%%#" equ "GoogleChrome" call :Int3rdPartyApp %%i, "%%#", "Google Chrome Browser" if "%%#" equ "StartIsBack" call :Int3rdPartyApp %%i, "%%#", "Start Is Back" if "%%#" equ "StartAllBack" call :Int3rdPartyApp %%i, "%%#", "Start All Back" if "%%#" neq "FireFox" if "%%#" neq "GoogleChrome" if "%%#" neq "StartIsBack" if "%%#" neq "StartAllBack" ( call :Int3rdPartyApp %%i, "%%#", "%%#" ) ) ) ) ) echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.### Finished Integrating 3rd Party Application Pack ########################### echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Stop echo. echo.=============================================================================== echo. :: Returning to Integrate Features Menu goto :EOF ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Function to Integrate 3rd Party Application Pack ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Int3rdPartyApp echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.Integrating %~3 Package... echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo."!3rdPartyAppPacks!\%~2_%SelectedSourceOS%.tpk" call :ApplyImage "!3rdPartyAppPacks!\%~2_%SelectedSourceOS%.tpk", %PackageIndex%, "%InstallMount%\%~1" echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.Importing %~3 Registry Settings... echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. echo.Mounting Image Registry... call :MountImageRegistry "%InstallMount%\%~1" echo. echo.Importing Registry Settings to Image Registry... echo."!3rdPartyAppPacks!\%~2_%SelectedSourceOS%_%ImageArchitecture%.reg" call :ImportRegistry2Image "!3rdPartyAppPacks!\%~2_%SelectedSourceOS%_%ImageArchitecture%.reg" echo. echo.Un-Mounting Image Registry... call :UnMountImageRegistry :: Returning to Integrate Features Menu goto :EOF ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tested it on IMCK, but if there's something to be changed it's !3rdPartyAppPacks! to %3rdPartyAppPacks%.
I suspect not. If Brave insists you have a google account and allow access to google for updates they clearly haven't weeded out all the google. That seems totally oxymoronic to me.... Privacy and google do not go together.
You can always go into the shortcut's property and add the -incognito switch after the executable path. At least the browser always starts in private window mode. Works with most Google Chromium derivatives. I like WaterFox it has a milder privacy proposal, removing firefox and Chromium telemetry, since those who need telemetry are themselves to be able to improve their software and Waterfox's work seems to me to be more focused on taking advantage released updates and worry about merging the best features of both, in the same browser. However, it pulls more towards Firefox and, if you want, it has compatibility with Chrome extensions (I've never used this feature, so I don't enable such a connection with google, in this case.).
It's not that simple, even using the google dns (just to mention a random thing) is something that helps Google to track you (and to make money on your back), there are dozens or maybe hundreds of more or less obscure services that aren't strictly "browsing", but are still embedded in every corner of Chrome/ium, (and obviously Android, Chrome OS and so on). Private windows are there to protect you from your wife/colleagues/employer, not from Google/MS/Apple and so on.
hi, @Feartamixg gennerally a config file has extra configurable options or, in sed config file is set the .net version required for the app to run as? exammple. toolkithelper.exe requires .net 4.9, you could set it to run with 3.x just an exammple. Majid
@MSMG thank you for the windos update component removal capability! and the custom packs feature. note. I did make my own custom packs for libreoffice and openshel. and my screen reader nvda. they don't show up in add or remove programmes etc. is that normaly the case? yes i keep on harping on about this, the day that hyper-v removal comes to msmg toolkit, i'll be a very happy man indeed. wish there was a way that we could find components like you do to remove. or find new ones, it would ease your load. exammple the new windows update removal ability. thanks again @MSMG. you are a saint.
here's what that config file containes: it's written in xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.8"/> </startup> <runtime> <AppContextSwitchOverrides value="Switch.System.IO.UseLegacyPathHandling=false;Switch.System.IO.BlockLongPaths=false" /> </runtime> </configuration> I hope it helps someone?? Majid
am on windows 10 22H2 19045.2604 havent use the tool in a long time. does the new 13.3 version only has windows update removal.? i mean i wont remove windows update could i use 13.2 instead.? and not wait for 13.3 or becuase every new CU update tool gets an update.?
When I choose Source folder, the window program disappears, do you know why? Is Win 11 22H2 supported?
ToolKitHelper.exe.config is the app configuration file, it's already present in all previous Toolkit versions, this is just an updated one, copy it to the bin folder and replace the existing one. Usually, the new changes added to the config are required for App built for .NET Framework 4.6x and older versions, the App built for .NET Framework 4.8.x doesn't require these changes. But still the long path names are not working by the App and that's why have added these old settings to see how it works. Working on a separate File and Folder Helper class for ToolkitHelper program to use Native Win32 internal commands like DeleteFileW, CopyFileW or MoveFileW to deal with long folder path issue.
No, Toolkit v13.3 will support only the 2262x.1265 [KB5022845] update. Since they have added new moment 2 features in 22621.1344, there are too many changes and requires updating the Toolkit.
Apart from Windows Update removal, there are updates to all components to support the current patch Tuesday update and also fixes the issue of NcsiUwpApp removal breaking the Network Icon Status in System Tray.