For the record a working edge classic can be re-added after the removal of the stub packages. The freshest version should be the one from 1904x.867, speaking of released version. The very latest working one should be from build 21301.1010, that IIRC is installable on 1904x w/o modifiing the mums or other hacks.. I have the cabs of both versions but I forgot to keep the en-US cabs, so I have handy just the it_IT ones. Whatever, in 2015 edge was the evil, in 2023 it's just a quick and dirty browser, which is faster than anything else when you need just a simple download. So i started integrating it in my recent builds.
hi, are these all the packages currently purgeable using toolkit helper? I would be greatful if there are any unlisted that you would post them? EdgeChromium InternetExplorer FirstLogonAnimation GameExplorer LockScreenBackground ScreenSavers SnippingTool SoundThemes SpeechRecognition Wallpapers WindowsMediaPlayer WindowsPhotoViewer WindowsThemes WindowsTIFFIFilter WinSAT OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDesktopClient RemoteDifferentialCompression SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient WalletService WindowsMail AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition KernelDebugging LocationService PicturePassword PinEnrollment UnifiedTelemetryClient WiFiNetworkManager WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub HomeGroup MultiPointConnector OneDrive RemoteAssistance RemoteDesktopServer RemoteRegistry WorkFoldersClient AccessibilityTools DeviceLockdown EaseOfAccessCursors EaseOfAccessThemes EasyTransfer FileHistory Magnifier ManualSetup Narrator Notepad OnScreenKeyboard Paint ProjFS SecurityCenter StepsRecorder StorageSpaces SystemRestore WindowsBackup WindowsFirewall WindowsSubsystemForLinux WindowsToGo Wordpad AADBrokerPlugin AccountsControl AddSuggestedFoldersToLibraryDialog AppResolverUX AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService BioEnrollment CallingShellApp CapturePicker CBSPreview ContentDeliveryManager CredDialogHost ECApp Edge EdgeDevToolsClient FileExplorer FilePicker LockApp MapControl NarratorQuickStart NcsiUwpApp OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow ParentalControls PeopleExperienceHost PinningConfirmationDialog PrintDialog QuickAssist RetailDemoContent SearchApp SecureAssessmentBrowser SettingSync SkypeORTC SmartScreen WebcamExperience Win32WebViewHost WindowsDefender WindowsMixedReality WindowsReaderPDF WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI XGpuEjectDialog 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather CalculatorApp Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted HEIFImageExtension Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ServicesStoreEngagement ScreenSketch SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp VP9VideoExtensions Wallet WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtension WindowsStoreApp XboxApp XboxGameOverlay XboxGamingOverlay XboxIdentityProvider XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo Majid
hi, I am so glad that the windows update component will be removable in the next version of msmg toolkit, this means that I will have no feer of windows installing CUS and distroying my cleane install. will simply do a inplace upgrade to the next winblows release when it's been msmgd LOL. thank you msmg for this lovly tool and for working on it. Majid
@MSMG i just want to inform u, using MSMG Toolkit with Windows 11 22621.1344 breaks the system... explorer.exe memory could not be read... or something like that ..i forgot the exact warning..sorry
Hello! Removed the update center! After installing Windows 10 Pro, I can not manually update the drivers in the device manager !!! An error occurs during the update! So, it's better not to delete the update center!
Obviously EDGE legacy as the main browser is a no go. (lately) I use it as a light browser that start almost istananeusly because many of its components are already loaded by the OS, just like happened in the IE6 days. As a main browser just use Vivaldi, there isn't anything like it (although MS keeps copying some of its features in the new "EDGium"), give it a try.
hi there, @MSMG would it be possible to have a all folder in the drivers folder? where drivers could be placed that you wish to go in to both the windows pe image and the install.wim image? it would make adding drivers and such easia. i'm not sure how hard it would be for you to add this, but I would be greatful if you would considder this. Majid
@ceo54 in the toolkit folder you will find a folder named bin. in that folder is another folder named lists. look in there. toolkit helper templates. maybe the bin folder should be renamed? I mean what do you think about when some one talks about your bins? trash write? hth Majid
@ceo54 ask @MSMG if there is away for toolkit helper.exe to output a list of all packages it supports. if there is, then we would be greatful. @MSMG would it be possible to have a menu item to export a list of packages that toolkit helper supports from within the menu? in the same way your template lists has? would help alot, would also mean that you would not have to keep updateing your template lists.
From my experience: 1. the more number of the edition, the more updates MS gives, the more problems and bugs u will get 2. u will get more headache, 3. spend more times to solve the problem by asking, complaining, and... 4. downloading the newest edition which will give u more problems and bugs, and then u will get more headache... 5. Finally u will start over again from number 3 U will get berak berak
MSMG, removing Windows Update, breaks the manual installation of drivers through the Device Manager!!! But it does not violate the installation of the Windows updates themselves (.cab) manually via the command line. p. s. Drivers are not installed even through Driver Genius offline installer!
Does that also impact context menu install through .inf files via this reg hack? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CABFolder\Shell\RunAs] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CABFolder\Shell\RunAs] @="Install" "HasLUAShield"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CABFolder\Shell\RunAs\Command] @="cmd /k dism /online /add-package /packagepath:\"%1\""
If using just ToolKitHelper.exe you can directly point the mount location to the mounted VHD drive. Will explore the option of Toolkit supporting mounted VHD images as source.
The Toolkit provides two methods to remove the components: 1) The Traditional DISM method, you can get the package list by using the command Code: Dir <Image-Mount-Folder-Path>\Windows\Servicing\Packages\*.mum 2) The Toolkit's Component Removal Engine (ToolKitHelper.exe), you can get the package list by using the command Code: ToolKitHelper.exe <Image-Mount-Folder-Path> /? The Templates for Apps, Features and Packages list for both the above methods can be found inside Toolkit's <Bin\Lists> folder